Chapter 11- Meeting Blood Fang


Chapter 11- Meeting Blood Fang

Author: Ede David

Iron Leaf Forest.

It was a thick, wide forest, densely populated with numerous, very broad-leaved, dark trees that obstructed most of the sunlight, causing its darkness, and the persistent hooting of owls rang throughout the forest alongside the calm, gentle breeze.

"Can we not train?" a pleading voice reverberated slightly as two figures strode along; the heavy gloominess the voice contained, matched the dark, eerie spookiness that encased their environment.

"Remember, we are staying here for a week or two, I didn't bring any food, so you have to kill the beasts here and then roast and eat them otherwise, you will starve to death." Zernon nonchalantly replied.

"What?! You severe bastard! YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU CAME WITH FOOD!" Fatty Zhen furiously cursed.

"The only thing that motivates you is food, so if you are unable to kill any beast here, then no food for you." Zernon didn't mind and just smiled.

"H-how? The beasts here are at least comparable to two star silver rank, how will I be able to kill them?"

Fatty Zhen had a downcast expression.

Zernon turned his head and glanced at his badge and saw five bronze stars and he shook his head with disappointment "So you are only at the weakest rank, Bronze rank." Zernon felt very helpless, how was

he supposed to train this weak fatty?!

This fatty truly was useless.

Why couldn't he be like or even worth just half of those Balaverion warriors.

"Is it now that you know?" Fatty Zhen had a tired expression and looked like he had aged significantly and grew some grey hair, it seemed as if the thought of training had exhausted him a great deal.

"Okay… look at what will happen," Zernon scratched his head before continuing "first and foremost, let's find a Heavy-Trunked Elephant."

"Heavy-Trunked Elephant? Aren't all elephants heavy trunked?"

"You really are ignorant, in Hunter Village, there are normal animals but they are more stranger and more powerful animals, that are way more stronger than other animals… our Ancestors learned how to

hunt and subdue these animals (beasts), creating a place for us." Zernon slowly explained.

"Our Ancestors? Those people must have been f**king strong." Fatty Zhen's eyes shone with admiration.

"Yes, they weren't the first people to appear in Hunter Village but they were the first to attempt primitive civilization and most of them created the Six Hunting Styles." Zernon narrated as they

ventured deeper into the dark, gloomy forest. "Only one of our grandfather's generation created the last Hunting Style."

"Who created this Beast Observation?" Fatty Zhen asked with curiosity.

"You are meant to know th-nevermind, it was the Earth King that started the first attempt to merge beasts' patterns of movement and attack into human fighting skills." Zernon shook his head helplessly

before answering.

"The Earth King has a faction in the Hunter Council, right?"

"At least, you know something," Zernon exclaimed with relief.

He really thought that this fatty was finished.

"He has the Scorched Earth as one of the lords' factions in the Council, but he is dead and his descendants are the ones ruling it now." Zernon suddenly halted and looked forward into the large, grassy area.

'No wonder, they say Iron Leaf Forest is the natural habitat for Heavy Trunked Elephants, just some steps and we have already encountered one.' Zernon's smile widened but his eyes hid serious


The Heavy-Trunked Elephant's black body was very enormous; slightly taller than a hut and it bowed its head with seriousness as it devoured the clear, green grass in front of it.

But what was most eye-catchy about this elephant was its freakishly large trunk.

The trunk was vividly much bigger than an average elephant's, and it was covered slightly with sanguine, red furs, promoting its attractiveness.

Zernon's gaze travelled downwards to the grass that it was devotedly eating. Those blades of grasses weren't normal ones, they were more solid and harder and the Heavy-Trunked Elephants were one of the few species of beasts that were capable of grinding down these grasses; normal elephants could not.

Some people even say that it's even as tough as iron.

"Oh Shit! Let's run!" Fatty Zhen's fat body quivered in fear as he set eyes on the massive figure before him.

"We came looking for one, and we have and yet, you want to run, then why did we come here?" Zernon stared at him like he was looking at an idiot.

"Zernon my sweet brother, the most gallant Hunter around, the one and only Dragon, please-" Fatty Zhen's face was seriously pale as he attempted to beg, but was swiftly interrupted by a loud, deep-pitched groan; full of dissatisfaction and slight anger.

He turned to the source which was naturally the Heavy-Trunked Elephant which now stared at the both of them with heated eyes.

This Elephant was obviously very irate about being disturbed and looked at them with an unfriendly gaze.

"These Elephant looks to be nearing power comparable to gold ranks but yet, Heavy-Trunked Elephants aren't too aggressive and are actually very lazy and won't attack unless attacked, so…" Zernon reached

this point before swiftly unsheathing a knife and hurling it forward.

"What are you doing?! Are you mad?!" Fatty Zhen yelled in fright and great anger as he observed Zernon's actions.

The knife fluidly inserted itself into the elephant's front, right leg.


With a loud, amplified roar to express pain and fury, the elephant's bellow shook the entire area with its large trunk hanging in the air mightily.

"Damn it!" Fatty Zhen could roughly guess what Zernon was going to do, so he hastily turned around and prepared to flee the area but a heavy hand rested on his shoulder and pressed him to the ground.

"A Heavy-Trunked Elephant is quite fast for its size but it is surely not as fast as silver rank experts but for you to run will be a huge problem and you will then be forced to fight the elephant… which is what I want."

Zernon kept his hand firmly clutched as he explained calmly with a genuine smile on his face.

"Zernon, please, please, I beg you, I can't fight! I will die for sure! I still have to raise my kids and marry a beautiful, sexy wife, please don't do this!!!" Fatty Zhen begged without any shred of dignity as he

attempted to break loose of Zernon's grasp and continue his escape.

The elephant was currently charging towards them with heavy, quick steps.


The entire area shook violently and even trees were being startled as the elephant continued its rampage for revenge.

Zernon then turned and pushed Fatty Zhen to the incoming elephant and then jumped on a tree and said mildly, "Observe the way it swings its trunk, the way it moves and the level of power in each of its footings and marches and try incorporating them into your movement."

"F**k that! And f**k you Zernon! Observe how an elephant swings its trunk?! Don't they swing it anyhow?! What is there to see?!" Fatty Zhen's curses and abuses sprung out violently.

"No, the Heavy-Trunked Elephant swings its trunk in a bizarre manner, try copying that movement and try using it with your hands… remember, that elephant is your meal, if you can't kill it, then you will

starve." Zernon then flashstepped away.


furious toned screams and yells reverberated through the area as the elephant charged from behind his

franticly running figure.

"I smelled blood here, and I was right." Zernon's eyes scanned through the area curiously as his smile widened as he saw the scene before him.

They were up to a hundred corpses; bloodied and decapitated, strewn across the area like scattered

autumn leaves, they filled everywhere and every of their faces were frozen with an unwilling and desolate look.

Clearly, even until death, they were filled with regrets and resentment, their eyes wide open with shock and dread.

At one corner, a pile of corpses could be seen, towering up to the sky; twelve

meters as a figure sat on top the tower of corpse.

Zernon was pleasantly surprised as he gazed at the tower of corpses; it required too much expertise and skill for one to place corpses like this, without any one shifting in balance and position.

This required too much EXPERIENCE and not just skill. The person that did this must have done this so many times.

His eyes slowly went upwards, fixating on the young man that sat on top there coolly.

The young man's aura was very gloomy and eerie; like a hell king ascending from the underworld, preparing to drag many people down with it, just his presence and cold gaze was enough to terrify even

the most strong willed Hunters.

'Time for resting is over, time to go.' the young man calmly thought as his attention was then drawn to Zernon.

Their eyes met and the area was instantly plummeted into an uncomfortable and electrifying atmosphere.

"Blood Fang of the Northern Region, when he passes, blood flows like rivers and mountains of corpses are formed… it's truly very eye opening and surprising to meet you." Zernon's eyes shone with a curious

glint as more information on this young man surfaced in his head.

Blood Fang, a young man supposedly rumored to be in the three star of the Elite rank (but looking at it now, was only two star), his whole clan was slaughtered because of a careless insult one clan member made to another clan, and the trauma and shock turned him into a very ruthless and blood-thirsty individual.

To him there was nothing like warmth and mercy in this world. Only pure, dark coldness.

He was someone that blinded a girl's eyes because she glared at him.

He was someone that cut off a man's tongue and right hand because he insulted him.

He was the embodiment of ruthlessness and savagery.

'This person might alert my enemies that I'm here, looks like I have to kill him.' Blood Fang slowly unsheathed his red broadsword as he jumped down and gazed coldly at Zernon.