Chapter Twenty Six

"You what, Johnny how could you," I said. Frustration ate me up knowing that he got involved with a girl like May. I couldn't really blame him it was not his fault. She always looked weak and defenseless making everybody pity her. Her father had been into gambling and it wasn't surprising that he lacked money and chose to gamble his own daughter. Johnny might have paid for him his debts to save her from them but still he would gamble again.

Whatever had happened I had a strong feeling it was a setup. May was in LA when we moved from there last time I checked and it seemed everybody knew her here. I moved closer to my brother and sat next to him. I had to ask him about her and if she came there about a year ago to do the calculation of the missing puzzle. "When did May join Eagles high?" I asked. He looked at me scrunching his face as he thought about it. His glasses fell on the ridge of his nose and he pushed them up. "I remember she came here about last year and she stayed for sometime before she disappeared for a month then she came back. I had never talked to her or made interactions until recently. When I went to those self defense classes that's when I met her then I got to know her name and then she called me the day she was being attacked. Then I took her home and she left because when I woke up all I found was a note from her. Before I used to see her hanging out with Whitney but she never talked to me or showed any interest," he answered.

Then it struck him as he realized what he had just told me made him know he'd been played she used him. He cast his eyes down as his heart broke. I hugged him tight not wanting to let go I had failed to protect him. "Why do I have to go through this everyone I love or like always ends up breaking my trust. Rica, do you know I loved Mario so much but he couldn't let anyone know we had a relationship he would bully me at school then we'd meet up and hook up after school. That bastard just used me while I was so blinded and fell for him not realizing I was just his boy toy. Then here comes May she put a spark in me making me think we had something going on but everything was fucking fake," he cursed.

I held him knowing it was the right thing to do let him pour out his worries away. At least his tears would wash away the sadness but not the betrayal. I would have said let things take their own course but no. I was a strong believer in karma don't get me wrong that's why I administered mine I preferred it more quickly. Revenge. That was what my heart was longing for. I didn't care that Whitney hurt me or May but now they crossed the boundary they dragged Johnny into it. They were really going to regret it.

"Hey don't worry I got your back," I said. I left Johnny's room after he had fallen asleep and I went to check on my mum. I knocked at the door to her room as she inclined me to come in. She was sitted on her bed her posture regal as she folded her clothes. Her curly black hair fell on her back in waves. Her onyx eyes stared back at me with so much warmth that made the cold in my heart dissipate. A warm smile pulled up on her face as she motioned for me to go to her. I took slow deliberate steps as I looked at the photos in her room. There were so many photos of us together and also her and Johnny. Photos that I didn't even know they existed and there was that one photo that caught my eye one of Johnny and I when we were about four.

"That was taken before your father took your brother away from us it was the last photo of you two together until recently," she said. I smiled looking at how our smiles were impish. There was a spark in Jonathan's eyes back then but now the glow was so much different they broke him. "May also loved that picture said that you guys looked so cute," she smiled. My smile faltered a bit at the mention of May's name I couldn't let her see it though she did notice. "Rica is there anything wrong?" She asked sounding worried.

"No not at all. I just wanted to know how did May see the photo," I said reassuring. Her smile broadened as she stood up and stood next to me looking at the photo. "What a nice young lady she is she came to inform me she was leaving and thank me for having her. When she asked Bailey where I was and he showed her to my room I found her looking at the photo she must have liked it so much that she took a picture of it. I hope that's not a problem." I looked at her and hugged her masking all the emotions going through me.

"No it's not. I love you mum have a goodnight." I let her go and walked towards the door about to leave when she called," Baby you know I am always here for you." I smiled at that and nodded as I mumbled another goodnight and locked the door after me and retired to my room. Whitney had really come up with a nice plot to prove that my death was faked. The only loophole in her plan was dragging my family into it for that she was going to pay dearly for everything she has put me through and Johnny. I wasn't going to let her and May get away with it that easily.

At cheer practice they didn't pull any stunt but I had a feeling there was something big they were plotting and it was to happen soon. I washed up all the day's exhaustion letting go of all thoughts clouding my mind knowing when I woke up the next day revenge would be my drive.