Chapter 16- Return of the Rogue


Chapter 16- Return of the Rogue

Author: Ede David


As everyone was expecting the tragedy, a figure appeared on the scene and after a split second, a cracking sound echoed as the Crust Country representative's expression changed ugly and it changed at

his back because his face was twisted to where the back of his head was meant to be and vice versa.

Everyone's expression froze with shock and utmost surprise as they gazed at the figure that stood before them.

He was a muscular, well fit middle aged man but his nearly dispersed youthful air made them think, he might have just newly entered the middle ages.

He was handsome but not Zernon or Midoriya-level handsome, but he had a firm look in his eyes that corresponded with his firmly shaped brows that strangely gave off a refreshing and intimidating feeling

at the same time.

His loose robes that had no ranking on, and long black hair fluttered in the wind and his very presence was akin to a mountain; very strong and very frightening.

All eyes fixated on the man's face before the old man shouted in shock, "It's you!"

Everyone finally recognized who this man was; he was the son of their fallen Great Tree, the disloyal traitor that had fled his clan for no good reason: Muzen Rosen.

The old man was not only extremely surprised at his arrival, but also because of his aura and frightening presence.

'His aura has surpassed the Hunter King Rank!' The old man was full with alarm and amazement.

The five and the other seven stared at Rosen, along with the remaining five representatives.

"Why have you returned, you rogue?!" the old man didn't look like the strongest but he was the oldest and was the first to shout out, not fearing what Rosen might do.

"Can't I come to my father's funeral? Eh, Geezer Nal?" Looking to be very familiar with this old man, Rosen answered casually with a voice as clear as spring, while gazing at the casket that lay on a platform on

the ground.

He took the drumstick and placed it on his shoulder, unnoticeably, because of this simple action, his grandeur seemed to have increased slightly.

He went over to the casket amidst the old man's furious ravings "You devil spawn! I'm sure it's because of your departure that made the Great Tree to overthink, hence, killing him, you better get out! You

disgraceful son!"

'Great Tree, haha, he should be called Great Cactus instead...' Rosen laughed inwardly; his laugh full of wryness but no definite sorrow.

He didn't seem at all perturbed about his father's death, only gazing at his corpse with eyes of serenity.

"Let's proceed with the funeral, your clan came here to interrupt this occasion, I will pay a visit to Crust Country very soon after this." His voice carried no emotion as if he just felt motivated to do this as the

moral obligation of a son.

The other seven froze where they stood with frightened pale expressions.

They immediately did a three-sixty turn and flashstepped away.

Their flashsteps were very advanced and they covered up to forty feet in one step, showcasing their skill as four star hunter kings.

They sped up two hundred feet away before breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

They had managed to quickly escape! If they had stayed there any second, they were sure to perish without a grave.

But sometimes in life, things won't just go the way you wanted it to.

This was more highlighted as the seven dropped to their knees with a visible, eye-catchy hole on their chest, spewing out blood endlessly before laying on the floor with expressions of complete confusion

and puzzlement.

Didn't they leave that place?! How did they still die?!

A faint afterimage blurred by.

As everyone turned to look at the direction Rosen had flashstepped to, they were stunned because the person they were studying had appeared back at the position he had flashstepped from.

Such speed! Such frightening speed!

They all speculated that this kind of speed could only be achieved by those flash bastards from Ethulphaelia and they had to be high ranking Elders in fact.

"My cloth!" a cry rang out, as a spectator clutched his chest and looked around in wonder.

Rosen appeared with a cloth in his hand, dyed with blood.

He had even stopped to rip off a man's cloth to wrap his hands in order not to stain his hands when he stabbed those seven.

And don't forget, he was still carrying that very heavy drumstick.

If not for fear of staining tradition and custom, he could have most likely used that drumstick to directly smash them to death instead of going through all the stress.

This man's means, speed and aura had surpassed the Hunter King Rank which was considered the highest threshold in Hunter Village and was already into the very prestigious and very mysterious rank

after, the rank which all the other six Hunter lords and the Great Tree were at.

The Titan Rank!!!

They had been bothering themselves about what to do, now their only Titan Ranker was dead but miraculously, one had appeared out of nowhere.

And the identity of this one was very shocking and very surprising.

They knew the Great Tree's son was a very lazy and carefree person, and was very shameless when he

was in the clan, then for no good reason, he had vanished and the clan, upon all their numerous efforts, couldn't locate him.

But now he had appeared and appeared even much stronger, not just much stronger, but way, way stronger; looking to be comparable to his father.

"Please, I urge the other delegates that have come from the other clans to respect themselves." Rosen's voice was calm, showing no emotion.

But it made the other five to shiver; seeing the gory blood and carnage that surrounded Crust Clan representative's corpse.

Rosen turned and stared at the big drum calmly, this seemed to be his real character; calm and precise.

This calmness was natural and innate but was bolstered by many harsh trials he had experienced along his way to this level.

Rosen swung the drumstick with power, delivering a very resounding blow to the drum.


The drum caved in and wobbled slightly due to the immense force that the drumstick packed, but it didn't break, instantly, a very loud echo reverberated with vigor, ringing in the ears of everyone present; threatening to deaf the ones in the front and even the ones in the back heard it very clearly.

The drum sound seemed to shake the earth and the sky and everyone thought that a grand aura had spread out once that drum had been beat.

That drum wasn't an ordinary one; it was so thick that even if twenty one five star gold ranks beat that drum with the stick, it will only make one small sound akin to weak streams of raindrops falling on the


But this man had casually swung it, even with one arm on top and yet the force he could muster was so great, that it could produce such loud echo.

Hunter Village was a place where the strong was revered and so, all prejudices they had against this man because of his sudden departure had vanished and what was left was an intense feeling of adoration and worship.

How great it would have been, if the Great Tree was still rooted to the ground and had seen how strong and powerful his son was before he fell!


Everyone shouted on top their lungs, their voice full of hot-blooded passion; the young, the children, the women, even the old men present screamed to the heavens like a snarl from a wolf.

"Begin the descent!" Rosen's voice pitched higher a little.

Immediately, all the Elders complied and the casket which was open, was closed and carried with plenty respect and deference.

Unnecessarily, the light casket was carried by up to twelve people unto a short platform where the next

phase of the ritual was carried.

The short platform was next to a very deep hole, up to thirty feet deep.

A piston was pushed and the platform extended its plank to the left where the casket had been placed.

A wheel was then turned and the platform dropped an inch.

That inch provoked another drum beat, but it was compulsory for it to be low-volume than the first.


In response, the wheel was turned again and the platform dropped down again an inch and one drumbeat echoed once again.


It dropped an inch. And in this manner, the casket was then lowered into the grave straight down after the casket had reached the opening of the grave.

But before it reached the opening, the casket had to be lowered inch after inch, and since the casket was hung nine inches above the opening of the grave, it was lowered nine times and every inch the

drum was beat and everyone will shout their prayers.

Then after the ninth inch, the casket was then lowered fully down to the ground of the grave and left to rest.

Three drumbeats rang out in succession after it was lowered and sand was systemically poured in shovels.

And afterwards, the grand ceremony had ended.

'Time to do the urgent matter at hand.' Rosen thought to himself before striding away slowly; carrying a dignified air and grace.