Chapter 3: Fight (Part 2)

As the two sides fought, Zieck casually dodging Gabriel's attack and countering it makes it more entertaining for Zieck and make himself look like a clown,

Zieck's plan was to embarrass Gabriel and to put him in his place since his been giving nothing but trouble,

as he Finally decided to end this fight, Gabriel grabbed a metal pipe and swung it towards Zieck, it surprised Zieck causing him to have huge scar on his left Cheek,

he wiped the blood off his face, after taking the hit he made a decision to end this Fight,

since Gabriel is getting out of hand,

he charged towards Gabriel grabbing him by the neck and then slammed him to the ground, making him lose balance and slightly knocking him unconscious,

right before he grabbed Gabriel's body he was then interrupted by his underlings,

"we won't let you take the boss" they said,

"oh yeah? why don't you try and stop me" Zieck said smiling devilishly,

Zieck was outnumbered by 10 to 1, but they don't seem to have any fighting experience,

intimidated by his smile, the group charged towards him without hesitation even though knowing they can't win against this monster,

Zieck then charged towards them, he punched one of them knocking them out, then kicked another to the stomach causing them to barely breathe and lose consciousness,

the others picked up tools just to have a fighting chance, but sadly it was no use since Zieck is not only strong and durable he's also fast making it harder for them to hit him much less graze him,

Zieck also has an extraordinary reflexes making it easy for him to Dodge his enemy's attacks no matter how many they are,

he defeated all Gabriel's underlings, Gabriel unfortunately woke up tied up by zieck on his arms and legs,

"put me down you bastard!" Gabriel said angrily,

"why should I? so that you could cause more trouble to big sister Cathy? hmph, you wish I'm taking you to her" Zieck saidq,

Gabriel can do nothing but glare at Zieck since he's been tied down,

after he tied Gabriel he saw Olivia running towards them,

"Zieck are you okay? are you hurt?" Olivia asked, after seeing Zieck's scar,

"I'm fine how about the kid? is he alright" he asked,

"he's fine luckily it's treatable or else we'll have to bring him to the hospital," Olivia answered,

"Good let's go to sister Cathy, let her deal with this idiot" Zieck said,

Olivia nodded and lead Zieck towards the orphanage,

once he stepped foot in there he was greeted by his younger siblings,

"Big brother Zieck your back! Did you have a fight again?" one of them asked

"No I did not fight this is just from work" Zieck answered,

"hmph we don't believe you" they replied,

"I brought some marshmallows" he said while grabbing a pack of marshmallows,

"yay you're the best big brother Zieck" they said

"shh, don't be so loud or I'll get in trouble and don't get caught by big sister Cathy okay" Zieck whispered

"okay" they answered

the children suddenly became silent, Zieck Started to wonder when he noticed a shadow sweat started to drip on his entire body as he slowly turned around,

he's soul left his body when he saw the person behind him.