Rica's pov
I slept on my bed tossing and turning on the bed all night long restless because I couldn't get some sleep. I had told Johnny what had happened with Whitney and he had told me it was best for me to just let her go since she was not worth my time. I had tried thinking on ways to let her go. I woke up early in the morning and did a jog for half an hour. By the time I came back home I was sweating profusely. I took a bottle of cool water from the fridge and gulped it at one go. Running up the stairs all the way to my room and straight to the shower. There was a file on my bed stand that I had not seen. I took it and opened to see its contents and I almost dropped my towel at what I saw. It was a picture of my best friend the one I left behind in LA after the fake burial of Whitney's death.
I severed all ties with her and decided it was better we went our own ways for some time then after I healed, I would call her so we could hang out. After Whitney had gone anything that reminded me of her made my heart hurt and May was a constant reminder of her because they spent a lot of time together after they did a science fair project together. It was comical back then when May and Whitney became friends. She became closer with her even after the fair was over, but I assumed it was just a good friendship blossoming. The truth was right under my nose, but I always chose to ignore it. There I was staring at the picture of both of them kissing and I looked at the date it was the day I had asked Whitney to go to the school dance with me and she said no. I was deeply hurt but now I knew why. I looked at the rest of the pictures and my heart broke she had cheated on me. I didn't understand why she did it. I gave her everything and she was the one who initiated our relationship, but she played me like the fool I was.
I put the file down as I skimmed into my wardrobe to find something to wear and like always black . I put on sweatpants and a basketball shirt. I was in no mood to wear anything so I took whatever I saw first. I sat on my bed as my mind went back to those days where Whitney would tell me no and I would understand. She lied to me. I looked at the picture I had taken of her when we had gone to MC Donald's at a street. I can't believe it she betrayed me. I felt the urge to dial her number and call her but no she was going to be a part of my past and I would let it all go because I would pay heed to Jonathan's advice and move on. They both deserved each other. I stood up and went downstairs to have my breakfast Johnny was not awake yet and I didn't feel like waking him up. We had one hour to school so I would live it to mum to wake him up. I felt like being alone.
I went to my favorite coffee shop in town to cool off my mind when I bumped into someone as I looked for a table to sit. I was about to mumble a quick apology when I looked at the stranger and reality struck me it was her, there she was looking at me surprised, "You look really familiar do I know you?"she asked. I mumbled a quick apology as I said no to her question and walked away. I just couldn't believe it why had I run into her. It had been so long since I last saw her nine months ago or more. The coincidence was too much after my staged death is when she decided to show up. Realization struck and she knew that Whitney was alive. I just didn't care at all why was luck never on my side how could I run into the girl my ex girlfriend was cheating on me with it was her May or should I say Mary Witherson. I felt the stab in my heart throb worse than before. I was really at a loss for feelings. How could I be the one to get played like that no one even bothered how I felt.
I finished my latte and paid the bill and left for school. I was a block away from school when I had my name being called, I looked up to see Johnny pull up at the side of the street as he got out of the car and walked to where I was. "Are you ok," he asked concern laced over his face. I simply gave him a nod and walked to the car. He took it as cue I was not in the mood to talk so he let me be. We got to school quickly and I got off and let Johnny go park the car. I got into the school and walked towards our lockers as I saw a letter stuck on top of my locker. Meet me at the music room once you see this, your friend Seb. It said with a smiley face on it I imagined what a goofy face that guy had pulled as he wrote it what a funny guy.
I smiled as I shoved the note in my pocket. "Your smiling," Johnny said. I looked up at him and hugged him. "Sorry for my grumpy mood earlier you know I love you bro right," The look that Jonathan gave me was filled with many emotions as they swirled in his eyes, I guess he wasn't used to someone telling him they love him. He hugged me tighter as I pulled away from the embrace, "Stop hugging me you will kill me," he laughed as he punched me, he had really gotten a strong and I could feel it I was so happy for him no one would be able to hurt him again. I walked to class and told him we would meet at lunch time and that was our deal. I got into music class and saw Seb was standing just as I got in. He came towards me and gave me a quick hug as I tried not to freak out at the guy's sudden approach. I guess it would be a normal thing by the looks of it since we were friends I had to let go of my freaky past which was over and gone. Rica Delion was dead and should be forgotten now Avery Sanchez was to start her own legacy.