Chapter 9- Cole Lage


Chapter 9- Cole Lage

Author: Ede David

The boss moved back and expertly pulled out short knives which he hurled at Zernon with massive momentum.

His henchmen also pulled backwards and sent numerous knives, streaking through air towards him.Zernon took a solid step, as he waved his sword in front of him, his hand moved so fast that vague blurs whizzed through air, parrying the knives away.

It was at that moment that a sword pierced towards his neck.

Looking cool, he shifted his right hand and placed it at his side, clashing his sword with it but two more swords struck swiftly at his neck.

At his left, two more appeared.

He crouched down and shot backwards dodging the swords but the bandits relentlessly pursued, two even pounced on him from above, while three followed after him.

While moving backwards, his wrist turned a whole three-sixty degrees and spun with lightning speed, as something like a black fan was formed on both hands.

Whooshing sounds were made as the sword spun, cutting through air as it sliced at them.

The bandits' expressions kept on getting graver and graver.

He was using two swords to effectively parry five skilled experts like them!

They gazed at the three gold stars on his badge and exclaimed inwardly in


They had of course seen his 'rank' but they also sensed something very sinister about him but they bluffed it off, because he had a three star Jade rank.

To be actually hiding your real strength, that was just looking to die!

They were many Hunters that had tried this, but they had ended very horribly, they were the grim examples that served to warn every Hunter.

What made him even more impressive was how he was doing it.

He had his back almost horizontal behind him and was in bad angle, he was still able to defend like this!

Zernon's teeth bit on the hilt even more, he then swiftly pressed his right sword on the iron-hard roof top, pushing himself forward explosively while stabbing straight with the sword in his mouth.

The fight hadn't even reached three minutes and yet it looked remarkably fierce.

The sudden counterattack left them unable to properly react as the sword stabbed into one of the bandits' stomach.

However, the bandit was quick to react as he narrowly pushed back, but the sword had already gone a little deep into his belly.

He staggered slightly, grimacing in pain.

Not giving him any breathing space, Zernon ignored the remaining four and sliced his sword at his neck, mercilessness and savagery ringing alongside with the air-cutting sound.

The other four quickly reacted and moved to encircle him again, that was when Zernon did something totally unexpected.

The sword that was actually slicing towards the man's neck halted, and was thrown into the sky.

Confusion and vigilance filled their body and mind, obviously, not being able to fathom the reason behind that throw.

Maybe it's just to divert his attention.

They increased their flashstep, drawing even closer to Zernon with incoming swords.

Zernon's right sword was above so using his now free hand, he pulled out a knife and threw it straight.


The discrete manner and stunning speed at which he threw the knife made them completely unable to react as it firmly pierced into the man's throat.

Almost immediately, Zernon's head turned briefly to his right, he let go of his bite and the sword dropped to his hand.

Ignoring the saliva that was on the hilt, he mightily grabbed it and stabbed it at another bandit's chest.

Then he carried those two swords at his back, and clashed with their revengeful attack while blasting forward.

The sword that was thrown into the air, silently dropped.

That meant that the short and very brief time that the sword had fallen back down was roughly equal to the time he used to kill two bandits.

Zernon opened his mouth and the sword's hilt dropped into his hand, he then stared at the remaining three with a very sincere smile.

The other three had fierce, bloodshot eyes that looked like they could spit out flames and they gripped their weapons even tighter as unprecedented rage and drive for revenge filled their bodies.

"Who the hell?!" A scrawny middle aged man strode out of his house with a chest puffed up with anger.

He held his spear in a bloodthirsty manner and looked up with a ferocious glare.

He was enjoying his very nice sleep when he was startled awake by the loud clashing sounds that reverberated from on top his roof.

He had four silver stars indicating he was at the four star silver rank as he set eyes on their 'Jade stars' and sun signs, he didn't need two heads to know that these people were in the Jade rank and Elite rank


He quietly moved back into the house.

Whilst Zernon and the other three continued their fierce fight, Fatty Zhen was in another different kind of situation.

His body had crashed into another roof after the hurl and this was quite surprising as Zernon's sword couldn't even pierce deep into this solid roof but his big, fat body had directly crushed it.

Currently, Fatty Zhen had directly spiraled into a bathroom and he landed on the floor, belly flat with an extremely pained face sticking up.

"Damn that Zernon!" Fatty Zhen loudly cursed, his body twitching wildly just to show the amount of pain he felt.

Did he think I was a bouncing ball?!

But unfortunately for him, a young lady was seen standing there, looking like she had already taken her bath and was just preparing to get out, she stood there completely naked with a stunned face as she gazed at Fatty Zhen.

Fatty Zhen stared at her back and his gaze subconsciously moved down and his eyes widened with shock with a nose already leaking blood; it was either bleeding because of the fall or because of something else.

"AHHH! PERVERT!" The young lady screamed in a grating, high pitched tone as her leg rose up and travelled straight down with immense force.

Fatty Zhen was too stunned and fixated that he didn't see the incoming leg, so it landed squarely on his nose bridge with a slight cracking sound and the volume of blood increased and splattered on the floor.

"OWW!" Fatty Zhen was now struck out of his dazedness.

'Why is my life like this?' He thought in despair; tears welling up in his eyes.

"Which rank is he? That guy is strong!"

Curious passer bys had already stopped to watch the fight but they couldn't see Zernon's badge as at one point, he had stuck a sticker to cover it.

As Zernon saw the bandits' facial reaction as they gazed at his badge, he forgot that he was supposed to be wearing a mask during all of his fight, but he couldn't now as that was too stressful and took precious

time, time that anything could happen in a moment of distraction.

But fortunately, he had prepared for times like this.

He was too addicted to hiding his rank!

He was about to continue the fight, but that was when a blur passed!

The blur was lightning quick and moved like a phantom, wheezing past the three bandits in a mysterious manner.

In just a second, their heads were off, their dying eyes full of intense confusion and wonder, stunned at how they had been decapitated so suddenly.'What just happened?'

Zernon's vigilance was raised to the peak and his feet were already marching the ground mightily, ready to flashstep away with immediate effect.

But he calmed down a lot when he sensed the person's familiar aura.

It was no other than Fatty Zhen's father, Cole Lage.

Seeing Zernon's non-retreat, and knowledgeable look, Cole Lage's brows shifted upwards slightly before

asking, "How did you know it was me?"

"You have a unique scent." Zernon simply answered, as he sheathed back one sword to his waist and sheathed another two and buried it within his garments.

"Hmm." Cole Lage looked at him briefly, impressed at this boy's remarkable senses, he then turned away and began scanning the entire area."That's a very strange thing to say." He gazed at Zernon with a disturbed look.

"A hunter king!"

"Isn't that Hunter Lage, the leader of the Cole clan?!"

The crowd of people bowed in greeting before dispersing gradually.

"Where is that useless boy?" Lage asked with a frown.

"I threw him somewhere over there," Zernon glanced behind him.

"What? You threw him?" Lage was struck with confusion.

"Yes, I tried running…"

"Oh…" Lage instantly understood. To run, carrying that bag of potatoes was almost impossible.

"But you shouldn't have just… thrown him, maybe, kept him at the side." Lage helplessly shook his head.

Both of them strode along the roof, moving forward and they saw a hole forged in the roof.

"Father, why are you here?" Fatty Zhen asked, as he chubbily walked along the worn, cobblestone road with Zernon and his father.

"I thought that leaving you with Zernon will be enough… but I saw some funny-looking people coming out of your uncle's house and I thought that I should quickly follow, fortunately for us, Zernon was able to hold them off till I arrived."

"You see, your brother tried killing your son, why don't you just allow me to kill his own son during the trial?" Zernon looked at him, puzzled.

Cole Lage was silent.

"No, we can't do that, his son is innocent, he probably has no hand in this." Fatty Zhen frowned in disapproval.

"That is not our business, you pay for your father's sin…I myself experienced that." Zernon shook his head in disagreement.

"I will escort you to base and then leave." Cole Lage changed the topic swiftly.