A Missing Mikaelson.

Caroline stared at both of them.

"What is wrong with you two?" She asked, "Our lives are at stake here…"

"That's the fun part." Kol shrugged.

"Okay." Caroline nodded, "There is a blonde woman who wants to kill me and Hayley to erase all the Mikaelsons from the world. And, I don't even know her name."

She walked away.

"What?" Freya's mouth dropped.

"Caroline?" Kol Mikaelson whispered.

But, she didn't answer.

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson forgot about the girl in the woods when she got a call from Elena Gilbert that she and Damon were getting married and her expertise on wedding planning were needed in Mystic Falls ASAP. So, she left New Orleans for a few weeks.

She wanted to go back home for a while. Even though her new life was very fulfilling, she stil missed Mystic Falls. She flew to Mystic Falls on a bright Sunday morning even though Klaus and Hayley were reluctant to let her go, and Kol kept asking to come along. They watched her board the plane hoping she would change her mind.

When the plane took off, the steward brought a glass of champagne for her,

"I didn't ask…."

"Courtesy of Klaus Mikaelson. He called." He smiled at her.

"Thank you." She nodded.

The steward walked away, and Caroline settled in her seat. She took a sip.


Vervain. She spat it out. It burnt. Noit every badly since she took vervain all the time. But, still...she knew.

She went inside the cabin,

"Ma'am….what is wro…"

She shoved the steward into the wall.

"Who gave you that drink?" She growled at him.


"Who gave it to you!" She shouted.


Someone crept up behind her and broke her neck. She was carried off and put in a closet in the corner.

Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore waited for her at the airport, holding a card. But, she never showed up.

Klaus Mikaelson was walking around New Orleans when he was attacked by two wolves and seven vampires.

Ever since, Esther Mikaelson had promised wolves and vampires all kinds of things to catch her children. Bring them to her. For their salvation....All the Mikaelsons' got attacked left and right. Hayley spent two days finding Elijah in a locked up trailer. Freya Mikaelson was rescued from an alley by Jackson. Kol Mikaelson killed two wolves and three vampires walking out of a coffee shop.

Klaus Mikaelson walked away quickly, he needed to get back to the compound. Hayley wanted to go to the Bayou and she needed him to take care of Hope. They had all decided that at least two of the Mikaelsons should be present at the house with her, considering the situation where they were being attacked everyday.

He stepped out of an alley, when his phone rang. Seven people appeared out of nowhere and attacked him. Klaus Mikaelson fought each of them off and killed the vampire, pushing a pipe in his chest.

"What?" He pulled out his phone. "What?"

He saw Stefan Salvatore's name pop up on the screen.

"What is Stefan?" He snapped.

"I rang the phone…..Seven times!" Stefan retorted.

"Oh, I am sorry!" Klaus said sarcastically. "I was busy and the blood on my finger wouldn't let me swipe!"

Stefan pulled his phone away and stared at a few seconds.

"Stefan!" Klaus barked. "Why are you calling?"

"It's about Caroline." He said.

"I haven't heard from her in two days!" Klaus told him, "You people are keeping her busy! She hasn't picked up my call…"

"Yeah…About that." Stefan interrupted him. "Caroline never came."

"What?" Klaus grasped the throat of a man running towards him with a stick.

He threw him across the street and disappeared.

"What do you mean she never came?" Klaus demanded. "I saw her get on that plane!"

"I don't know what to say, Klaus." Stefan told him.

He was getting worried now. If Caroline wasn't in Mystic Falls, and if she wasn't with Klaus. He didn't know where else she would be. She had no family. And all her friends were in Mystic Falls or New Orleans.

"I waited at the airport for six hours." He informed him. "But, she never showed up."

"That's impossible!" Klaus entered the Mikaelson compound. "I don't.....hold on, let me…..I'll call you later."

He opened the living room door,

"FREYA!" He shouted, "Freya!!!"

Freya Mikaelson came out of her room,

"I get it, Klaus….I don't have super hearing!" She said, "But, I am not deaf!"

"Important work!" He ignored her. "Locator spell for Caroline."

"Caroline?" Freya raised her eyebrows, "Didnt she just go to Mystic Falls? Klaus, leave the poor girl alone for a while…"

"She's not there!" Klaus said, impatiently.

"What?" Freya looked at him, confusingly.

"Stefan Salvatore called!" Klaus told her, "She never landed in Mystic Falls!"