Roderick gaped at her, not knowing what to say or do. His usually numb heart suddenly hurt so much, he felt like he couldn't even breathe. He already knew all of that. He had done a background check on her way back but actually hearing how much pain and agony filled her voice as she spoke about it made it hit different.

Elena however didn't notice his inner turmoil and rather turned away again and went to the washroom.

"No, it isn't...", after Elena left, Roderick finally managed to say as a response to her question. He sighed and tried to ease his aching heart. He went to his seat and saw the coffee and milk.

He took the coffee and left the milk. He had asked for the milk for Elena but he doubted she would drink it anymore.

He sighed and took a sip of the black coffee in his hand.

Over in the washroom...

Soft sobs were heard inside.

Yes, Elena was crying. She cried because she was so tired. Because she was so hurt.

She stayed for a while before washing her face and going out, going straight to her seat.

A few minutes passed before Roderick got up and stood in front of her, stretching out the milk in his hand towards her. Elena just stared at it and didn't move a single muscle, seemingly rejecting it.

Seeing this, Roderick finally spoke in a soft tone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out that way. The thing is I don't know where this might take us. This marriage was impulsive and sudden. Even I need time to adjust to the fact I have a wife now. And for you, I'm sure it isn't easy for you to open up after everything. I feel like we should give ourselves times to truly accept each other. Don't you think so?"

Elena slowly opened her closed eyes.

"Alright I understand. We should take it slow."

Roderick only nodded silently.

Elena then took the glass of milk from Roderick and took a sip. Roderick looked at her, knowing they were okay when she drank the milk. Thereafter, he went back to his seat.

In another part of the plane, Roderick's assistant, Jack was gaping in astonishment. He had never seen a couple fight and make up in less than thirty minutes before. This was his first.

What was even more surprising was Roderick's apology. It was so unexpected. But then he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

As long as he was getting paid, everything else was fine.

Meanwhile, the couple went back to doing their own individual stuff.

Somewhere else...

Cameron looked at the woman in front of him steadily. Not blinking, or speaking. Just staring at her silently.

His eyes held adoration and hesitation and it wasn't like him at all.

"" He started but trailed off in the end, not really knowing what he was supposed to say.

"I'm back", the woman said, her eyes gliming like a cat in the dark. She smiled and her face lit up.

Cameron stared at this woman, his eyes deepening noticeably.

The woman named Ariana was beautiful. Her forest green eyes were glinted with mischief. Her golden brown hair was let down over her shoulders in waves. Her skin tone was slightly darker and her cheeks were rosy.

She was smiling, revealing two rows of pearly white perfectly aligned teeth. She had a kind of delicate beauty which roused people to protect her.

Cameron even felt like picking her up in his palm and stuffing her in his pocket to keep her close.

"You left me five years ago. Why did you come back? And right before my wedding at that." Cameron said, his voice was cold with anger yet gentle as he looked into her gliming eyes.

Hearing these words, Ariana became gloomy and her green eyes darkened slightly.

"Is that why you pushed that girl to your brother to marry? Cameron, no matter what, how can you be so cruel?" Arianna said her eyes gliming with displeasure.

"How could I still marry her when you are back?" Cameron muttered but he did feel guilty deep down.

"So does that mean you were only playing with her feelings? Just to fill the void in you?"

Cameron was stunned for a moment.

Yes, when he first met Elena, he felt she could fill the void Ariana left him with. And when they first started dating, that was his only intention.

But as time went by, he saw the parts that weren't at all like Ariana and knew she couldn't fill the void, no one could fill the void except Ariana herself.

But he still wanted to be with Elena because she made him smile and laugh. She made him happy, even if it was only temporary. And at the time, Elena was also going through a tough time.

With all her family gone, he was the only one she could rely on.

But the moment he heard Ari was back in the country, his heart was shaken and he knew he couldn't marry Elena. He loved her, but he didn't love her the way he loved Ari and seeing a future with her was always hard.

But thinking back now, he realized he did use her to fill the void in his heart.

"I guess I did do that." Cameron said, guilt lacing his soft voice.

"And maybe giving her to my brother was not the best choice but honestly, my intentions weren't bad. She needs someone right now and I couldn't find anyone better than my brother. She actually suffers from severe depression after losing her family. She copes by acting happy and cheerful. Only I know about this. The only reason she didn't attempt suicide is because I was always there. But when I decided to leave, I knew I would need to find someone for her so when my brother decided he wanted her, I immediately agreed. I hurt her so that she wouldn't love me and wouldn't depend on me. I know it was a stupid idea but I honestly did want the best for her."

Cameron sighed tiredly with these words.

Arianna looked at him, knowing he was sincere.

She got up from her seat and walked over to him. Patting his head that was covered in chocolate brown locks, she said smiling helplessly, " as long as the thought behind it was good, it's fine. But u need to apologize to her sincerely, okay?"

Cameron pouted slightly and nodded vigorously.

"I definitely will."

"But Ari, why did u leave me when you were sick?"

Arianna was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. She had kept that information tightly under wraps. How did Cameron know about it.