Overhearing Plans. Seeing The Planner.

She shook her head angrily. How could Oliver talk like this, Klaus had benefited them as much as he did her.

"So, what?" Jackson asked angrily. "You are sad that none of us have to turn or you just liked it when only you had that privilege?"

"Both the women have fallen head over heels for the Mikaelson men!" Oliver said angrily. "They basically threw us over to the enemies."

"And, after what did you did?" Jackson retorted. "You paired up with a family of wolves who tried to steal the most protected baby on the planet! Of course, Hayley and Caroline turned on you and Guererras!"

"Klaus Mikaelson is lording over all of us!" He said loudly. "The Mikaelson hybrid wants to make us his slaves!"

"Hayley and Caroline can control him alright!" Jackson shouted.

"Yeah…" he scoffed, "I still don't trust them! Not Caroline, Hayley and certainly not the Mikaelsons!"

"That's not for you to decide!" Jackson said, "I am the alpha in this pack! And, I want to keep my alliances open with the Mikaelson family. For as long as Hayley trusts them, then so do I."

"Well, then, it's time." Oliver started to walk away, "To find a new alpha for the Labonair pack!"

"Oliver!" He shouted, angrily.

But, Oliver kept on walking.

"I don't know what is happening!"

"Niether do I, little wolf." Caroline pulled Hope closer to herself and jumped up.

She walked ahead and bumped into Jackson.

"Oh, hey…Car…" He looked at her, "I did see you there."

"Oh, it's okay." Caroline nodded, "It's really my fault."

"No…" He scratched his face.

He looked troubled.He tried to say something, but Caroline knew what he wanted to say. The pack got out of his hands. Her hands too...For only one reason. Her wedding to the most evil man alive. But, only they could see him with her eyes.

"I'll see you later, Caroline." He told her, distractingly. "I'll see…"

He walked away. Caroline decided to take off and take Hope back home before Oliver did something irrational.

She walked out of the woods when she saw them.

"Don't you get it?" Oliver told her, "I can't do help you unless Hayley and Carolin…Charlo…or whatever her name is, out of the way!"

"I don't need your help!" A tall blond girl snapped at him, "I need you to help me eliminate the girls…."

Oliver took a step back, he wante the Mikaelsons gone, he wanted Caroline and Hayley to go back to where they came from. But, he never imagined killing them.

"Help me." She growled, "Or you won't live to see the day when you become the new alpha."

"Okay, okay…" He nodded, "I'll help you."


The blonde young girl walked away. And Caroline stared at her. Horrified.

What was she talking about? Why….Why was this happening? No matter what they did to protect themselves....they ended up making more enemies than before. It was the Mikaelson way. And Caroline had become an important member of the Mikaelson family. She was Klaus Mikaelson's wife. She was Hope Mikaelson's aunt. She got along with all of the Mikaelson siblings and didn't suspect each and every person she came across (Which was also the Mikaelson habit, Caroline would learn it the hard way). It made her the easiest target.

"Come on, sweetie." She held Hope closer, "Let's get you home and just...just….lock the door."

She took her away as quickly as she could. She went inside the Mikaelson Compound and locked the doors.

She sat on the sofa, holding a sleeping Hope Mikaelson for a long time. She thought. And thought. And made herself crazy. Who was she? Why was she trying to kill her and Hayley? What did she want? Why was Oliver doing this? So many questions and no answers made her crazy.

"Caroline?" She had fallen asleep on the sofa, "Caroline?" She heard two voices, a man and a woman.

She looked up groggingly.

"Hmmm?" She turned.


"What?" She saw Kol Mikaelson and Freya Mikaelson standing over her.

"What is it?" She asked, exasperated.

She usually loved the full house and the big family, especially now…..since of the Mikaelsons (Except Finn) were getting along. Rebekah had decided to stay a while.

"Why are you sleeping here?" Freya asked, taking the squirming baby from her hands.

"I just fell asleep!"

"No….She asked why?" Kol eyed her carefully.

"Why?" Caroline stood up, "Why does it matter if I am sleeping on the couch?"

"You know, Caroline…" Kol stared at her, "If it were Hayley sleeping on the couch….I wouldn't say anything. But, you…."

"So, I can't sleep on the couch because I am not Hayley?" Caroline didn't understand the meaning of all this.

"No, you can't sleep on the couch because you are Caroline." Freya explained. "I saw the schedule taped on the inside of your closet when I borrowed that shirt."

"So, Caroline." Kol took a step forward. "I ask again. Why are you sleeping here? Because…I see it. Something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong." She shrugged and walked away.

"See that hand gesture." Kol told Freya. "Something is wrong."

"Kol!" She turned around, a little angrily.

"Admit something is wrong!"

"Fine!" She sighed. "Something's wrong!"

"Aha! I knew it!" Freya said loudly.

"You two happy?" Caroline demanded.

"No…I was just bored." Kol told her.

She looked very angry for a second. Then, she started laughing.

"You two…reaalllly need to find something to occupy your time." She told Kol. "Instead of…..watching and memorizing my routine!"

"And, you need our help with this."

"I don't….."

"Come on, Caroline!" Freya said, "It has been weeks since there was something going on."