Chapter 3- Revenge


Chapter 3- Revenge

Author: Ede David

Two figures flashstepped round the room causing faint afterimages to flicker everywhere as repeated, grating sounds of sword and hand collided.

"To use your hands to parry a sharp sword, that is quite impressive." Zernon calmly said as he slashed at Gard's neck.

Gard pulled backwards, narrowly dodging the sword with a very grave expression.

"You are faking your rank, when the Hunter Council finds out, you wouldn't even have a burial!"

"Don't worry about me, instead worry of your wife." Zernon smiled.

His expression turned ghastly pale as he hastily turned around.

If it was any sensible faker, they would surely kill anyone in the scene in order to preserve their secret as long as they could, he would surely try to kill his wife to eliminate one problem as she might escape during their fight.

But he saw that his wife was still safe, although she was shaking and trembling in fear.

He then realized something very terrifying but it was too late.

Zernon's cold and murderous voice rang out from behind her.

"Beast Imitation Style, Dragon Crush"

A heavy hand gripped his shoulder, sending a current of intense fear and dread through his entire body.

It was just a distraction!

How couldn't he have thought that this guy couldn't have possibly left his fight with him and aim for his wife?!

With one fluent grasp, his hand was instantly removed from his shoulder as it fell on the blue carpet, making a silent thud.

Blood rushed out of his severed hand as it dyed the blue, red.


Two loud pitched shrieks echoed out almost immediately.

The woman's scream was due to her fear and intense reaction at seeing such gory scene while the Gard's scream was due to the will breaking, soul tearing pain he currently felt.

He shot to the side in haste as he gazed at Zernon with horror and anger.

His horror was due to noticing that attack he used just now.

He was wearing a very hard metallic armor under his cloth, he wore it at all times, even when making love, because anything could happen at anytime.

That was another Hunting Style called Beast Imitation.

When the first hunters otherwise called the Founding Hunters lacked many, proper moves to kill beasts, they decided to copy the way various beasts attacked and adapt it to their own moves.

Some of them imitated dragons by carefully and observing dragons while some observed tigers and bulls.

Looking at that attack and the way it easily crushed his armor made him conclude that he was using dragon moves.

This style was very rare, how could this young man had learned such a style and use it so strongly.


Zernon paid no attention to his shock, he just unsheathed a short knife and hurled it forward.

"NOOOO!" Gard's expression sank deeply as complete and total horror overwhelmed his entire being.

He wanted to flashstep over but the throw was so sudden and quick.

In a linear line, the knife pierced through air before piercing through the woman's terrified eyes and through her head.

"NOO! MY LOVE, YOU CAN'T DIE! PLEASE STAY WITH ME!" He held his wife's body as tears streamed down his eyes and fell on her corpse.

He held her body and stared with bloodshot eyes as her own listless eyes and howled in extreme fury and sadness.

"Oh, so you know how to cry, when you killed my father just because of greed, you didn't think about who would cry, right?"

Zernon smiled as he watched this, his expression full with comedy and joy.

"Yes, cry more, feel more pain, haha!" Zernon laughed as he seemingly enjoyed the show.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Gard gently dropped his wife's body as he charged over like a mad man.

'This has made him more reckless, hehe'

Zernon thought to himself as he watched in amusement, the incoming incomparably furious Gard.

He opened his robe and brought out two other swords. He then swiftly unsheathed them, he held one on his other hand and put one in his mouth and bit the


"Three Sword Styles of Severing, Closing Curtain" Zernon calmly said causing Gard's expression to turn even more ugly.

"Y-you are the dis-isciple of Mad B-blade!" Gard exclaimed.

Even uttering that title caused his speech to waver uncontrollably, that was because of the terrifying legends that surrounded that Hunter.

This Mad Blade went to a meeting with the strongest Hunters, that is naturally the Hunter lords of the Hunter Council.

Because the wine cup served to him was green in color, he said he hated that color and he rushed a hunter lord.

The other hunter lords watched the battle with passion, they were very casual about it before they were shocked to their core.

Mad Blade cut off the hand of one of them and even wanted to kill him, if not for the joint interference!!!

He then destroyed all the supporting pillars before storming out, causing the entire mansion to collapse.

He then took his leave and ventured back into the Southern Region.

This was too shocking and mind blowing, because the fight had started…. because of the wine cup used to serve him was green!!!

Just because of that singular reason, he had cut off someone's arm.

This Hunter was a mad man, a person without joy or reason and he was the one that invented the Three Sword Styles of Severing technique.

According to rumors, he had invented it by observing a dragon for five years, a dragon which he later killed after the observation, he then merged it with sword moves and passed it to his disciple.

He didn't expect to meet that mad man's disciple here in a million years.

But nevertheless, he had killed his wife and he had to avenge her.

So after one very small period of hesitation, he still continued onward.

"You should have maintained a steady balance when running." Zernon's smiled widened even more as he saw his recklessness.

He charged onward too and spun like a top, as the three swords cut through air making swooshing noises.


After a minute, the fight was over and Zernon stood in front of the now, sliced chunks of dyed red meat on the ground.

Gard had been chopped into mincemeat, dying a miserable and grevious death.

"Father, please rest in peace." Zernon bowed, tears already welling up in his eyes.

He carried a napkin out of his robe and carefully and slowly cleaned his swords.

He then sheathed back two and hid them back into his garment.

He then sheathed back the last one to his waist as he jumped through the window and vanished like wind.

It wasn't until several hours, when the rest of the clan members had finished their ceremony before they found out.

And it was very shocking and it spread through the area like wildfire filling many with increased caution and terror.

An Elite Rank expert like Wrenlow Gard had been cut into tiny bits of flesh!... this could only be done by

Hunter Kings or fellow Elite Perfectionists.

The whole clan was put on high alert and they frantically tried to figure out what had happened.

Midoriya was just around the area when he saw Zernon's receding figure, he followed and went deeper into the forest.

"What happened? Did you kill him?" Midoriya curiously asked.


"So you really are a faker, what is your true rank then?" Midoriya's brows raised up in curiosity.

"My real rank is… two star Elite rank." Zernon replied with slight smugness.

"Elite rank?! That is quite rare for your age." Midoriya was very surprised.

"Aren't you the same age with me? Twenty two." Zernon casted a side eye.

"Yes, but I am only at the five star Jade Rank, I just need that last push to enter the Elite rank" Midoriya replied.

"Have you taken the ranking test?" Zernon removed his dragon mask as he frolicked out of the area.

"Yes, two times already, but I still fail to pass," Midoriya answered eagerly, not showing any sign of dejection.

"Hmph, that ranking thing is quite useless, even though you failed to pass the test, I can still say you can kill an Elite rank, then why are you not registered an Elite?" Zernon scoffed.

"You have to pass the test to officially acquire a rank, even though you can kill across your ranks, you will not be registered above or equal to them until you passed the test." Midoriya slowly explained but

Zernon just stared at him, still confused.

"It's like this, an Elite hunter needs to have Elite level reaction, speed and offensive power, so even though, I have the offensive power of an Elite but I still lack Elite class reaction, then I am not officially

an Elite,"

"No, I know that, what I'm confused about is that you most likely failed the reaction phase of the test, right?"

"Yes, I have always been hooked there,"

"But you know Flowing Wind and during that time we were chasing that stupid girl, Taniyah, you subconsciously flowed with the wind very well, how can you fail the reaction phase, then?" Zernon perplexedly asked.

"As I said earlier, I will never consciously use Flowing Wind in my life." Midoriya declared.

"Well, you could have become a standard Elite if you had." Zernon muttered, still very confused about this.

They continued and busted out into the main road before seeing Taniyah surrounded by twelve hefty

golden rankers.