
The Forbes-Mikaelson wedding had attracted thousands of wolves. Caroline became the leader of almost fifty packs all at once. They were free, all the wolves were free of the fortnightly pain they went through for ages. What more could they want? They had a pair of very strong leaders.

What they didn't know was that bigger trouble was coming their way. Esther Mikaelson was sending word from the other side that very minute to consecrate her body.

Agnes stood in front of the cemetery, she was scared to go in. But, she had to. Esther Mikaelson was extremely powerful.

She walked into the cemetery, she stood in front of the fire.


The flame moved, and the image of Esther Mikaelson appeared in front of her.

"You didn't do what I asked you to."

"I didn't….." Agnes admitted. Worried about her answer. "But I…."

"No buts!" Esther was angry. "Nothing!"

"I will…."

"You will do nothing." She shouted. "I have an order for you."

Agnes nodded.

"Consecrate my body in your soil."

Agnes nodded again.

"And bring me back."

"Bring you back?" She stuttered.

"I will end it all," Esther said grimly. "Once and for all."

Agnes nodded. But she had to think about it.

Esther Mikaelson had feared three things in all her after life.

The existence of her grandchildren.

Klaus Mikaelson marrying a wolf alpha.

Klaus Mikaelson breaks the curse on him and all the wolves who can do magic, but their magic was suppressed when she turned her son into a wolf.

She wanted to make the world right, so she seeked the help of the witches of New Orleans.

Agnes had no choice but to consecrate the Original witch, since she witnessed the power of Klaus, Caroline and Hayley. They needed to be stopped. If the Mikaelsons could have their way, there would be no place for witches in the city of New Orleans.

Hell, the new girl, Caroline, even burnt down a part of the cemetery. Just to prove a point.

Agnes performed the ritual and brought Esther Mikaelson back to life in the body of a seventeen year old girl.

"Good job, Agnes." Esther Mikaelson brushed herself off as she stood up. "I am pleased."

She stepped in front of her,

"But, I have to do this." She pushed Agnes into the wall, and choked her.

"Esther?" She croaked.

"I will do this, the Mikaelson style." She twisted her neck, "Solo."

Esther threw her body across the room and stepped out of the cemetrey.

"Get ready, boys." She smiled, "Momma's coming home."

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson had settled well in the Mikaelson house after her marriage. They all had moved back to the Compound from the plantation house since there was no more threat to Klaus or Hayley or Caroline. Now, they were invincible.

A few days later, Caroline Forbes took Hope to the Bayou to introduce her to the pack. Hayley was already there. Since wolves had been raised a lot in the New Orleans' society, she had decided to upgrade their living styles. Caroline had taken on a new project to make the Bayou a much better place to live.

"Come on, sweetie," Caroline said to a crying baby as she took Hope out of the stroller. "Just a few more steps, and we'll be there."

Hope stopped crying immediately.

"So, you were seeking attention." She shook her head, "Well, you wouldn't be Klaus's daughter if you didn't."

She took another step, suddenly the ground cracked and she fell down.

"AAHHH!!!" She screamed, holding Hope close to herself.

A fire was lit around in the underground cave, Caroline held her niece above her head,

"Are you doing this?" She asked a question that couldn't and didn't need to be answered.

Of course, she was doing this. Hope was magic. She was ...maybe magic. They had no idea. Something like this had never happened before. She could be….? Couldn't she? Caroline didn't know what else could have happened. It was just Klaus Mikaelson's daughter teasing her.

"You couldn't have picked a better place to get me." Caroline shook her head.

She heard voices. She closed her eyes and focused.

"So, what if they know?"

"The wolf and witch collaboration was over the moment Caroline killed the wolves!"

Someone was shouting. Caroline could feel that voice being familiar.

"You tried to kill Hope and Klaus! What else would you expect from her?" Jackson shouted at Oliver, "You betrayed the pact and her!"

"Klaus Mikaelson became our ruler! AND YOU DIDN'T HELP US! IT IS OVER!"

Caroline recognized the voice. Jackson and...….Oliver.