Abnormality, The Mastermind?

The Endless Sea Region.

On an island in the middle, the forces of the Spirit Immortal Palace had encountered the Su Clan.

The people on both sides were Lin Zhinan, the so-called think tank of the Spirit Immortal Palace, and Su Muyou, the next successor of the Su family.

The two sides were not like the other factions.

When they found an inheritance or a Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasure, they would disown their family and kill each other.

Their eyes turned red because of the secret treasure.

After exchanging greetings, Lin Zhinan said with a solemn expression, "Have you noticed that the people of the Infernal Purgatory have been moving extremely frequently in the Endless Sea Region recently?"

Su Muyou nodded as well. She looked around and said in a low voice, "I've also sent people to keep an eye on the Infernal Purgatory at all times. However, the other party's actions are extremely strange, so I can't figure it out."