Roderick Whitlock was standing stiffly as he watched his bribe walk up the aisle with slow, heavy steps. She was stunning, the very reason he gave up his inheritance for her.

Was he stupid?

NO! Definitely not! Who in their right minds would call Mr. Roderick Whitlock stupid?

Only if you want to loose all of your body parts before dying, then yes, some would be dumb enough to do such a thing.

He had just bought himself a wife with his inheritance and most would call him stupid for doing this. But others were concentrating on whether the young couple loved each other.

And no, it was not love at first sight, after all this was their first time seeing each other face to face. He had seen her once but it wasn't physically, he had seen her on his phone once and only once. She however had never seen him before not even on a screen. So no, not love at first sight.

However, she intrigued him immensely so there they were to get married. He had heard once that she had slapped her ex boyfriend, Cameron who even he, had never laid hands on. Cameron Whitlock, his younger brother who he had sold his inheritance to for his fiance.

Now Elena Santiago, soon to be Elena Whitlock was walking down the aisle ever so slowly to the Business Lord, Roderick Whitlock. Her full, small lips her curved in a beautiful smile. A smile so heartbreakingly beautiful that it made everyone turn red. Well except the business devil, Roderick.

Everyone who looked at the smile on her lips thought she was happy but Roderick knew better. That smile on her face was so cold, so lifeless that it almost looked like his own smile.

She was forced into this marriage and she was betrayed by her fiance. Her boyfriend of four years. YES! Four Years! And he had just sold her away, just like that. Of course it must hurt, no he knew it must hurt cause he had been there and goodness when he thought about it he felt his heart clench with pain.

After that experience he became cautious. He would immediately cut off all suspicious people before they could even think about it. Her eyes turned watery and her smile widened as she finally stood in front of her groom.

He took a step closer to and she flinched a little but he couldn't care less about her reactions to him. Actually, he rather smiled, a smile so cold, Elena felt a chill after seeing it.

But instead of showing her fear, she blinked at him and gave him a bright smile. Roderick couldn't help but stare, yes, Roderick Whitlock was really mesmerized by this young woman. Her eyes turned into slights as she bared her perfectly aligned white teeth with her lips curving into a big wide grin.

However, Roderick cut out of it a second later and instead, bent down over her until she could fell his hot breath fanning every inch of her face. And she turned incredibly red. Roderick sent his devilishly enticing lips so close to her ears that they brushed over them as he spoke, making Elena fell abnormally hot.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Elena" Roderick's low, magnetizing, deep voice sounded in her ears.

"Nice to meet you,Mr. Roderick Whitlock", she whispered back. Though her voice was soft, it was just as cold as his and almost lifeless.

"Shouldn't we get the ceremony started, love?" ,she asked with a small smile and Roderick grinned as he backed away.

"Sure, cupcake", as he said this , his grey eyes shone with amusement.

And then the ceremony begun. When it got to the 'I do' part, Cameron suddenly walked in. Late much? Suddenly Elena's expression changed. Hatred shone so strongly in her sapphire blue eyes that everyone who was in the room could fell it emanating off her.

Even Cameron, who had just entered could fell it so strongly that he shivered . He looked at Elena who was glaring at him so hard, he thought her eyes might pop out. Guilt flushed in his eyes as she held his gaze. But he trailed his gaze over her body.

She looked so much more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. The beautiful white dress hugged her bust from above her waist. Her chest was a bit too big for her slim figure.

And from her waist, below was a flare skirt.

The front of the skirt was shorter, above the knees and as it went to her back, it was longer and there was a very exaggeratedly long train behind her.

Her silver heels were so high that he became a little scared she would fall since she rarely wore heels. Her long black hair was styled in braids and held up in I bun with a diamond tiara on her head and her make up was light.

She was a goddess! Everyone had forgotten about the vows because of the sudden change in the atmosphere.

"Sweetheart, let's finish up and go home. What do you think?", his voice was gentle but the look in his eyes told everyone that he could and would kill anyone else who interrupted.

He glanced at Cameron and he shivered. It was a warning glance. Cameron knew very well that had it been anyone else, the person would have been shot on the spot so he was very grateful that he was Roderick's brother cause if he wasn't.....

He retreated to his seat in the front while Elena turned back to Roderick and gave him a small apologetic smile. He gave her an understanding smile and the ceremony continued smoothly and later there was a wedding reception.

At the reception, she met the Whitlocks. Even after four years together with Cameron, she had only met the Whitlocks a few times and not even half of the family, just his parents, not even his brother, Roderick. And now she was married to Roderick and was meeting his whole family all at once.

She thought it would be awkward and they might not like her very much for she was poor, quite poor but they were really nice people and she liked all of them and she thought they liked her too.

She actually had a great time and her interactions with Roderick were smooth and casual. Well she couldn't bring herself to hate him too, she really didn't hate him.

That was because she knew the whole story. Roderick had decided that he didn't want his inheritance anymore. He was too powerful and his inheritance didn't even make a dent from being gone. But he wasn't one to give things up for free.

So he made a deal with his little brother that he could decide to give up his fiance for the inheritance. He had also said if he couldn't give that to him he could take other things.

He had mentioned all kinds of things but Cameron had decided to sacrifice her, his own fiance.' Wow', she thought. She smiled, a hysterical smile.

Roderick had been watching her intently and noticing the broken smile on her face, he couldn't help but frown. He knew that she must be thinking about Cameron. Again!

Looking at her, he could tell that she had really loved him. He knew she had only been told today just when she thought she was going to walking to walk down the aisle to the man of her dreams. He also knew she tried to resist but Cameron had threatened to take any and all the money he had ever given her.

Roderick scoffed, thinking it was a weak threat. After, she walked down the aisle to him and now the were husband and wife. Seeing her broken smile turn even more broken, Roderick raised his hand and gently caressed her smooth, cool check with his hot, rough palm.