Chapter 4: Cathy

He's soul left his body when he Saw the person behind him,

It was Cathy, the eldest of the group and caretaker of the children in the orphanage who has an angelic personality but can be quite demonic if she gets angry,

She's 18 years old and pretty much looks too mature for her age, her stature as a woman was astonishing she has a pretty face and a huge dumbtruck with a nice pear of cherries and was Zieck's crush,

"Zieck care. to. ex. plain. what. is. going. on!" Cathy said in an irritated voice,

Zieck hearing her voice answered,

"S-s-s-sister Cathy I know you're mad but I have a re-reason for this" Zieck answered in a shakened voice,

"There is no need for explanation! I told you not to give the children marshmallows, I said I would buy them! go to your room"she said



"Yes but-"


Zieck just slumped down facing the floor and while walking towards his room,

after he entered his room Cathy then turned her attention towards the kids and said,

"kids give me the marshmallows"she said while extending her hand,

"no" the children said while running away from her,

Cathy chased the children demanding to hand over the marshmallows, but unfortunately the children has so much stamina even she got tired and gave up,

Cathy really doesn't like to take the marshmallows away from the children but it was teach them that nothing in this world is free and Zieck should not spoil them,

while on the other hand Zieck just listened to the commotion upstairs, he just smiled and casually went into his room casually and smiled

on the next day Zieck heard Cathy call his name,

"Zieck! get down here now!" she said,

and just like a bolt of lightning he ran outside his room meeting Cathy downstairs,

"Zieck what's the meaning of this?" Cathy asked while Pointing at a beat up Gabriel,

Zieck explained the whole situation to Cathy from Gabriel bullying a child and embarrassing him in front of his subordinates and almost breaking the child's bones, and also attempted to hurt Olivia then attacked him with a metal pipe in which he got his scar,

After listening to Zieck's explanation she then turned her gaze towards Gabriel and looked at him with disdain and Said,

"Gabriel I'm so disappointed in you, Zieck and I have been tolerating that behavior of yours but now you've gone too far from now on you will never go out of this place ever again and live in the basement" she said,

Hearing this Gabriel started to beg Cathy,

"sister Cathy please i won't do it again please don't put me in the basement please!" Gabriel cried,

"it's too late to beg Gabriel you should've stopped when we told you so. no face the consequence"Cathy said,

Zieck grabbed Gabriel by the collar and dragged him towards the basement while Gabriel still begged for forgiveness,

(The basement is not anything scary but since Gabriel is immature he still believed there are monsters in the basement and plus to prevent him from scheming or working out since he might cause more trouble once he gets out of the basement. the basement in on 5ft away with only a bed)