
Talk - " "

Think - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


Once he was able to escape, he decided to find a dead tree to hide in as he is mentally tired. After taking a quick look around him, he found a tree that had nothing surrounding it in a 20-meter radius. The dead tree was on top of a small hill so it overlooked the over dead trees.

He found that the tree had a hole above it, so he entered through it and landed inside the tree. Though the things he landed on were sticks and some kind of other material.

[Mmh I should check the status for the Dragon-Fire. Let's pull up the MQ-27-Dragon-Fire Stats.] Alex pulled up the stats and examined it.


Name - N/A

Species - MQ-27-Dragon-Fire

level - 1



lv 1 - Mounted Machine Gun - Able to pierce thin layers of iron. Uses a minuscule amount of Energy per shot.

lv 1 - Mounted Rocket Launcher - Each rocket is as strong as a RPG. Uses a small amount of Energy per rocket refill.



lv 1 - Self-repair - Able to slowly repair its body, Energy usage depends on damage.


[Self-repair. How do I use it? Huh I really need to figure out ways to use skills and passives.] Seeing that he does not know how to use his skills and passives. He started to think of ways on how to use his skills and passives.

It did not take long for him to figure out how to activate skills and passives. All he had to do was call out the skill/passive name or he could mentally picture the skill or passive. Seeing that he figured out how to use them, he decided to fall asleep as it was getting dark outside and that he is mentally tired as today was a very weird experience for him.

Once he fell asleep, he noticed that he was floating in a white void and when he looked down all he could see water that went as far as his eyes could see. He floated down to see how deep the water was but he could not tell how deep it was. He also realized that he was not a drone, he was something like a transparent blob.

[Did I die again?] Alex was really confused about what was happening.

Once he figured that out, he tried to form himself a body. He was successful in making a humanoid body but the body itself had no clear details on it. If someone saw the body Alex made, the only thing they could tell about it was that it was a male humanoid but that is even if they could see him.

Once he finished making himself a body, he tried to touch the water with his left hand but before he actually touched it. The water starts to float up to his hand almost as if his hand is like a magnet. He let the water slowly climb up his arm and it stopped once it reached his shoulders.

[What is this stuff?] Alex questioned himself as this blue liquid is definitely not water.

He touched the blue liquid with his right hand to try to remove the blue liquid but it also started to spread up his right arm. He tried shaking his arms to see if the blue liquid would somehow fall off but it just stayed on his arm. He started to worry as he had no idea what this liquid could do to him.

He started to think of ways to remove this liquid when all of a sudden the liquid started to fall. He wondered why the liquid started to fall all of a sudden so he tried to think of an idea why it happened. As he was thinking, he started to see ripples and a figure walking on the liquid.

He decided to get closer to the figure to see what it was. As he got closer to it, he could tell that the figure was the elven girl he saved. He wondered how she also ended up here.

[Mmh, let's ask for her name.] Alex flew to her and asked for her name but a problem arised, the girl seemed to not notice him, he was right in front of her and kept asking questions but the girl had no visible reaction. He tried using the skill [Telepathy] to talk to the girl and it seemed to work as she looked spooked. She started to look everywhere for him but she could not see him at all.

Seeing that she gave up looking for him, he finally asked for her name.

[What is your name?] He asked her but no reply came, so he asked again.

[What is your name?] No reply was heard again. He wanted to luagh a bit as this girl kept trying to find him.

But he stayed calm and asked again [What is your name?]

He finally heard a reply coming from her. "M-M-My name is Bella. W-Who are you and w-what do you want?"

[So her name is Bella. Should I tell her what I am? Mmh no but I should tell her I want some information]. Alex started to think about what he should ask her. He first started to think about the name of this world and how to use mana.

So he started to ask Bella questions about this world, how to use mana, and information about the dead forest he was in. He even promised Bella a gift once he was done asking questions, though he had already given the 'gift' to her earlier without her noticing.

Bella was able to tell him about the name of this world, information about mana, and the reason why the forest was dead.

During the questioning, Alex noticed that Bella's body started to fade away but it seemed that Bella did not notice at all. Seeing that she was fading away, he said his thanks and said "Thank you Bell for your time. As I promised, I will give you a gift but you will need to figure out what the gift does. And don't worry, the gift won't cause any harm to you or those near you unless you will it."

To be honest, Alex has no goddamn clue what the [Emblem Marker] does. But he is sure that the system won't give something really dangerous to someone he hardly knows. He finally said goodbye to Bella who all of a sudden fell through the liquid.

Alex starts to panic as he does not know if the liquid is dangerous but calms down once he sees that Bella was able to fully fade away.

After all of that, He was alone again with nothing else other than a mysterious blue liquid and a white sky.

[I should try to finally use mana as I now know the way to use it.] Alex said this to himself and sat down on the liquid and started to try to make the mana follow his will.

He slowly brought his left arm to the liquid and lifted the liquid up. Once he did that he tried to command the liquid to form a circle. The liquid slowly bent to his will and formed a small circle.

( Mana manipulation learned)

[So my theory was correct. This mysterious liquid is mana.] Alex finally figured out that the liquid he was standing on was all mana.

Once proving to himself that his theory was correct, He cleared his mind and tried to make the mana follow his will. He next tried to make other simple shapes before trying to make 3d shapes such as cubes and spheres.

He shot out a ball of mana as far as he could and it only went 5 meters before the ball of mana lost its shape. Once that little test was done, he started to get up to his feet as he wanted to try to control as much mana as he could.

He closed his eyes and focused on pulling as much mana as he could. All the mana in a foot radius started to slowly float up. Alex opened his eyes and saw all the mana he pulled fall right back down.

The next thing he wanted to try was to make weapons fully made out of mana like spears, swords, axes, and other types but he decided to make something small and basic first before he even tried to do bigger objects.

But before he could even try to make anything at all, his vision changed. Alex knew that he had just woken up. He wanted to fall back asleep but he forced himself up the tree. There was a small problem when he exited the tree, he was in a completely different area than before. Instead, he was on the very top of a mountain.

Alex quickly opened his [Map] and froze in fear as all around him were red dots scattered all over the visible parts of the [Map]. Alex quickly flew as high above the mountain and looked at the ground, trying to spot the enemy as all the red dots he had ever seen when playing games, was that the red dot meant they were the enemy.

He looked everywhere on the ground to find any sort of creature but the only thing around was just dead trees. [Is it possible that these dead trees are actually alive?] Alex tried to guess if the trees were the enemies. So he decided to shoot the tree he was sleeping in.

Alex fired one single bullet at the tree and no reaction came from it. He shot more bullets, and again there was no reaction coming from the tree. Alex checked the map to make sure that he was hitting the right thing and it showed that the tree was in fact, the red dot.

So he tried the next best thing he could think of, using the [Mounted Rocket Launcher]. He was a bit excited as he really wanted a reason to use the [Mounted Rocket Launcher] as he wanted to see what destruction it could do.

He fired one single rocket and it devastated the tree as nothing else was left other than some branches that were knocked away from the explosion. As the smoke started to clear away, He heard a ding go off in his head.

( F-Rank Undead Treant Killed +4xp)


Thanks for reading and comment if there is any sort of mistake.