Laira got up and sat properly.

"Sorry, I blacked out for a moment from the space jump," said Laira while grabbing her head.

"So, you ok with him taking the box?" I inquired.

"I have heard about the Justice League from Hal. For now, they are the only ones who can keep it safe... Sorry for getting you involved in this," Laira said while holding her head. She seems to be suffering from a headache.

I know that feeling.

I wanted to ask her about the contents of that box, but I refrained. I will eventually find out once I open the copied one. Humm! Now that I think of it, which one is the copied one? I was in such a hurry I didn't even notice it. Was I holding the real one in my right hand?

Shit! I know I have copied the box, alright, but I am not so sure about the contents. Well, as long as no one finds out about it. But then again, if they find out it's empty, they will definitely, come after my ass.

And why should I get involved in their mess?

Hell no!

I have my own share of problems, like...

I have to cook for Jenny and Harley and maybe have some fun at night. But before that, I must prepare myself for some explanations about what I was doing this entire morning.

I will have a good time if my answer satisfies them. Since they don't mind a threesome, maybe they won't mind me dating Rogue and Miss Emma.

Well, there is only one way to find out, right?

Humm... A dinner date... I am just getting excited thinking about it. But ain't I forgetting something?

Ah, crap! I remember. A black dress...

I got a date with Emma Frost tomorrow. And I don't even have a good black dress. After the date, I was only thinking about Rogue and completely forgot about the black dress.

The date is 7 PM. I will pick a new one in the morning. Hehe. A date with Emma Frost, and it's a dinner date. I can't wait.

...and many more... I can't get involved in some intergalactic shit.

I took the box from under my seat and gave it to Laira, "Here."

"What?!" Laira was clearly stunned and confused, "But... You just gave it to Cyborg!"

"Just know that one might be a fake, and I have no idea which one. Or both of them could be real. Moreover, it's such an important object, isn't it better to have two? You know, just in case. And don't ask me any questions or involve me further in your business because I got my own problems to deal with," I said.

"I understand," replied Laira.

Haaa. A good day was wasted by that freaking box. Anyway, I at least got the chance to test my powers and meet a gorgeous alien girl.

Laira was sitting quietly and fiddling with the box. Then she gave up solving the puzzle. And a grumbling sound came from her stomach.

"Haha... Sorry," Laira chuckled awkwardly, grabbing her stomach.

"We are almost there. I will cook you something good," I said.

She shooked her head. But I can see a tint of sadness looming over her face.

It's too quiet...

Let's break the ice...

"You look sad and worried. I know it's not my place to ask, but I am asking it anyway... What happened?" I asked.


"We were attacked by the yellow and red lanterns. It happened so fast. I would have died fighting if not for Hal. He... His last order was to protect this box... I don't even know if he is alive or... Someone stabbed him in his chest from behind," Laira's voice drifted off as she rested her hands on her knees and her head on her palms.

"I have to take it back to Oa and complete the mission," she continued.

I stopped the car and looked back.

"From behind?!" I asked with a serious expression.

A betrayal!

"Someone betrayed us, but Hal pushed me into the vortex before I could see the traitor's face," answered Laira.

"And yet you want to go back to complete your mission! Girl, are you insane! That traitor, by now, must have reported back to Oa or whatever that place is, right?" I said.

"Whoever attacked Hal was a red lantern, so I don't think they will risk going to the council. But if they did take that risk and the council fails to identify them... then..." mumbled Laira.

"Then you are probably labeled as the traitor," I said.

"I know, but... I don't have a choice, do I?" Laira said after rubbing her teary eyes. She recovered fast. Strong mentality, she got there.

She had to see her friends die while she had to escape to protect this box. Now, she is stuck in a different world without any energy left to do anything and is probably labeled a traitor. Yet, she recovered and managed to maintain her composure.

I like her...

"You know what my father used to say when he was alive..."

"In fearful day, in raging night,

With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.

When all seems lost in the War of Light,

Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

"So, there is always hope. All you need to do is look at the right place..."

I said with a smile.

"Was your..." Laira wanted to say something after hearing me, but she refrained.




I parked the car and scanned around. You know, just in case. You can never be too careful. Well, everything looks normal. Jenny and Harley were sitting in the living room, watching TV.

I pressed the doorbell...

"Hey, Puddin' is back... Get ready, Jen..." I can hear Harley's excited voice. I wonder, what are they getting ready for?

Please, don't do anything stupid, Harl...

The door opened...

"Tada..." Jenny and Harley were standing before my eyes in white aprons. And yes, only aprons, nothing else. They are completely naked under the apron.

"Ah!" Jenny was stunned.

"Oops! A purple guest!" Harley looks excited, "Is she gonna join us tonight?"

Fuck! This is what I was fearing.

"Ahaha. It seems I came at the wrong time," Laira said with an awkward chuckle, "I-I will just be on my way."

"Don't," I grabbed Laira's hand and stopped her from leaving. Then I looked toward the girls, "What the hell are you two doing? Go and change."

"Sorry," Jenny dashed off.

"Tehehehe! Sorry, Puddin'," Harley followed behind Jenny.

They ran away, displaying their beautiful naked back to us.


Laira went to take a bath while I cooked some nice steak and dessert. It took a while, but it turned out perfectly.

After dinner, I took Laira to mom's room. It's empty, so why not. I am glad that Jenny and Harley didn't do anything funny at the dinner table. Maybe they would have if Laira wasn't around.

"Thank you, Alex. I will repay this kindness one day," said Laira.

Repay me! Well, there are many ways I can think of for you to repay me. But judging by your situation, it won't be fair to you.

"If you want to repay me, then come back alive after you take care of your mission. That will be enough for me. Now, get some sleep. You got a hectic day ahead of you after all," I said.

Laira went into the room while I made my way to my room.

I opened the door and was greeted by two beautiful naked ladies lying on their stomachs on my bed. Their asses are on display, only for me. They were playfully moving their legs up and down.

I hurriedly stripped off my clothes and walked toward those bubbly asses. I grabbed Jenny's ass with one hand and Harley's ass with the other and gave those babies a little squeeze.

Ah! So soft... and bouncy...

But they didn't make any sound or move. They seem to be playing games on their phones.

I know this situation.

Did they watch my stashed p*rn?!


AN: Don't ask about MC'S dad. I won't give any spoilers. No new ch tomorrow. Due to massive drop in power stones.


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