
The Life of an Inspector

The inspector's existed long before the calamity war as they were tasked with the humble duty of keeping the Great City safe at all cost. This group of people were the police force, the judge and the Executioner. After the Calamity War and hundreds of years of corruption of the government made this unique force to be manipulated into serving the high borns. But they're main objectives remains clear as protect the city and there new objective was to protect any high born in the vicinity by the lowly low born and to kill any lowly low born who breaks the law but do not kill any high born even if they were to break the sacred laws, As the only time an inspector can kill a high born is when they see the high born damaging the city which gives them the reason to execute them but it rarely happens since a lot of Inspectors are loyal dogs.

-9:36 am-

" It was day time or was it day time, All I could say is it's day time but like every day it was pitch dark as the only thing lighting up this part of the city is the lights of all those buildings." He slowly stood up from his bed while sighing. Slowly his hand goes towards the table and takes a packet of cigerette. He takes out a cigerette as biting onto it and then lighting it up, he takes the cigarette out from his mouth which was followed by a stream of smoke which leaked out from his mouth. The Gongs of the Temple woke him as around the city there were old temples as to the purpose of the temples were lost so the only thing used was were there massive bells which were used to rang to let people know what is the time as every thirty minutes the bell will ring as the noise echoes across the Great City.

He walked towards the mirror after putting the cigarette on the table as smoke can be still coming out from his mouth. His appearance was not that great for he was pale as milk as if he was a corpse, his body appeared to have wounds which have been cauterizated which made it look a bit weird or ugly in a sense, His face was smooth as there wasn't any wounds or scar as his eyes were pale like his skin with a tint of blue making it a bit unique. He then went to the wash basin as quickly washing his face and then rushing to wear his uniform as black pants along with a white followed by a khaki coloured over coat which has two guns held inside it. " uff I am late.." He scoffed before rushing outside as he was running towards the stairs, He lived in a apartment at the residential zone of the low borns as he was at the thirty fifth floor.

" Your late boy." Virgil said with a loud voice as Virgil was the chief inspector of the Residential Zone. " sorry chief." He would say while walking towards them as Virgil immediately holds Donovan as giving him a noogie/rubbing his head with knuckle.

" uhm, sir i- i we shouldn't play around." a soft voice appeared beside Virgil as it was inspector Mathew a young boy.

" debrief boy." Virgil announced loudly as ordering Mathew to explain the information regarding there job here.

" uff- um um so - so we um are here uhm to protect a convoy of the highborns uhh they are their here to sight see the lowborns. " Mathew explained the mission.

" So we have to guard some high born kids who are here to see the low borns as if we are some kind of rare animals to be part of such sight seeing safari." Donovan muttered with an annoyed tone as he pretty much couldn't digest such petty mindsets.

" Maybe boy, those kids who'll be coming here lived there entire life atop those big ass towers.. you cannot expect them to not show a sheer sense of curiosity and not to mention we look different we they have grown up seeing black skinned folks while we are all white." Virgil replied to Donovan while patting his back as he would take a lot of air in before " LISTEN TO ME YOU MAGGOTS, PROTECT THOSE KIDS WITH YOUR LIFE.. WE HAVE TO SHOW THEM OUR POWER.. DISMISSED." Virgil announced loudly so they can all listen clearly and know what there chief wanted them to do.

The Great City of Arkain was divided into three main districts as at the center lied the administration district as at the center of the administration district was the Central Governments building which literally passed through the sky making the new age engineers baffled as thousands of years ago people were able to make such monstrous construction as the top is where the high borns live as the building's top most floors can contain more than fifty million humans, as the building for the central government was turned into an apartment for high borns the real administrators of the city lived at the residential zone at the edge of the administration district. After the Administration district comes the Military District which is the second largest district as it contains all the headquarters of the law enforcement forces along with Military and Aegis Guardian Forces of the City Walls. The Military District does offer Residential Zone but it does have certain limitations especially to the lowborns as not all low born family gets the chance to live in the military residential zone due to the whole social hierarchy.

The end comes the civilian district as it's the largest in the city, after passing through the military district's outer walls one can enter the industrial zone of the City as the low borns work there, the industrial zone is basically the back born of the city for works are done about twenty hours every day to ensure the city stays alive as the industrial zone needs atleast a minimum amount of one billion workers to keep it running. After the industrial zone comes the civilian residential zone which has markets and other necessities connected to it. After the administration district the sun isn't visible in the city due to the thick clouds looming about the city for the civilians have no chance of seeing which makes there skin pale as milk and there eyes mutated into white colour as they can see in darkness. The civilian district is basically lit up by the various exotic colours of each building as apparently each block consists of more than half a million buildings as the whole area holds ninty eight percentage of the population out of four billion people.

The Crimes against the City is vastly done here as it's mostly conducted by the zealots of the temples who believe in made up beliefs which is made to fit their narrative yet has no connections with old temples, The Resistance who resist the high borns and wishes to give the corroded government the whole power, The Revolutionaries whom wish to bring revolution and eliminate all the high borns and the government officials as set up low borns as the central power, The petty gangs whom exist to fight for the biggest payer, The various assasins and hitmen who will also kill for money and not but least the petty thiefs and thugs.. they're rotten stench reeks across the Great City giving it a bad Name.

The Inspectors jobs were to make sure the Great City remains great and protected as to execute any threats inside the city. But the force was corrupted by the High borns as the higher officials of the Force were high borns or the positions were given to them as the low born inspectors were forced to kill their own by the orders of there higher ups making it difficult but the inspector's are judge and executioner as they have the power to kill any accused even if they are high borns but only if the break the law and cause damage on the city. The Inspector's sole duty was to protect the city but the high borns added one more objective which was to protect the high borns themselves but it did convoluted with the law of protecting the city and killing anyone who dares damage the City itself.

The Great City of Arkain had four roads connecting the city wall and the central building as this roadways were thousands of kilometres long and one kilometre wide as this was constructed to let the military in and to let people out if there is any emergency but now the high borns use it to visit the walls as to meet the legendary Aegis Guardian Forces who protects the walls along with getting leisure rides to see the civilian district as for them the civilians were tools and sightseeing the lowborns makes the high born children happy weirdly enough, As whenever they visit the civilians gather at the edge of the massive roadway as the civilians are barred from ever using this roadways as if anyone puts a feet in will be killed immediately and they are also prohibited from harming or even making eye contact or talk about the highborns.

As an inspector Donovan was tasked to protect the arriving high born kids as the zealots or the revolutionary or the resistance forces would try to attack to make a point against the high borns. He walked forward amongst the crowds as the only way to spot a criminal was easy, everyone fears the inspectors even if they are low borns as death is imminent if an inspector is hunting as everyone avoids eye contact except the ones who wishes to challenge the law and is cautious of the inspectors as they accidentally stare to see if an inspector see them and this makes it an inspector to see the culprit. Without budging his head Donovan kept on moving as he was pushing against the crowd but none would say or look at him fearing imminent death. " two hours until the arrival, where will you all he hiding.." He would murmur while walking but he immediately stops as he saw two eyes far far away hiding amongst the crowd as it was staring at his eyes.. an eye contact made as he would immediately rush towards the area where he saw the eyes, An Inspector is in peak humane physical conditions Making them seem like they are unnaturally strong but they aren't, Donovan would rush as he had began his hunt.

Too many people as he pushed everyone who stood in his way while following the unknown criminal, he stopped for a moment as seeing the guy ran towards a street away from the main roads. Donovan felt something fishy but decided to follow the bed crumbs as after six minutes of running he found the guy panting at an alleyway as the guy would slowly stand up panting while holding a knife, Donovan was about to grab his gun but doesn't as he walk forward towards the guy. " why would you even want to kill some kids for eh.." Donovan stated whilst walking towards the guy.

" ahh ahh ahh... You won't understand as ahh.. the plight of the low borns.." The guy muttered while panting as Donovan would just sigh as he says " That doesn't mean you have to kill some children."

The guy would immediately rush towards Donovan as he evades the blade and throws his fist onto the criminal's guts as landing a great shot. The guy would immediately fall down due to the sudden shock and unable to breath. Donovan just kicked the guy down " Stay down, You don't need to rush.. now take your time and tell me everything about yourself before i execute you.." He said without any ounce of emotion as to show the guy that he won't recieve any mercy.

Knowing death was imminent the guy began to laugh as he says " Your traitor, my death won't matter as we who have been used and is called low borns will prove our worth and dominance..." Donovan was just annoyed by the words he had to hear " our worth, you lot have been running around raping and pillaging for your gain and then calls me a traitor.. i am an inspector of Arkain.. i guard the city from you lot.. do you really think am the traitor.." Donovan said with slight tint of pride as he wasn't afraid of saying how great his job was but suddenly an explosion was heard from the main roadway as Donovan got startled and in that moment the guy would stab Donovan's boot as piercing his feet a bit, He immediately tries to crawl as slowly standing getting up to run while laughing but Donovan just takes out his gun and shoots without even aiming properly but due to the short range the bullet struck the head as it went inside the head which cracked almost all of the cranium in the back of the guy's head as it would then explode inside the brain causing the whole head to blow including the region of neck as well.

The guy fell down as blood and brain matter along with some bits of the skull were splattered around the alleyway. The body was still shaking a bit as blood was gushing out from the open neck. Donovan then plucked the knife out and threw it on top of the guy, As he walked closer as he would then put is hand inside his coat and takes out a small bottle which has a white liquid in it. He then opens it up and pours atop the corpse as the liquid began to completely disintegrate the body as if it was eating the skin, muscles, bones and organs. He then puts it back in along with his gun " that went well." He murmured while walking back towards the main roadway as his boot was leaving a bloody trail as people was startled to see an inspector walking while letting off an bloody trail. He slowly walked through the crowd to see multiple military vehicles along with an burning car as it seemed an escort vehicle of the high borns got blown up and the military was sending more force to secure the area...

" your late again boy.. you missed a hell of a light show... Some zealots tried to suicide bomb the high borns but they failed and then some revolutionary brats used a f**king ancient rocket launcher to blow up the escort vehicle.... I had to kill three of them and i think two were normal civilians... Blood bath i say, this brats never learn.." Virgil huffed with an annoyed yet mad tone as the old man placed his cigar back on his mouth..

" They truly never learn.." Donovan replied but immediately a huge explosion erupts the area they were in, this literally causes a huge chaos amongst the civilians as they were running around and amongst the running civilians some armed thugs appeared as they began to shoot at the military as some civilian were getting shot becoming scapegoats to some unnecessary reasons.... " the daily of an inspector is really difficult yet soo impactful." Donovan says as he takes out his gun and shoots at the assailants as he along with his fellow inspectors rush to protect the City....