Chapter 8- Bandits


Chapter 8- Bandits

Author: Ede David

"Where are we even going?"

The beautiful morning spring breeze silently blew as it blended the noise of wheel turning, horse neighing and the busyness going on in the streets with the irate yells and groans of a certain person inside a public carriage.

The carriage rode on a wide road made of black cobblestone that already looked cracked and worn out while casually constructed box like houses with sturdy looking roofs, lined up endlessly at the sides of the road.

Many merchants set up stalls in front of these houses and different carriages with different colored horses silently travelled through the road.

The carriage had a lot of adequate space that contained the thirteen people inside.

Looking inside, you could see that one long bench was more than half occupied by a fat, perfectly round figure while another slender figure struggled to seat.

"We are going back to my base." the slender figure who was Zernon replied silently.

"Hmph, you think you sound cool by saying 'base' right?" Fatty Zhen's lips curled downwards in disdain.

Zernon just scanned through the other eleven people inside the carriage.

But suddenly, the carriage stopped moving.

One man yelled from inside, hoping to contact the horse rider outside.

"Hey old man, why are you stopping?!"

"He is dead." Zernon smiled.

Although his voice wasn't too loud, it struck everyone present as loud as thunder.

"What?!..." Everyone's expression turned ghastly pale as they gazed at Zernon with fright.

As the man who had shouted earlier, saw Zernon's three star gold rank on the badge on his chest, he angrily barked "What do you know? I am a two star jade rank and yet I didn't hear anything happen outside,"

He just felt like this young man was trying to crack a joke or make one silly prank unless why would he still be smiling when saying something like that.

"There are five foreign scents outside the carriage, from the thickness of the scent, there are ten feet away from us." Zernon just kept on smiling, as if he was unable to grasp the situation they were in.

Fatty Zhen's expression turned much pale with fright and horror, and his fat body couldn't stop shaking in trepidation.

He knew how sharp his friend and didn't think he was joking. his reaction (sense of smell and hearing) was too superb, that it bordered on the level of freakish.

"They are near and are now surrounding the carriage with fuel but three are staying behind." Zernon replied calmly.

"What?! w-what d-do we do?!" The other ten people and Fatty Zhen were overwhelmed with so much terror that in between his legs went moist.

"They are slowly surrounding the carriage while waiting to see whether we will react," Zernon said as his nose started shaking intensely, not just his nose but also his ears.

"Pretend like we know nothing, then

when those two light the fuel, I will strike." Zernon was still very calm, it looked like he had dealt with plenty situations like this before.

"You are spouting nonsense! Stop trying to scare us!" the man, once again yelled out; casting a vicious glare at him.

"Why don't you be a good person and go out and check for us." one young man among the passengers, said in a low tone.

"Don't go. You will die." Zernon's words flowed into his ears.

"I will go check." like a brave lion; the man pounced out of the carriage with his hands on his hilt.

Two seconds after, a bang was heard, followed up with a silent thud.

"He is dead, well I did tell him." Zernon shook his head, the same innocent grin on his face.

Outside the carriage, many people were present, but they all just kept on minding their business.

They pretended like they saw nothing and just kept to the sides of the road, even other carriages behind them, paused and turned back.

Poke nosing wasn't a good idea, if you ended up offending one powerful faction or getting killed in the

process, then that will be just be your fault.

So minding your business was the way to go.

Zernon and Fatty Zhen stayed silent inside the carriage, although Fatty Zhen struggled to hold himself, he still whimpered silently, drawing closer to Zernon.

After some moments, two rocks were scratched against each other and a spark was thrown onto the fuel.


The earth around the carriage was set ablaze and before the fire could spread to the carriage.


Like lightning, the ceiling was cut into so many pieces as a massive hole appeared in the ceiling.

All five instinctively moved backwards and looked up.

But unknown to them, it was that same instant, that the side of carriage was also cut away and a knife streaked out, piercing into one of the figure's head, it pierced so deep that even the handle was not


Zernon then cut open another side for the rest to run out, while saying "It's up to yourself and luck whether you can run."

Zernon charged out of the side and with a massive meat ball of a person on his shoulders, he flashstepped out, even before the fire could consume the carriage.

He had saved those people in some sense, but he couldn't be a superhero. He had to rescue himself first before rescuing strangers.

Everything happened so fast, that the assassins were unable to react before a small ball rolled in front of them.


A huge amount of smoke leaked out and like lightning, Zernon shot out like lightning, propelling himself on top the roof of a random house.

His speed not even affected by the huge 'load' he carried.

"Catch those two, the rest follow those other escapees." one of the five pointed to another person as he maliciously gazed at Zernon's receding figure.

"No, all follow those two." the one that looked like the leader, barked as he flashstepped under the smoke towards Zernon's vague shadow.

The five entered into the smoke and chased, straining their eyes to see Zernon's rapidly moving figure.


One of the five quickly removed his upperwear and using pure, brute strength, he fanned down explosively causing a massive gust of wind to disperse the smoke.

"Hmm, these five are very strong, and that is my last smoke bomb." Zernon's eyes went sharp.

"Boss, why did you let those other people go?"

"Use your head for once! That sack bag over there," the boss pointed to Fatty Zhen while continuing,

"Don't you see that belt he has on, that is top Oral Gold, that sack bag is loaded."

"Then why do us five need to follow these two?"

"Because… that slim guy over there…has a very dangerous aura."

"That means he is very strong?"

"It isn't matter of strength, he just smells very dangerous." the boss replied with a grave look but still pursued.

He knew riches had to come at a price, even if he could tell that Zernon was very dangerous, he still chose to brave all dangers and go for it. it wasn't his first time going through such lengths just to acquire

good cash.

"If we continue at this rate, they will encircle us and we will most likely die." Zernon glanced over his shoulder and said calmly.

"R-run d-down, jus-just do something" Fatty Zhen cried, his voice laced with complete fear.


It was then all the bandits flashstepped forward, appearing directly two feet behind his back.

'Such nice flashstep.' Zernon had to make an urgent decision.

He took a powerful stance and with a mighty hurl, Fatty Zhen's completely round figure streaked through air as his cries of fear and dread echoed through the distance.

When people turned to look up, it very much looked like a big ball hurdling through the air.

'Good, that weight is gone.' Zernon then turned to the five bandits.

In a fluent motion, he opened his garment slightly and pulled out two more swords.

'That guy is at the three star Elite rank while the rest are at the one star Elite rank… I can deal with three star rank but those other one star rankers will spoil the balance.'

Zernon's thoughts ran like lightning as

he assumed the same stance he used when fighting Wrenlow Gard.

"Isn't that Mad Blade's technique?' one of the bandits' face paled in realization.

"He might just be someone faking it!" the boss' expression also changed before saying in a grim tone,"Well, it doesn't matter, Mad Blade is in the Southern Region, while we are in the North, if we kill him, how can he trace it to us?"

'I need to strike them very well. Then escape while they are injured.'

Zernon stood for a few moments, thinking and suddenly, his whole presence changed completely.

He normally looked like a gentle scholar, full of wisdom and elegance but now, a type of dreadful murderous aura was being emitted by him, a type of killing intent that could only be acquired by people who have killed hundreds, and now his smile looked way more sinister like a deranged beast setting eyes on prey.

It was as if the whole place had dropped in temperature because of the frightening coldness that his deadly eyes gave off.

The five bandits' expressions changed drastically as they witnessed this one second transformation.

Their boss was right! This guy is scary!

"His whole presence now could be a bluff, let's finish him off and avenge Baro, then go for that fat-"

The boss was in the midst of charging their morale when a figure silently appeared in front of him.

Three black blurs swiftly passed.

Giving them no time, Zernon had struck like thunder, explosive and quick.