'Run.....Hayley, run.'

"Yes!" He replied, impatiently. "I will go find Caroline! Because, someone needs to….and Klaus is….I don't….I can't…."

"Kol, come back to the city!" Freya told him. "Hayley can go with you!"

"I am not a child, Freya!"

"Don't you get it!" Freya shouted. "Someone is after us…"

"Don't be so dramatic, Freya!"

"How else would you explain all of this?" Freya asked. "How?"

"I don't know." Kol scratched his face. "I don't know what is happening here!"

"Come back." She said, "And, Hayley can go with you after I find Klaus and Elijah?"

"Elijah's gone too?" Kol asked, horrified.

"I have no idea." Freya already had a map out, a few spots of her blood on it. "I am finding them….you have to get back."

"But, what….."

"Kol, please…." Freya urged him.

Didn't he get it? Caroline couldn't be killed. Not yet anyways. They needed Klaus. They got Klaus. Caroline was safe no matter what. Even if she was in danger she had friends in Mystic Falls. Klaus had no one.

"Fine." Kol turned off his phone.

He looked at the sign near him. He didn't know what to do. On one hand, his brothers' lives were in danger, but they could handle themselves.

On the other hand, there was Caroline. She was his friend. She needed help…..But…He sighed. It was better when he was kept out of the family. At least, he didn't have to care about anything.

He went back to the city, hoping they would find Klaus and Elijah quickly. But, when he reached the Mikaelson Compound, Freya was gone.

"Shit…" He saw the obvious signs of struggle. He saw the baby cooing the corner. Didn't take the baby?

He came towards her and an invisible barrier burned him.

"Freya!" he muttered to no one. "What is wrong with you? How am I supposed to…"

He tried to get Hope several times, but with no success. He had the location of hsi brothers from the map lying in the corner, but he couldn't leave Hope.

'Davina!' He thought to himself, standing up.

He looked for his phone, but she didn't pick up.

He watched his niece carefully. And, after a few minutes, the shield broke and a thousand shards fell around. A few stuck him. He quickly grabbed her.

"You are safe! Safe!!"

No matter how many conflicts, how many quarrels he had with his brother, he loved his niece. He loved her. He loved his niece more than anything in the world. He sat on the floor, holding the baby in his arms, cradling her.

"I will keep you safe." He held her closely, "I will always keep you safe."

He heard someone crept up behind him. He stood up, quickly, not sure how to fight when he was holding a baby, and punched wildly.

"Owww!" Hayley Marshall shouted, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Sorry…." He was flustered.

How much his life had changed. He had spent a thousand years wanting to come into the bond of 'Always and Forever' and had the beautiful gift of not having to care. Now that he was part of it, he had to care. He cared for his niece.

"I thought you were..." He stopped. "I am….I am sorry….I didn't know."

Hayley smiled softly,

"Where is everyone?" She asked. "I told Klaus to look after her, I should have known he's not res..."


"Where did he…..?" Hayley slapped her hand on the table, angrily. "You can't just trus…."

"You can." Kol never thought the day would come when he would defend his brother, but there he was defending Klaus Mikaelson. "Something is really wrong, Hayley….best you take Hope, and you run."


"Run…..Run as far as you can, as quickly as you can." Kol told her, "And, we'll find you when it's all over."

He handed the baby to Hayley and gave her a little push towards the door.


"There is no time, Hayley." He urged her. "Leave."

"Where will I go?" She asked, "The Bayou?"

"No." He shook his head, "As far away from New Orleans you can go…"

Hayley opened her mouth to say something.

"And, don't even think about Mystic Falls!"

"What is happening, Kol?" She almost shouted at him.

"I have no idea." He said, quietly.

The seriousness in his voice shook Hayley. This was Kol she was talking to. The one person in the Mikaelson family they could count on not taking anything serious.

"Okay…okay…" She nodded. "I'm going."

She grabbed the bag on the sofa and stepped out of the Mikaelson Compound and like Kol told her to, she ran.

She stood at the end of New Orleans's district. She couldn't get out. An invisible barrier stood there.

"God damn witches." She muttered.

She stopped the stroller and tried to go to the other side, by herself. And, she did.

The barrier was placed for the Mikaelsons, and Hayley wasn't a Mikaelson...not by blood anyways.

"Damn those witches!" She repeated.

She tried to reach Hope, but couldn't. Hope couldn't leave New Orleans and she couldn't come in.


She slammed her fists on the invisible barrier desperately.


Within minutes witches appeared near her. One of them took out Hope from her stroller.

"NO!!!" Hayley screamed. "You can't do this!"

"Looks like we can." One of them smirked.

"Please…." Hayley said, "She's just a child…"

"The child of Klaus Mikaelson." The witch replied. "So, a danger to us all."

"You can't….." Hayley shouted, "I will kill…"

"You are in position to threaten any of us!"

They started to walk away with Hope Mikaelson.

"Hope!!!" She screamed, her hands burning but she didn't care. "Please...."

She fell to her knees, tears ran down her face. Hayley Marshall had never begged for anything. She had never fallen on her knees. She never asked.

But, for her daughter, she begged.

"Don't do this….." She whispered, "Pleasee….."