Chapter 7: Christmas Gift

The girls were shocked hearing this from a boy that looks like the same age as them (He's 14), But chose to ignore what he said because it is in fact inappropriate to wear this clothes especially in public.

They then realized their wrongdoing and thought, 'If you don't want to be a target of perverts then don't make yourself more seductive'

They sighed and left in a hurry, though they pretty much thought thought of the cool looking boy who saved them like a knight in shining armor.

"I wonder what that cute guy's name is" said the one of them.

"What? Now way...? You have a crush on him?" The girl in pink hair named Cassy said teasingly.

"What! No I, don't speak nonsense Cassy! I'm Just admiring him" Nicole said blushing

"Yeah right, we know how you feel girl we do too" said the red haired girl name Susan.

Nicole blushed and said, "G-g-g-geez, it's not what you think!!!" As she covered her beet red faced running.

"Hey! Wait for me" x2 said the two as they chased after her.


Zieck finally reaching his destination put on his construction gear proceeded to do his usual thing.


[9:45 pm]


It was a long day, until he was done with work and received his daily pay,

"Phew, that was refreshing! Good warm up for me", Zieck said as he was leaving.

As he was walking down the street humming happily, he walked past the mall and saw a very unique dress and a set of toys.

This made zieck smile as he thought to himself, "Hey, it's almost Christmas why don't I give Big sister Cathy and the kids a Christmas gift, luckily I have a spare because I have another bonus" as he entered the mall.

Zieck entered the mall and picked the dress and the toys altogether with some grocery,

As he was about to go to the counter he heard a voice calling him, "Your so strong young man and those things you bought, you're gonna make a great husband and father,"

It was a short old lady with square transparent glasses,

Zieck smiled and replied, "Grandma I'm still single, I just bought it for my big sister and little siblings before this coming Christmas"

"Oh my! Such a thoughtful brother you are!" The old lady said as she walked away with a smile.

Zieck finally reached the counter and paid for all the items he took, as he was leaving the mall he realized a bit of mistake he made when he took the dress.

"Dammit I didn't know this things's Expensive as heck! Luckily it only dried out my bonus not my original payment *sigh*" Zieck said reluctantly.

While he was regretting it he then thought of the happy face Cathy would show him if he gave her this dress along with the kids.

"Oh well, as long as their happy" he said with a smile.

He only bought himself a thick leather coat, gloves, a cool dragon patterned full faced mask, leather leggings and a thick boots. Which only cost him 150 dollars, (Pretty cheap right?)

He hummed leaving happily as he left the mall.