
High Borns

The Great City of Arkain, has existed for thousands of years as it was one of the smaller greater cities built. The City was sole survivor of the Calamity War, at the time of War certain outsiders came to the city as they trick the weakened government of the city to take full control as corrupting something weak is easy. How they did it remained a mystery as afterwards they named themselves the High borns of the City as re-educating the then youth of the great City that they were born as low borns, serving the high born. At first they did meet some problems but later on it was successful for centuries of re-education forged a blind loyal mass of people who will do anything for the outsiders whom never belonged to Arkain.

Aleksandr Vinchanseur, Was the current head of the high borns for he and his family have lead they're group from the time of Calamity War. He came into power after the death of his wife who was the orginal member of the Vinchanseur family as after her death he subsequently took power and filled the void. There were numerous high born families as those who live at the top most floors as basically related to the Vinchanseur family as they all have branched creating their own families though remaining loyal and under the control of Vinchanseur family head. Under the top most floors as below the clouds lives the less high born families as one must have black skin to be a high born though due to the lack of sun light the citizens and the people living under the cloud in the tower remains white or partially white. Thus the lower high borns lack the influence in the City, But their are infact some powerful families as one of them is the Richard Family whom controls the banking system and the largest bank. They came into power after forcing all of their competitors on the brink bankruptcy and buying them as basically taking over the cities financial systems. This gave them influence as the current head who is Mason Richard whom forced every high borns and numerous low borns to take debts by simply manipulating them thus putting everyone under his umbrella for they all are indebted to him.

The Government of the Great City of Arkain is under the thumb of Aleksandr Vinchanseur for the current mayor is a high born along with all most 90% of the government officials are infact high borns as elections only happen in the High born tower for the low borns well they have no idea how elections are done nor care about it, the Government simply does what Aleksandr wants as he puts some reforms to make the high borns more rich then the government does it, The military district had the same environment except only the leadership is the High borns though part of the lesser families but they remain loyal to the Vinchanseur family, The soldiers and other employees are low borns but they are highly loyal to their masters as they're are willing to kill any low borns for them. The Inspector's also have a higher governing body called the Council of Law, The council is lead by 10 judiciary members whom are all highborns loyal to the Vinchanseur. They take major decisions and prevent the inspectors from doing deeds which doesn't fit the narrative of Aleksandr. Under the Council lies the Chief inspectors who controls the zones in the Civilian Area of the City. They do have power but if the council wills something they also have to bend their knee.

The Great City is indeed a corrupted cesspool, as everything is under the control of Aleksandr Vinchanseur who is practically an Overlord but he doesn't have control over everything. The Great City has massive walls around it as built at the time of the Calamity War its height is 300 ft as it's guarded and care taken by the Aegis Guardian Forces whom are lead by their High Commander William Vinchanseur, He is Aleksandr grand uncle as William was send to the walls at the age of 6 were he started training and taught to be loyal to the city and city alone for he remained in the walls for the past 80 years. The Aegis Guardian Forces have a strict military recruitment process as the children are taken at the age of 6 and then trained for 10 years before they are taken in duty. They are to be remain in the walls guarding it untill they die as they cremated inside the wall. This force use the strongest weapons made for war in the Calamity War which is barred from used inside the city duty their destructive capabilities. Their mission and operations are unknown for it is known that at some nights the citizens can see bright light appearing atop the walls and sounds of massive explosions as well but what's happening outside is unknown as anyone trying to come close to the wall unofficially is immediately killed even if they are high borns.

The City has a massive low born population and oppression will always make people rebel, the rebellion do exist alongside with numerous factions trying to breach the inner parts of the city but passing through the military zone is really difficult. The first rebellion was some mindless mobs trying to get new reforms but they were crushed and this continued a lot of times until a clear organization was formed. To crush the rebellion first the high borns needed to defame them for the revolutionary army was created by the High borns. They had the same ambitions of the rebellion forces but they were anarchist and this lead to a huge chunk of low borns to consider all rebellion forces to be same so they began to leak the locations of the said groups to the inspectors whom eliminate them one by one. The Temple zealots are the same like the revolutionary army though they are truly mindless for they do anything for money.

Aleksandr Vinchanseur was a smart man but what made him dangerous was the fact that he was always cautious for he always keeps his enemies closer and watched their every moves as if they ever made a move he counters it and makes sure that he can thwart such threats..

The day before the attack on the high borns in the civilian zone. Atop the clouds at the tower of high borns.. Aleksandr was at his house looking through hundreds of papers. He was a busy man as he pretty much doesn't get free time since he runs the city with 4 billion people. A knock was heard from the door as the Aleksandr stared straight as he took out his glass and placed it down.

" Come in.." Aleksandr said with stern inscrutable voice, The guard opened the door as beside the guard stood an old man. The old man slowly walked in as the door closed behind him..

" What are you doing here Mason." Aleksandr said whilst staring at the old man who walked towards the chair. It was Mason Richard the richest man in the City as he sat down infront of the chair as they both were having a strong stare down..

" what a pleasant day isn't it Aleksandr, I do not wish to waste time since we both busy men who has to run important things... I suppose you have already heard what she has done. " Mason spoke with a soft yet strong voice whilst smiling..

" Haven't a clue, who are we even talking about old man.. " Aleksandr replied while keeping his stern inscrutable presence...

" i see, well i have great news regarding your daughter.. it seems she has killed my two new low born servants.. children at the ripe age of 19 and 18.. mutilated and raped.. i found them in our bathroom.. that too after she visited our floor and left.. i suppose you do not have any clue the deeds she commit is appalling.." Mason spoke with slight anger but he did kept his gentle tone and smile..

" ... Are you sure it is her whom did it.." Aleksandr spoke with rather confused tone as if he was trying to be genuinely clueless..

" Aleksandr we both know that it's her.. she is only creature in this tower who have such blood lust.. my children tell me that she lusted for those low borns after hearing that the lowborn girl was prettier.. she ripped the child's face out and stuffed it into her genital.. then she sliced the boy's penis.. i do wonder what she plans to do with since it's not actually their or she must have made them eat it... This isn't the first she has done such things as she has even pushed a high born child from the topmost floor just because the child ignored her words... Either you reprimand her or we will have to do it by ourselves.." This time Mason clearly broke his gentle smile as he was simply glaring at Aleksandr as showing his stance on this situation..

" I understand your problem, just tell me how much you require to not do anything..." Aleksandr replied to Mason's words keeping a stern face as if he still wishes to keep that headstrong presence to show such events cannot make him look weak..

" 13 million Aeires.. I know you'll take a loan from my own bank just to pay me.. so yes, 13 million and well I'll consider the problem solved.." Mason's words was littered with trap for it is infact an debt trap. Mason is the richest banker in the city and only banker whom remains as he practically Controls the financial systems of the City.

" As always, well yes you'll be paid for your servants and yes.. I'll pay back the debt as well.. i hope the problem is solved now.." Aleksandr replied to Mason's words while still keeping his posture... Mason would smile as he stood up " A deal is a deal, Glad to do business with you Aleksandr.." Mason spoke while smiling as the old man walked out from the room.

Aleksandr was really disappointed as he only had one daughter, He married his distant cousin Velary Vinchanseur.. Before he came into her life Velary was known to be highly psychotic and lustful.. the woman r-ped both men and female alike. Her parents tried to reprimand her but she was able to assassinate them along with the rest of Vinchanseur family making her the only Vinchanseur and sole head of the high borns. Everyone was afraid of her as none wanted to send their sons to their death by torture as becoming her husband was a death sentence but Aleksandr walked in, he was a opportunistic man who knew her worth.. Velary could never touch nor do anything bad to Aleksandr due to how his eyes remained unaffected by her deeds, she even consummated with other men or even a big group right infront of him to break him but never did work.. the only time they ever loved resulted by her being pregnant as she gave birth to Roseanne, Though Aleksandr didn't bother with it since he and everyone pretty much doubted whether the girl was his daughter or not... But Velary died in childbirth giving all the power to him and to honor his wife he never did remarry not consummated with anyone else which made everyone question their relationship to be true or not...

Roseanne Vinchanseur an 19 year old was like her mother for she was a sadistic cruel girl who lacked compassion, she doesn't fear anyone except her father though she do wishes to kill him.. Her first kill was killing a baby by drowning the child in a pool after it was born. The girl committed unspeakable atrocities and Aleksandr would always pay to keep people silent to the point were he had to take loans. He was hellbent on protecting her due to the fact that she is the heir but she often miss uses her position to bring pain to others...

Roseanne was called to meet her father, she denied his orders which made the guards basically grab her and take her forcefully. After reaching his office the guards threw her inside and closed the door. She slowly looked up as her father was staring out from the window...

" You didn't had to do it you know, i would have came..." Roseanne spoke while dusting her clothes off..

" Your such a disappointment.... I cannot even fathom the amount of money and time i had to spend to clean up your shit... It's pitiful and equally nightmarish to even think that you'll take over after me..." Aleksandr spoke with disgust and disappointed manner as he still kept on staring out due to the fact that he didn't even wished to look at his own daughter...

" what, i didn't do anything and your scolding me... Dad you should grow up." Roseanne replied to her father's word with a playful tone as she took a sit on his chair and stared at him.

" why did you kill those low borns.." Aleksandr said as he slowly moved his face as he was pretty much looking down on his daughter...

" Umm- i... They.. they are low borns daddy, i have the right to kill those bugs... Ugh they were soo disgusting and those Richards brats said that low born btch was cuter than me.... Well i had to show them that she wasn't so i pulled her hair but she was weak daddy like really weak as her hair just ripped out and it always ripped the skin out... Then the low born boy charged at me ... I just gutted him because he tried to hurt me... I didn't do anything wrong, i can do anything i want... I am your daughter..." Roseanne spoke with such a proud tone as if she was pretty much happy about what she did...

" do you really think that what you did was good. Do you have any idea how much money i had to pay to keep them all silent.. do you have any idea what you jeopardizing... This is the last mistake you do... Continue this and I'll send you to your great grand uncle at the walls... You'll never return to the city ever again if that were to happen..." Aleksandr suddenly grabbed her neck as he threw her into the window as the glass was hard enough to not break apart as he spoke whilst holding her neck up...

" Fatherr..... Can't....breatheee... I - I am .. sowwwyyy..." Roseanne spoke with discomfort due to not being able to speak as Aleksandr dropped her down..

" Leave now.. go and apologize to the Richards... Only then you'll be allowed to eat or drink or sleep... Do you understand me." Aleksandr ordered her as he looked down on her and then he just sat down on his chair to continue his works.

" O-Okay father..." Roseanne stood up as she dusted off while walking out acting like she was crying... She was infact murmuring as cursing her father while walking out..

Toxic and abusive parents do create children who are same as them, Roseanne was indeed dangerous as she had a faction of her own. She uses fear as advantage with an loyalist group of soldier's and high borns serving her. Of course some of the high borns leading her group gets special privileges such as getting tortured but in rather pleasure filled way. Especially her second in command named Agrezo. Agrezo was a lesser high born working in the military, on her trip to the military zone Roseanne met Agrezo as at the age of 15 they both consummated on his room but Roseanne being the girl she is, locked him in a chastity belt as Agrezo got pegged but he was able to do it with her on certain times though she is type of woman who wishes to keep others dominated and marked by her. She did the same things to many people as some even got killed by her tortures.. she was able to create a powerful and loyal faction by her own though they are not strong enough to challenge Aleksandr not yet..

" Agrezo, I want you to kill Mason..." Roseanne spoke whilst walking in a corridor as beside her Agrezo walked while she was followed by her guards.

" not an easy task rose, he is too powerful for us to kill.." Agrezo replied as he was indeed talking facts as you cannot kill someone who controls the flow of money..

Roseanne stopped as she pushed Agrezo onto the wall and then kissed him in a violent manner, she immediately grabbed him by his balls..

" Should i cut this balls off since you do not have the balls to kill an old man..".. Roseanne said while smirking at his face while her tight grip made the guy make indecent noises a bit..

" AHHHHH.....no no rose, i mean... Ahh.. welll i can try.., but i don't whether we will succeed or not.. we can make a trap and make the zealots do it..." Agrezo said while his balls was being crushed by her...

" this is why your my favorite and you get to call me by name... Your a genius... I will send an invitation to pull him and his family out from the tower towards the civilian zone and then your zealots can kill them... An anarchist attack..." Roseanne spoke while smiling as she let his balls go and then gave him a kiss as she basically did a make out with the guy before walking out from there...

As planned Roseanne did send a letter towards the Richards family but Mason wasn't the ones who read the invitation but it was Mason's eldest son. He along with remaining of his family excluding his father accepted the invitation as his children hasn't yet seen the civilian zone.. unbeknownst to them it was a trap, They're vehicle was attacked by the zealots as the inspectors couldn't stop the attack as the Richards family got neatly wiped and Roseanne was part of the trip but at the last minute on military zone she basically left the trip letting the Richards family to go on alone...