Working Together!

Different forces kept rioting on the entire island.

Space trembled.

Cracks appeared frequently.

Even the two Half-step Heavenly Immortal experts sensed the danger of death under the suppression of this aura.

Hong Ying chuckled and looked at the two old men in front of her. "I don't have the intention to fight you two alone."

Below, Ye Qiubai held the Chaos Essence Immortal Sword and pointed the tip of the sword at the sky.

The will of the immortal sword continuously condensed, transforming into a huge sword that held up the sky as it slashed towards the two half-step Heaven Immortal Realm old men!

Ye Qiubai's realm was not a threat to the two old men at the Heaven Immortal Realm.

However, the will of the immortal sword, no matter what, it had the word 'immortal' in it.

In the Middle Latitude Region, there were probably only a handful of sword cultivators who could comprehend the will of the immortal sword.