Chapter 5: I Will

Seeing the amount of money Zieck can't help but be surprised after seeing it,

"I should hide this money and give some to big sister Cathy" he said as he hid the money under his pillow,

The next morning,

Zieck woke up and walked downstairs,

"good morning everyone" he said to them,

"oh! good morning Zieck sit down and eat your breakfast" said Cynthia,

Zieck only nodded and sat down beside Cynthia,

"So how was your day at work?" she asked,

"everything's Great actually I was given a bonus" Zieck replied,

"oh! I see that's great you really are a hard worker" Cathy said as she patted Ziecks head,

Zieck only smiled and let her do what she wants,

"Here, this is my share" he said as he placed a money into her hand,

"Wait, 30k?! no,no,no Zieck keep it to yourself you don't have to give me this," Cathy said as she instantly shoved the money on to Ziecks body,

"No sister Cathy you keep it and besides it's my thank you gift for helping me and the kids in this orphanage" he said as he looked Into her eyes,

Cathy could barely breathe and her face flushed red which made her unable to utter another word,

"L-l-let's just focused on the food" she said stuttering,

"Hey big sister Cathy are you dating big brother Zieck?" one of the kids asked innocently,

"W-w-what are you T-talking about you don't know what you're saying!" Cathy immediately replied as she shove food on the child's mouth,

Zieck blushed but prefer to be quiet while Cathy was red like a tomato while eating,

The kids laughed seeing this and continued eating their food,

"I don't mind it" said Zieck as he looked away as he blushed but showed a little red on his ears,

"what did you say!" said Cathy,

"nothing" Zieck replied,

"hey! I'm 6 years older than you! and you're still 14 so don't get your hopes up" she said glaring at him as she grabbed zieck's Shirt,


"huh?" said Cathy as she saw Ziecks clothes get ripped off and showed his beautiful physique,

8 pack abs, big and veiny arms, shredded body, it was a body that was made from an anime and a Greek god combined it was totally flawless, how could a 14 years old boy have this physique?

Cathy immediately covered Ziecks body and sat back down flustered,

"heh~ big sister Cathy is blushing" said one of the kids teasingly,

Cathy blushed prufuriously, "W-what are you kids talking about! eat your food!" she said as she attempted to hide her embarrassment,

"hahaha! big sister Cathy's blushing" said the children chorusely teasing her.

"Hey guys, that's enough teasing Big sister Cathy, look at her she's as red as a tomato" zieck said as he gestured his hand saying it's enough,

"Okay! big brother!" they said altogether,

"Good, now eat your food I still have work to attend to" he said as he finished his plate and washed it in the kitchen before leaving for his work,

"take care! don't get yourself hurt okay?" said Cathy as she waved her hand,

"I will" he said as he nodded his head.