Hunter lord- Dragon Warrior


Chapter 17- Hunter lord- Dragon Warrior

Author: Ede David

'Because of tradition, I have to wait for 49 days, before I can be elected as Blue Spirit, the Seventh *sigh* what a bother.' Rosen lay on his bed quite lazily as he pondered about certain issues.

'Or should I use my other identity to speed it up? No, be patient Rosen, be patient.'

'Father… we wouldn't have gotten into a fight if you had just behaved yourself, now look you are dead…

from playing with raging, hot fire.' Rosen sighed forlornly and as he lay there, he looked extremely lonely and tranquil.

Some of this loneliness came from being one of the strongest men in the world, when you had no rival or peer, even if you had a peer, then they weren't friendly because of their political differences.

Being invincible was lonely… this was a known fact.

"Tomorrow, we continue, I will be outside the inn, at that opposite food vendor." Zernon placed the fat chunk of flesh on the floor to rest while he walked towards the exit.

Fatty Zhen lay there on the hard, cold floor and sighed in agony.

He was extremely tired and his whole body was aching severely, he reminisced about his sweet, extravagant life of pleasure and his sigh increased in pitch; he knew from now on, he wouldn't get to enjoy again and he felt very sad.

'I'm going to lose weight, should this continue.' Fatty Zhen grimaced in pain as he rubbed his aching temple slowly.

After some while, he glanced around and didn't see any trace of Zernon.

A devious smile crept unto his face as he began plotting his escape.

He was currently in a local inn outside the Iron Leaf Forest, so he planned to escape through the window and return back home.

He couldn't pass the main door, unless Zernon might see him.

"Hehe… when I return, I can finally enjoy myself…" Fatty Zhen chuckled, as he walked towards the window.

But he soon realized a problem… the window was too high, strangely, it was built up to seven feet up from the wall.

And Fatty Zhen was definitely not that tall.

'Damn it, this idea looked very good in my head.' Fatty Zhen gazed upwards at the window, filled with despair and unwillingness.

'Why the hell are windows built so high?!' Fatty Zhen tried jumping; humorously enough, he could barely jump six inches.

He tried several times; but he would only make a petty jump and then land back down with his fat stomach wiggling: creating a very funny sight.

"Which kind of pills are these?" Midoriya carried the pill to his nose and sniffed on it gently.

"Must you smell everything? It's quite disgusting," Taniyah frowned in annoyance.

"Sorry, it's a habit…" Midoriya scratched his head awkwardly.

"These are Body Cleansing Pills; the newest and updated kind." Taniyah changed topic.

"Body Cleansing Pills?... what do they do exactly?" Midoriya asked perplexedly.

"What? You don't know this much about a body cleansing pill?" Taniyah stared at him like staring at a fool.

Slightly infuriated at such a stare; Midoriya barked in annoyance, "I don't use pills!"

"Seriously…" Taniyah gazed at him incredulously.

"Yes, pills are forbidden where I come from, we are meant to train without any external assistance and only depend on ourselves," Midoriya replied somberly.

"Wow… that means you are a real genius… where do you even come from?"

"I come from the Flowing Wind Domain of the Southern Region,"

"Body Cleansing Pills are special type of drugs created by one of the seven factions of the Center Region-The Garden, this pill helps to rejuvenate and strengthen a Hunter's body, it helps to produce anti-toxins that detoxify any harmful bacteria in the body and helps to stabilize the metabolic rate of the body while

also purifying it." Taniyah slowly explained.

"Do they have steroid effects?"

"They do provide huge volumes of energy but in a safe way that doesn't really leave any side effect unlike the Scarlet Break Pill."

"…Neh." Midoriya stared at the pale blue pill on his palm before handing it over to Taniyah.

"Why?" Taniyah took the pill and was quite confused.

"I don't think my body will quite like this."

He finally knew the awesome benefits this pill had; for instance, the cleansing and energizing effect the pill added to the body will surely be very crucial to Hunters before carrying out stressful activities like

training and fighting, this will make a Hunter's training session extend longer because of the additional energy it provided, and if a Hunter's training session can extend longer, then it will only give the Hunter more benefits.

But he wasn't used to consuming pills to train, and he didn't just want to use it.

Taniyah took the pill with a hidden grin on her face.

She had bought two, and she wanted to consume the pills herself, but she couldn't because she didn't have the heart to eat without first offering one to her friend.

She didn't want to give him and would have liked to eat the two by herself but had to because of moral obligations.

So she took it, feeling very happy and relieved.

Midoriya, unaware of her thoughts, sat down on a couch and sighed, "The Garden, their pharmaceutical skills are really very good?"

"Yes, but surely in the future, we will be going against it." Taniyah smiled, not minding that she was using their product.

Midoriya's thoughts raced.

The leader of The Garden was the Counselor; and he was one of the Seven Hunter lords, he was more than a hundred years old, but his concoction and refining skills were very superb and unique.

There was even a certain degree of pride amongst Hunters when they used pills from The Garden; some of them even bragged about it.

This kind of person was someone this two had plans of going against.

Why they wanted this Sacred Revolution, he didn't know, but he had his' and maybe, he might get to know theirs' in the future.

But his very cautious self didn't fully agree with this.

Border Domain, Western Region.


A loud, furious roar permeated the entire area as a massive, black dragon flew over the barren wasteland.

The ground was cracked with withered flowers, shrubs and brushes, but although this place looked like a useless wasteland, the presence of numerous people was in abundance.

This was because of the Border that existed here.

Many people shivered in fright, as they gazed up at the rapidly moving dragon; the dragon had one fully grown sharp horn on its head alongside one other small bump.

After a while, all of them gave a deep bow, "We salute Hunter lord- Dragon Warrior!!!"

The middle aged man on top the dragon had a severe face with short brows, and narrowed, snake-like eyes that gave off arrogant vibes.

His red dragon tattoo done on top his brown, chocolate skin glistened slightly under the scorching sun.

Even after he passed, many people still gazed at his receding figure with reverence and adoration.

Not only was this man one of the strongest Hunters in Hunter Village, he was also the leader of Nage Land, one of the Seven Factions of the Center Region.

Additionally, this man was an expert in taming dragons; according to rumors, this man already had four dragons tamed under him!

Dragons were very arrogant and domineering; taming one wasn't easy as even most dragons will choose to die rather than submit, yet this man was fully capable of subduing up to four dragons!

He was a figure of praise and respect, so many people held him in high esteem.

"Damn you Rax! Even if I die, my ghost will forever hunt you!" A scrawny looking dwarf shrieked in intense anger, fury and mostly helplessness.

Dragon Warrior stared at his back with cold eyes; the way one would look at an already dead person: a walking corpse.

"Betrayal is not something I particularly like, you thought that you could escape before I noticed, right?... Too bad, you underestimated me." Dragon Warrior slowly spoke as he kept on pursuing the

scrawny dwarf.

If anyone had seen this, then they would most likely be very astonished at how fast this dwarf must be, in order to run head to head with a dragon.

'To firebreath him will be quick, but let me allow him sink further into despair first.' Dragon Warrior cruelly thought, while following him patiently.

He stayed like that for a while, before remembering something, "…F**k, I nearly forgot, the Hunter

Council Meeting is starting this evening, damn it."

"Which dragon should I use tomorrow, the second or the fifth one… maybe, I should use the third one, haven't ridden that one for years now." Dragon Warrior's voice was casual as he slowly muttered to


"I won't allow a despicable bastard like you to kill me!" the dwarf screamed with passion before suddenly exploding with more speed.

Dragon Warrior, that was so occupied with his thoughts, had not noticed that he had reached a very secluded area.

In this area, furious whirlwinds and tempests blew around destructively, creating 'whooshing' sounds while blowing away sands and rocks everywhere alongside sharp gales of wind.

Specifically, the clouds around this area were creepily black like the dark beginning of a raging thunderstorm.

He marched his feet slightly and the dragon immediately halted.

Even though he was one of the strongest Hunters, he still warily gazed at the whirlwinds, not daring to move an inch further.

Many people also kept their distance from the whirlwinds, while observing what was in front of them.

Then, they noticed Dragon Warrior, "We salute Hunter lord- Dragon Warrior!!!"

Dragon Warrior didn't respond; only gazing seriously at what was in front of him.