Chapter Twenty Five

Love makes people weak and that is exactly what I had become. I was weak enough to be blinded and fooled by the person who meant the world to me. She just had to do one thing for me if she was not into me like I was into her, she should have just let me go. Instead she chose to take advantage of my love for her and I let her because I was weak, I hated myself for that.

"Avery please read for us the next chapter,". Mr Robinson said. I pulled away from my train of thoughts as I focused on the words in the book in front of me. I let myself get swept through the whole lesson to avoid thinking of her and my heart shuttered. I did everything in my power not to let that sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach drown me.

"It takes courage to love someone but what really requires bravery is knowing you loved someone and the best thing to do is let them go."

I can't remember where I heard that, I guess from a reality show or something and whoever said it was right. I kept beating myself up on the past on a person who considered me a joke. I spent the rest of my classes oblivious to everything going around me maybe if I had focused I would have noticed something was off.

It was lunch break Johnny and I were discussing race cars. He kept saying he prefers blue over green ones and I strongly defended the latter. "Hey may I sit here?" She asked. Johnny and I stared up at the girl who asked to sit next to him. Recognition dawned on her face as she stared at me in surprise. "Nathan is she your girlfriend," she turned to my brother sitting down next to him. Shit. It's her May. I tried to stay calm and assess the situation trying not to overreact.

Wait, did she refer to Johnny as Nathan. "Do you know her?" I asked. The look on Johnny's face gave me the answer I was looking for before I stood up and excused myself. "Avery don't go let me explain," he said softly. Brown eyes stared at me with a lot of guilt and I realized in the midst of this all I trusted my brother. May watched the exchange quietly knowing she didn't understand what was going on. She didn't know my true identity and didn't seem to recognize me. "Avery this is May, May this is my sister Avery," he introduced. She brought her hand out for me to shake it and I did.

He narrated the story of how they met and how she ended up in our house. Everything he said was sincere but why was she here first she slept with my brother, second we ran into each other at the coffee shop then again she appears at lunch and sat with us. Something was definitely not right it was too much of a coincidence. All the while I felt eyes on me she kept staring as if there is something she wanted to say but she couldn't.

Jonathan knew something and I had a feeling he would tell me everything after she left. I excused myself and left them talking as I signaled my brother we were not done with that conversation and he nodded. I really did my best not to overthink the situation but everything felt like a setup and there was only one person capable of it. Whitney.

She really wanted to prove I was Rica and she wouldn't let it go that easily. I headed to music class at least excited for one thing going straight in my life. The class was empty when I got there since lunch break wasn't over yet. I did some vocal warm ups as I played the piano.

I got carried away as I began singing how to lose a friend by Wafia. I didn't realize as I finished the last lyrics the class was full everyone clapped and I smiled trying not to feel overwhelmed. I looked around surprised as I realized I wasn't alone the whole time. I went back to my sit as everyone else presented their assignment. Whitney walked into class at the middle of it with May and my suspicions were confirmed.

Those two were working together and they still betrayed me and I hated them. I watched as Mr Dante asked them to present their music assignment. "Sir for our assignment May and I will be performing a duet," Whitney said. "I will still grade you individually even if the performance is a duet," he said. They looked at each other then began... "I've missed your calls for months it seems don't realize how mean I can be cuz I can sometimes that I love like jewelry..."

I listened as they sang Sorry by Halsey everyone clearly captivated by their voices and how good they were. Tears formed in my eyes for the first time I realized how good they looked together. Before I never thought of it that way but now everything was so clear. May has shoulder length hair, beautiful doe eyes with a petite stunning figure and she reached Whitney at the shoulders. She was beautiful and her sense of style was nothing like mine plain boring black. She was outgoing and loved partying like Whitney they really complimented each other I guess that was why Whitney and I never clicked.

"Sorry to my unknown lover sorry that I couldn't believe anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me, sorry that I could be so blind didn't mean to leave you and all of the things we had behind. Someone will love you someone will love you but someone isn't me ...

Whitney finished the last verse as she stared deep into my eyes as her own watered. That song was meant for me I could see it was her way of trying to give me closure. I clapped like everyone else still looking at her seeming unaffected but deep down I knew she knew it was me and she was going to do everything in her power to prove it. What hurt was the fact she needed to prove that it's me when all she could have done was just walk up to me and say I know it's you. I would look at her without denying it but she didn't I guess that was how much she never knew me.

The rest of the class she kept stealing glances at me and I ignored her completely until the bell went. I stood to leave but heard her calling out to me, "Avery will you help us out with cheer practice after school?" She asked unsure. I know she thought I was going to turn her down but I couldn't because that meant she had an effect on me and it proved to some point I might be Rica so I agreed. "Yeah I will I'll see you later," I said walking away not giving her a chance to say anything else.