First Contact(2)

Talk - " "

Think - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


--- Before the battle ---

Alex POV

"What's that red light?" While following whatever was in the fog. I noticed that behind the thing I was following, a bright red light started to form. I immediately knew what it was. A fireball.

I saw that it was a human casting the fireball, I also noticed that there were more things in the fog right behind the person who was casting the fireball.

The person finished casting their fireball and shot it forward. I watched the fireball fly past some trees, lighting a path as it traveled. As I watch Fireball go to the thing I'm following, I hear the following words being yelled out "FIREBALL INCOMING".

I saw 2 people dodge the fireball, a boy and a girl. The fireball zoomed past both of them but it hit the person in front of them, which caused the boy and girl to fall back as the shockwave threw them off balance.

With the fireball exploding, it also caused the fog to move away, allowing me to get a closer look at the people. I saw that they were not humans, but they were elves. I was surprised as elves should usually be in an area that's filled with plants and trees like a forest, but realized that the humans were hunting them.

I don't know the reason why they are hunting them, but I was filled with disgust as to why someone would do that. After thinking that, I knew that I was just asking myself a dumb question.

[This is a different world, the rules on this planet are different. People can die just for simple reasons and these humans are probably hunting these elves to sell them as slaves.] The reason Alex made this speculation was that the humans were wearing clothes that were very dirty, damaged, and they looked very unkempt.

Another reason why Alex made this speculation was that the elves that were being attacked were mostly children. As the humans started using magic against the elves, Alex wondered why the elves didn't try to use magic against the humans.

Alex guessed that they couldn't use magic in this environment, they couldn't use magic, or that their magic was weak.

Alex is deciding if he should help the elves, but he does not want to be seen, and if they do see him, they may tell others about him, which may cause problems that he does not want.

He wanted to fly away, to just ignore this. But he couldn't, he wanted to move away from this battle, but his mind was telling him to help, to be brave, to be like his father.

So Alex resolves himself to get ready to take his first life. [Alright let's start Alex. No Hesitation they will try and kill you. You can feel bad later but not now. I need to get used to killing people now that the rules have changed.]

Alex soon stopped hesitating and started firing at the bandits. Alex only fires 1 shot to see how the humans would react as he also went closer to get more accurate shots.

After flying down near the trees for cover, he watched how the humans reacted.

Alex saw that the humans were stunned for a bit before one of them snapped out of their stupor and started giving orders to the others. All the bandits quickly got out of their shock and started to form a circle. While the bandit that was giving orders was in the middle of the circle, he also was holding an elven girl hostage.

The current leader of the group of bandits was yelling out things, thinking that there were multiple enemies hidden in the trees. But the leader was very wrong, there was only one person there, no it was something not even alive attacking them.

Alex was trying to figure out how to attack these people as he still didn't know what magic could do and what other surprises they may have. So he started to make plans on how to save the girl and to kill all of the bandits but the planning quickly went away as the bandit leader got impatient and started to cut the elven girl's throat.

Alex started firing at the bandit leader from the position that he was still hiding in and started to move around the trees for cover, still trying to hide himself, and trying not to hit the girl at the same time.

Alex deftly navigated through the dense foliage and billowing smoke, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the earlier fireballs igniting the surrounding trees. With an abundance of dried-up dead trees fueling the blaze, the smoke provided ample cover for him to conceal his movements, creating an environment where visibility seemed unlikely to improve any time soon.

Alex kept on firing bullet after bullet, making sure that the enemies would not get back up. Still, Alex would sometimes have to show his position to some of the bandits as they were trying to escape into the dead forest.

Still, Two of the bandits hurled their swords at Alex with considerable force, posing a significant threat. Despite his best efforts, Alex managed to evade one of the swords, narrowly escaping its deadly trajectory. However, the other blade found its mark, striking one of the rotors on his back. The impact severed a portion of the rotor, rendering it inoperable and impairing its functionality.

He did not feel any pain from that but he could tell that one of his back rotors was hit and that it was not working. It made his shooting a bit inaccurate but he was able to fix his shooting.

However, as he was firing his [Mounted Machine Gun], he made quick work of the bandits as their armor did nothing to protect them from bullets. Alex made sure that all of the bandits were dead before getting close to the girl who started looting the bandits of their clothes and other possessions. He also heard multiple dings go off in his head but he just ignored it for now as he did not want to get distracted.

He stayed hidden from the girl as he wanted to see what she would do since all of the bandits were dead. He only started to get close as he decided it was time to come out and talk to her. He started to think about what he should say to the girl but decided that he would try to help her leave the area that was on fire first before trying to have a conversation with her.

As he cautiously advanced towards her amidst the swirling smoke, Alex made deliberate movements to ensure that she could see him despite the obscured surroundings. Observing her reaction, he noted the girl's trembling stance and the unsteady grip she had on the dagger she brandished.

Alex just stopped once the girl was 5 meters away from him. Alex also did not get mad when the girl pointed the dagger at him as he knew she was only trying to be cautious, especially since what just happened to her and those who used to be around her.

Alex only said one thing to her [Follow]. But the girl did not do anything, she just kept her stance up. Alex tried to think of ideas on how to make her follow him but for some reason, the girl's hands started to slowly dry up as her veins started to turn black. The thing that started on her hand was starting to slowly spread up her arms and the girl soon noticed what was happening to her.

All of a sudden, the girl started to puke some kind of black goo. Alex started to panic as he had no idea what was happening to her, so he went closer to her, to examine what was happening to her body. While he was panicking, he heard a ding go off in his head.

( Potential High-Priestess found. Place Emblem Marker to make ???? into a Priestess)

[How does that do anything, I'm pretty sure that she is dying. Fuck it, I will listen to the system, there must be a reason for this notification.] Alex listened to what the system said and went to the girl's hand to try and place a mark. But there was one small problem, he had no idea how to even use the Emblem Marker.

( Mentally think of a place to mark the subject's body while using [Emblem Marker])

Alex followed the instructions and decided to place the mark on the back of the girl's right hand. Once he thought about placing it, some kind of pure black ink left his body and went toward the back of the girl's right hand.

Once the ink was on her hand, both of the girl's hands started to turn back into her usual skin tone. Although the girl had already passed out. Alex also saw that the mark was slowly making a symbol, but he started to hear yells coming closer and closer to his area.

Alex flew away from the girl and hid inside a nearby fallen tree trunk to make sure that the girl would be taken care of by someone. Soon enough, multiple figures wrapped in black cloaks appear. The figure in the middle took off the cloak hood and Alex was able to identify that they were elves.

Seeing that the girl will be okay as another cloak figure started to check her. Alex tried to make a silent escape, but that was not happening as soon as he started to move, multiple arrows were embedded into the tree he was hiding in.

Witnessing the sudden barrage of arrows hurtling toward him, Alex's mind raced with alarm. Reacting swiftly, he accelerated to full speed, recognizing that he had been detected by the cloak elves. With random maneuvers, he somehow dodged each arrow, though some managed to strike him. Fortunately, their angles caused them to merely bounce off him, leaving only minor dents in his fragile armor.

When he turned back, he saw no one following him, but Alex knew that they may be hiding. So he finally had a reason to use [Thermal Vision]. So he mentally called out the skill [Thermal Vision] and as soon as he said that, his entire vision changed. So he flew above the trees and looked down, making sure that no one was following him.


Thanks for reading

Comment if there is any kind of mistake.