Kol Mikaelson waited in his house to be attacked. He expected it, since all of his siblings had been taken. He waited for five days and six nights, looking for his family. And, waiting for an attack. On the sixth night when he had fallen asleep on the couch, they came for him.
Seven witches came into the Mikaelson compound, and he woke up as he heard someone coming towards him.
"Who…." He stared into the shadows that walked towards him, waiting for his eyes to adjust.
He zoomed towards the light, and saw who it was. He attacked the first one. Drank from her neck.
"Who's next?" He asked, blood dripping from his mouth.
Three more witches lay dead on the floor.
"How I like a midnight feast…" He wiped his mouth from his sleeve. "How I love a beautiful snack!"
He looked around the room, challenging the witches who were so petrified they forgot magic.
"I shall….."
He froze as he saw Davina Claire walk into the room.
"Davina?" He was shocked.
"Any last words, Kol Mikaelson?" She asked.
"How could you do this to me?" Kol spluttered.
"Like this,"
She raised her hand. Kol Mikaelson felt a splitting headache. He screamed and fell down.
She snapped his neck and he fell down on the floor.
"Did you really have to impersonate his girlfriend?" The elder witch stepped ahead, "The poor boy…"
"The poor boy??" Davina Claire's face changed form and the face of Monique Deveraux. "He killed three witches, Maureen!"
"I suppose!" The elder witch nodded, "Now, let's get him to his mother!"
"Of course." Monique nodded. "We mustn't keep the Original Witch waiting."
"And, take that child!"
One of them picked up Hope Mikaelson and disappeared out of the Mikaelson compound.
For the first time since they had returned to New Orleans, the Mikaelson Compound was empty, silent and dark. And, if Esther had her way, it would remain empty, silent and dark always...and forever.
Hayley Marshall swore revenge on the witches as she boarded the plane. She was off to the edge of the world, hoping to find help.
But, where coild she even go? The only family she had ever known was her daughter. The Mikaelsons were gone. The father of her daughter was gone. Her newly found sister was gone. The love of her life was gone. The only city she had ever called home was snatched from her. And, she didn't like things snatched away from her.
She had no idea where she was going. She got the only available flight, paid with cash and ran.
Not because she was scared. Because she needed a plan. She needed to think like Klaus. So, she went where it all began. Where Klaus really became himself. She went where Klaus Mikaelson met his match. The place where Klaus Mikaelson met Katherine Pierce.
Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson woke up. She slept. She was unconcious. She was conscious. She was dead. She was alive. It happened over and over again, till she lost count of the days. She longed to hold her niece. She wanted to see Klaus again. She wanted to hear Kol make fun of her again. She wanted to see Elijah cooking in the Mikaelson kitchen wearing his suit, again. She wanted to see Rebekah smiling at Hope again. She wanted to see Freya dazzle her with magic again. She wanted Bonnie to keep her grounded. She wanted to go hunting with Stefan. She wanted to have a long talk with Elene again. Hell....She wanted to have a bourbon with Damon again. She wanted to see Hayley again. She wanted to see her mother's grave again. At least one more time. Just one more time.
Oliver came last night, and told her that she would be taken to New Orleans soon. Since, the woman had the Mikaelson family captured and wanted to kill Caroline in front of Klaus and the other Mikaelsons before she killed them too. This time, Caroline didn't make the mistake of asking who this 'woman' was.
If she was being taken to New Orleans to witches, she knew that her life was now over.
"Hey…" She swayed softly. "What are...?"
Someone was untying the ropes.
"Here…" Someone offered her blood. "Come on, steady…."
The ropes were ripped off her hands and legs. She drank and her vision became clearer.
"Stefan?" She saw who it was. "What are you doing here?"
"No time." He quickly pulled her up. "Let's get you out of here."
"Wait…" She stopped. "My ring!"