Seeing her broken smile turn even more broken, Roderick raised his hand and gently caressed her smooth, cool cheek with his hot, rough palm. Elena immediately snapped back to reality and looked at him with wide eyes. But he didn't stop and continued to caress her cheek.

And she was grateful for that. With him she felt relaxed, abnormally relax. She felt that he would not do anything to hurt her. Weird right? But that's what she felt. He was rather gentle to her and he didn't seem anything like what the rumors had said. He was different and somehow he made her feel, not scared but rather secure around him.

The feel of his skin against her's was electrifying. Just like how she felt when he had come closer to her during the ceremony. It made her feel nice yet hot. She blinked at him before closing her eyes and leaning into his palm.

He stilled at that. Was she finding comfort in his touch? No one, not anyone had ever found comfort in his touch. Most would try to back away from him if he ever touch them or if it were to be children, they would start crying so why, why did she find comfort in his touch?

He felt....He felt di...He felt different. Why did he suddenly feel so elated? Happy? It's hard being so long since he felt any emotion except anger.

Elena open her eyes because she felt him stop moving. Their gazes locked and they stayed that way until someone came up to them.

A beautiful woman who look just a few years older that Elena came up to them.

"Roderick ,wow, I never thought I'd see the day you'd be gentle ,ever," the woman said and Roderick dropped his hand from Elena's cheek and rather intertwined their fingers. All the while massaging Elena's hand with his making her feel much more comfortable.

"Hi sweetheart, I'm Mia," the woman said with a smile."If this guy mistreats you don't hesitate to tell me I'll beat him up for you," as she said this she raised her fists up in the air and shook them in a playful manner.

"Yeah, I definitely will" Elena replied and giggled.

"As if", Roderick said in a sarcastic tone. Though his cold aura never disappeared, he was extremely gentle making Elena feel more calm and relaxed than she should have.

Soon enough, it was time to leave for their house. They said your goodbyes and left 8n Roderick's car. In the car Roderick felt Elena tense up. The only reason she had to remain calm all this was was because he had been keeping his cold dangerous aura at bay. Not only that but because of the calming ministrations he had been performing on her since the moment the reception party started.

Now that's they were alone and he wasn't performing any calming ministrations and had also released his code aura she became had still as ice, frozen to the core that he could barely hear her breathing. He could only sigh and suppress his aura. However she was still as stiff as a rock. it was probably normal since she knew nothing about him and had gotten married to him. No! She was probably the calmest girl in this type of situation.

Most would be screaming arguing and nagging, he hated those types so as she was obedient and quiet he at least gave her a bit of comfort by suppressing his aura. Not that it even made her any more comfortable. Elena had her head turned to the window looking outside into the darkness which was eliminated by street lights and light from houses and the moon and stars.

After a while she couldn't see any houses at all. The road was large, main road probably but it seemed rather weird ,no cars were passing around there was no one there, it looked rather secluded. Sooner rather than later they reached a gigantic mansion. The moment and Elena got out of the car she had to cover her mouth suppress her loud gasp. The mansion look like a castle, no, not even the richest royal family wouldn't be able to make such a gigantic Castle. it looked almost mystical, almost unreal but when she turned to look at the man who was looking at the mansion with dull eyes she thought, 'well he is unreal after all'.

Roderick looked at Elena who was looking at the mansion with fascinated eyes. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. However the smile was filled with amusement.

"Elena" ,he called. Elena instinctively looked at him. "Come here ,Elena" the way he said those words were gently but he still had that cold aura that blocked everyone out. She followed his command and walk to him who was at the other side of the car.

When she got there he stretched out his hand to her. She hesitated but still took it. She felt electricity go through her at his warm touch. Though his voice and his eyes always seemed cold his touch was so warm she felt it could melt her heart, well maybe not a broken heart like hers. But maybe it would be able to heal her, maybe, just maybe, one day it would and then maybe.....

Roderick felt the electricity too. It made his entire body hot but he didn't know what it was burning with, was it care, was it desire, was it .....well he didn't know. they were both dazed for a moment but Roderick snapped out of it first and tugged on her effectively snapping her out of it also.

He pulled her closer to him and carried her princess style. Something he never thought he would be doing to anyone not anyone. Elena's eyes stretched wide. What in the world was this cold man doing? He carried her inside the house where they were met with lanes of servants their heads down, not looking up ones saying the same phrase, "welcome sir and madam". Elena's eyes stretched wider so wide maybe it could pop out of her sockets

Then she heard rode Roderick say, "these people will take care of all your needs just call any one of them if you need anything. And we don't have to sleep in the same room if you don't want to, you just stay in north wing and I'll be in the east wing. Elena's eyes stretched wider. 'They did not have to sleep in the same room? Oh thank goodness' ,she had been worrying about it since they got in the car. He seemed different, not like what the rumours said ,not at all, but she knew that behind those gentle gestures, he could kill without reserve.

He put her down the front off a staircase ,a large one at that which went separate ways one to the right, the north wind and one to the left, the east wind. The north wing was where her place, was it not? He pointed there and she took it as a sign and went that way but all too soon she was stopped. "Not even a good night honey" his deep magnetizing voice sounded in her ears,using a pet name on her. She blushed. She knew he wouldn't call her that if she hadn't started using pet names first. She had no idea why she did it though.

She turned around looking straight into his deep grey eyes and said "good night" robotically as if there was no emotion left in her. Turning around she rushed away. Roderick looked at the retreating figure and sighed. This girl... But he only smiled, an empty smile, one that had always played on his lips for so long time that the maids and butlers had already gotten used to it . His grey dim eyes where empty, utterly empty.