Chapter 18- The Great Divide


Chapter 18- The Great Divide

Author: Ede David

AUTHOR'S NOTE: To answer people's questions, yes, I'm fourteen years old.

In the middle of the raging, furious whirlwinds was a horizontal crack.

It wasn't just a crack; but a wide and very deep gorge in the ground.

It was over a hundred feet wide and looking down, all one could see was a hazy, endless pit of complete darkness.

Even a rough estimation of the depth wasn't possible, because the gorge looked very boundless and infinitely deep.

This is what separated Hunter Village and another place which Hunters called the Secular World.

The dwarf stopped and turned, then shot a furious glare towards the man on the dragon; full of resentment and intense hatred before shooting off into the whirlwinds.

"He has chosen the death sentence!"

"Even a dragon with its incredibly hard scales cannot pass that place and come out alive!"

Many people remarked, as they watched the man flashstep into the raging whirlwinds.

Not even a sound was heard, or maybe the sound of the dwarf's whole body getting torn to shreds was overwhelmed by the loud whirlwinds.

He had chosen to kill himself.

Dragon Warrior's eyes carried faint respect for the dwarf, before gazing ahead at the deep gorge.

It was public knowledge, that after this gorge, there was another world, another civilization identical to theirs'.

How they knew this? Their Ancestors had left notes of it.

How their Ancestors knew this? Well, they didn't quite know.

But they knew their Ancestors won't lie to them.

And furthermore, there were very eye-catchy things happening from the other side and many had even seen, people from the other side, try to pass through the whirlwinds but to no avail.

They themselves had tried, but had also failed.

Many speculated that gods had fought there and the shockwaves of their battle had left this gorge; many also said that on the other side was a land full of happiness, comfort and no sorrows- a heaven.

But no one had been able to cross the gorge and see what was on the other side.

Because of his status, he knew some things about what was on the other side, but didn't know quite much and the place was still covered in a hazy fog of mysteries.

He gazed at the gorge and he knew that something was inside that gorge; it was that thing that could control the whirlwinds and dictate whether anyone could pass this gorge.

But any attempt to negotiate or beg that thing had ended in futility.

He knew this because he was one of the Hunter lords; ordinary Hunters didn't know this.

He was filled with curiosity like every other, but he couldn't do anything, so after gazing at the gorge for a while, he marched his dragon twice and the dragon turned, before then shooting off into the distance

amidst the gazes of adoration and respect.

"Little boy, what took you so long?!" In a furnished, poorly lit room, an old looking man barked at the newcomer that just walked through the door.

Although the old man seemed to be in his late seventies, it was noted that people like him, were over hundred years old; with age closing in on the one-eighty boundary.

In the room, sat four old men, one old woman and another middle aged man, adding the newcomer's arrival, then they were seven.

These people were the Seven Hunter lords of Hunter Village!

Dragon Warrior was among, he just opened his eye and glanced at the newcomer with slight interest before returning to his haughty, arrogant demeanor.

"Sorry, I had to take care of some matters, so I delayed." Muzen Rosen silently said as he stood there, gazing at all six of them with proper serenity.

"Boy, take a seat." A gentle voice rang out at his side, turning over, he set his eyes on another old man, but this one didn't look as hot-tempered and irascible as the first one, but instead had a gentle, kind-looking expression as he gestured him to take his late father's seat.

His brows were silver grey and curved around his deep, murky eyes in a kind manner.

He recognized this Hunter lord; he was the Counselor- the leader of The Garden, and the best pharmacist in the whole Hunter Village.

"No, I will just stand." Muzen Rosen replied, thinking to himself. 'Well, it would be more easy to escape if need be.'

"Concerns you." The Counselor's expression didn't change; he just sat down there, releasing a very conserved yet thick presence: he didn't have bulging muscles, dignified expressions or a calm and serene face, instead he looked skinny and his dry skin had already been fastened tightly to his bones, so if one didn't look at him well, then one could just conclude that he was an ordinary old man, and not even think that he was a Hunter lord.

"The boy is too full of himself," The old man from earlier scoffed silently again, causing Rosen to study the man's face clearly.

He then understood why this old man kept on pitting himself against him, he was the leader of Crust Country; their longtime enemies.

He was also called lord Detro.

Detro's gaze towards him was very unkind and full of resentment; he had been very delighted and happy that Blue Spirit VI had died, and had already started preparing how to deal with Blue Spirit, but suddenly

this man from nowhere reappeared and spoiled all his plans.

And furthermore, this man was this young and was already at the Titan Rank like them, this just went to show how talented this man was. Should he have any plans of world domination like Einger or Eireny,

then it could mean big trouble for him.

Thinking like this made him remember Dragon Warrior, who he also glanced at from the corner of his eye.

Dragon Warrior just had closed eyes, looking as if nobody was worth his time.

"Why do you keep on attacking him, do you like him?" A soft, yet crisp voice rang out afterwards, directing clear derision to Detro.

The old woman, who was the leader of Ethulphaelia, had spoken up and although they were part of the Hunter Council; they also had their political and historical differences and was surely not united.

Her face was healthily round and the blades of time had carved around her face, leaving faded wrinkles, but her beautiful, gazelle-like eyes still shone brightly with a tinge of elegance.

In history, Blue Spirit, also called Ancestor Muzen Fang and Durs of Ethulphaelia were very close partners and friends, and although in present day, there were minor scuffles between the two factions, they were still historical partners.

"Shut up, you old hag?" Detro barked back; full of rage.

"Geez, your temper is as fiery as always, can't you just take a break?" The old woman with name, Guro Ystic, silently said with an expression of disdain, not afraid to further provoke him.


Detro was ready to fan the quarrel, but was swiftly interrupted by a rough, coarse voice, "The both of you should shut up and let this meeting continue!"

Rosen turned to the new voice and his brows lifted up slightly in surprise, this old man was the leader of Scorched Earth, named Deetor Lux, although time had dampened his skin tone a lot, it didn't seem to affect the eye catchy scar that ran across his face in a very frightening manner.

If he had not been careful, then his head would have been cut into two, diagonally.

His robes stuck tightly on his densely muscled forearms, his bulky build still very alive even though he was extremely old.

Both of them kept quiet, not from subservient fear, but from slight wariness to this man; Scorched Earth was a place of madmen, their economy and source of income were mainly derived from rental fighting services- If you had enough money, then you could even hire a division in Scorched Earth to wage war for you.

But the problem was that the rental fee was too high.

They also specialized mainly in beast observation: they were madmen born to fight.

"I have important information." The last old man, who was the Emperor of the Mist Empire, spoke out in a slow, unhurried fashion.

He wore a big black cloak that covered his entire face, leaving a hazy fog of darkness and mystery, but what was not covered was the pair of red, intimidating eyes from underneath that seemed to be full with boundless suspicion and caution.

All of them stayed silent and turned to look at the man, he was the information gatherer of the Hunter Council, nothing ever stays too long, hidden under him. He and his goons were usually the ones that fished out fakers.

His name was Druzol Spears.

"Secular World has made a move," his voice was slight and slow, causing one to unnecessarily strain their ears, whilst listening to him.

"Again! Those bastards!" Deetor Lux proved to be even more hot-tempered than Detro, showing from how he slammed his fist on the table, shattering the entire table into mere shrapnel and crumbles, causing the room to ring with a cracking noise.

Seemingly used to this old man's hot temper, Druzol slowly continued, "I had initially set up watchers in the Border Domain of the Western Region, and they reported to me, that at midnight, a flash of light tore through the whirlwinds and something like a large meteor or arrow appeared and shot off into the


"I went there of recent, I didn't notice anything unusual." The haughty Dragon Warrior finally spoke out,

glancing at Druzol's hazy, dark face with slight suspicion.

They all had their different agendas and motives, so they didn't quite trust each other.

"Yes, my men say it was brief and everything returned to normal." Druzol casually answered.

"Then why didn't your men pursue after this meteor thing?" Dragon Warrior questioned.

"They say it was too fast."

The rest gazed at him with suspicious faces, they didn't think Druzol might be plotting anything from saying this, even if he was lying, but they couldn't just bring their selves to fully believe him, maybe

because of their shady history.

"We have to meet with those your men and ask them more." Detro spoke out, caressing his long, grey beards.

"There will be no need, my subordinates were also there at that time and they reported the same thing to me," The silent Counselor finally joined the conversation, easing their worries.

They could be paranoid to anybody but not to people of The Garden; they had a long history of keeping their word and concerning matter of politics, never lied (which was a very impressive feat).

It was also due to them, that Eireny had been put down.

"This is their second time in infiltrating our land, what should we do now?" Guro Ystic asked silently.