Chapter 6: Stop wearing those Clothes

As Zieck left for his work, Cathy couldn't get his figure out of her head which made her blush even more, "Big sister Cathy's blushing~" the children said teasingly again,

Cathy flinched and said, "G-g-g-geez come here!"

The kids ran around laughing and Cathy chasing after them to punish them was red as a tomato,


While Zieck was on his way to work, saw 5 men in black suits and glasses right in front of him which he ignored, but as he walked past them he looked at them cautiously.

it seems that they were looking for someone or something in which he just ignored, 'it's none of my business' he said to himself as they disappeared from his sight,

As he was nearing the building where he worked, he heard someone say, "Help!" the sound of a woman screaming,

Zieck walked in the corner of an alleyway and saw 5 men surrounding 3 girls holding their purses tight,

He then heard one of them say, "Girl please don't make this difficult okay? just do as we say and we won't hurt you" he said,

"Never! I'd rather die than be your plaything!" said the blue haired girl, "me too!" said the pink haired girl."me three!" said the red haired girl.

"You still have no choice" the other one said as he reached his hand towards one of them when suddenly,

"Hey! why don't you guys Fight someone your own size!" said a boy having a scar on his cheek,

'Damn this cringey ass line' Zieck said to himself,

The 5 men just laughed, "Kid why don't you just mind your damn business and leave us adults alone before you get hurt" one of them said mockingly,

Zieck's veins popped when he was ignored and threatened, He then approached them fearlessly,

"Hey! didn't you hear what we s-" before he could even finish speaking the man's head was slapped and it crashed on the wall of the alleyway causing him to faint,

"This kid's courting death! get him boys!" says the biggest of the group,

They charged at him with knives ready to kill him, "Watch out!" said the Blue haired girl,

"weak" Zieck muttered as he charged at them without fear,

The first guy attempted to stab him in the stomach only for him to get a knee to the face, Then the other one tried to slash him which Zieck caught effortlessly breaking his arm deeming it permanent dislocated, "Argh!!!" they both shouted shouted, "Attack him together you idiots!" says the Big G,

The remaining two tried a pincer attack only for their heads to get caught and smashed against one another,

"Night night bitch" he said,

(A.N: Zieck's height is 206cm)

"Tch! guess I'll have to do it myself" Big G said as he charged at Zieck full speed, Zieck also charged at him trying to test his strength against him,

"Ha! your facing me? Big G? hahaha! in terms of strength I'm confident in myself! hahaha prepare to die!" he said as their first clashed,

When Zieck clashed with him his face of excitement became the face of disappointment, "Your not strong, you're just fat as fuck" he said as he punched big G to the face,

"Hu-" before big g could react he was knock out,

"Tch, strong my ass" Zieck said as he was leaving, he then heard someone yell, "Wait!"

"hm? what is it?" he said as he looked back, The three girls blushed and said, "how can we ever thank you?"

Zieck snorted, "Stop Wearing Those Clothes" as he left.