Chapter 12- A dragon?!?


Chapter 12- A dragon?!!!

Author: Ede David

This Blood Fang was almost similar to Maevery, he had a very cold face resembling frigid ice and his scarlet irises was stationed quietly but immense sadness and sorrow orbited around those gloomy and blank eyes. He fashioned in pure crimson robes that looked darkish red, maybe it was the quality of thread or perhaps the blood of the deceased. He also had a red bow and a red quiver full of red

arrows strapped to his back.

He was handsome and his face was suffused with elegance, but the excessive use of red made him look like a death angel instead of elegant.

Zernon stood just some feet away from this man and he could sense this man's thoughts, he sighed deeply before saying, "Your whole clan was annihilated when you were just fourteen and ever since, you

have become a very cruel person, seeing everyone as your enemy and you have lived a life of bloodshed and chaos as a result, I know that exact same feeling."

Zernon's smile lessened as he seemed to relate with this young man out of nowhere.

"Die." Blood Fang's trigger seemed to have been pressed as he flashstepped over and delivered a semi-circular arc of sword slash.

Zernon simply pushed back and instantly unsheathed his swords while gazing at him with pity, not looking at him, the way you will look at an opponent.

The two of them had something in common, they had watched how something very precious and dear to them was taken away from them cruelly and they could never take that thing back.

They had witnessed the cruelty that existed in this world and had been seriously impacted by it.

Ever since he had heard of this Blood Fang and his backstory, he could feel some pity for this young man.

He could have been like this, they were several times, he could have been blinded by hatred and would have turned into an emotionless fiend just like this Bloody Fang but he had managed to look at the

bright side repeatedly and had helped to place him under control.

He witnessed his father being killed, his own clan turned against him in treacherous betrayal and his originally happy and blissful life was ripped to shreds overnight.

This was their fate.