Another Mikaelson Gone.

Freya Mikaelson understood the urgency of the situation. She took out a map, and asked for something associated with Caroline.

Klaus took off his ring and handed it to Freya.


Klaus Mikaelson ran his finger where his ring was seconds ago. It was odd....even though he had never worn a ring to show his commitment to someone in over a millennium. Only a few months…..and he couldn't imagine his life without the commitment that came with the simple gold ring.

The thing he didn't know was the ring that bound him and Caroline in holy matrimony, it was a magical bond. The rings binded their lives together. The wedding between them had created the powerful bond that none had anticipated. Neither of them could die if the other was alive.

"Here she is." Freya put her finger on the map.


"Forty miles south of Mystic Falls." She told him.

"Thanks, Freya!" Klaus nodded. "I think I need to go, take care of Hope?"

"Of course!" She smiled. "You should take Kol with you."

"Why?" Klaus pulled a weird face.

"Lots of reasons!" Freya told him. "Kol and Caroline are friends, he can help. Two vampires are better than one….And, just…..make him feel he is part of the family."

"Fine!" Klaus grumbled.

He took his jacket and walked out, Kol Mikaelson was just walking in.

"Come on, Kol…" He told Kol. "We need to go…"

"I am not…."

"It's Caroline." Klaus said, "Someone...took her."

"Let's go."

Kol hurried out and Klaus followed.

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson opened her eyes. The light hurt her eyes.

"Ugghhhhh…" She shielded her eyes.

"Well, well, well….." She heard a man's voice. "Look who's awake!"

She sat up straighter, her wrists and feet burned because of vervain soaked ropes.


She recognized the voice. Oliver!

"Oliver?" She looked up.

"That's right, me."

"What…Why are you doing?" She asked. "What am I doing here?"

"I brought you here." He looked at her. "Because… are ruining everything!"

"I didn't…..I am…" She shouted.

"You couldn't have just stayed away! You ruined everything!" He told her, "You brought Klaus Mikaelson into our lives!"

"He hasn't…."

"Shut up!" He twisted the ropes around her hands. "Just shut up."

He walked around the room and slammed his fist on the coffee table.

"You know what I am going to get when I bring her to you?"

Oliver brought his face close to hers.

"Everything!" He spat, "I will become the alpha….."

"Hayley and Jackson will never agree to this!" She shouted back.

"Hayley won't survive when this all ends!" Oliver told her. "And, if so many bodies are falling…..what's one more!"

Caroline's expression changed. She was disgusted.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" She shouted at him. "I can't believe...."

"I am…."

"Do you think Klaus will allow this?" She told him, "He'll be finding me!"

"Oh, honey…After tomorrow night." Oliver told her, "The Mikaelsons will never see the light of day again."


"She has big plans for all the Mikaelsons!"

"Who does?" Caroline shouted as Oliver walked out of the room. "Who does….?"

"Honestly…" Oliver turned. "I have no idea who she is."

Klaus Mikaelson drove as fast as he could, just when he saw the 'You are Leaving New Orleans' sign, he sighed in relief. The journey would go much smoothly once he was out of the city. Just when he was about to pass the sign, the car blew up. Kol Mikaelson fell on the other side of the road and that was all he remembered.

Kol Mikaelson woke up on the side of the street, buried under two feet of grass. The car was completely burned and Klaus was nowhere to be seen. He stood up, brushing his clothes off.

He took out his phone and called Klaus six times. He didn't pick up. He called Freya.

"Freya?" He said, "Call Hayley and Elijah…..And, find Klaus, he's gone! I am going to….."

"What?" She shouted. "I thought you were…"

"No time, Freya!" he interrupted. "Something is very wrong here! Klaus doesn't just disa….I am going to Mystic Falls to find Caroline."

"You?" Freya asked, surprised. "You will go get Caroline?"