

The year 3067, Humanity has enshrined itself inside one of the last remaining Great City of the past named Arkain. Humanity is prone to conflict and one such conflict called the Great Conflict War happening a thousand year ago which lasted for eight centuries forced humanity to take refuge in the last bastion where they hoped to regrow and gain back everything they lost but they didn't.

Information regarding the calamity war is lost as to why it happened is unknown and who was the victor is also unknown as the only thing which is known that humanity has taken refuge in the last Great City which can contain ten billion people at maximum as the current population is four billion.

Living in a city with billions of people is quite difficult as the city does have a working government which unfortunately has rotten to the core and is under the control of the high borns or the ones who control the cities distributions and collections and productions and utilities as the governments lack of response for hundreds of years forced it to corrode.

The City has a hierarchy as the high borns whom live at the center which is the administration zone. They live in there towers which is tall enough to go pass the clouds making it beautiful yet ugly due to how everything is conjoined. Due to the towers able to reach above the clouds the high borns get the chance to see and feel the sunlight which is a privilege as this gives them a black skin complexion. The low borns are the workers whom work at the industrial zone which is the third zone as after administration zone comes the military zone where the military police resides and operates.

The life of a low born is not that great as they have higher number yet taught from an early age that they must always follow the law and respect the high borns as there job is to work for the city. The low borns is pale in colour for they don't get to see the sun as only the ones who work at the industrial zone gets to feel the heat as the city itself covered by a thicc cloud formation as sun light is a rare phenomenon and the low borns eyes are white as if they are dead and they also can see great in darkness as the only thing which keeps the residential area and downtown area of the city is the flashing lights of the uncountable amount of buildings..

The Great City was constructed long before the calamity war as it was just one of millions but the last remaining as the city is surrounded by one hundred feet long walls as the only ones allowed there are the city watch or the Aegis Guardian Forces as anyone who trespassing in or near the walls will be sentenced to death immediately without any mercy. The City itself is massive so massive that it can hold in a total of ten billion people as accomodating them peacefully and perfectly.

The Great City was constructed so well that it has zones respectively for each main purposes to run the city well as making it easy for the government. The food production is done in factories as the technology to produce food without destroying the nature was made thousands of years ago to make sure the planet won't suffer for human necessities....

Welcome to the The Great City of Arkain, A corrupted city of the last remaining humans as the journey to unfold it's secrets and to follow the stench of corroded systems as the dark fate of the City and it's people is arriving not from the outside but the inside for the Question of will humanity survive shall be answered soon....