
Talk - " "

Think + abilities/passives names - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


It was quiet, the only thing you could hear were the chirps from birds and insects.

Artin's whole face was pale as an orange spiky beast just appeared out of nowhere, killing the second prince with two hits with its spiked tail. His head was completely bashed in, while his back area had bones sticking out.

The orange beast then turned towards the beast core the second prince threw and picked it up with its mouth. The beast's core melts once the orange beast closes its mouth.

The orange beast then moved towards Artin, causing her to panic as blood was still dripping from its spiked tail. The beast walked near Artin and opened its mouth, near her head. Artin thought the beast was going to eat her head, so she closed her eyes and waited for her death, but nothing happened.

She felt the warm breath of the beast on her face but instead of biting her head, it went after the wood binds. The beast easily bit off the wood and proceeded to bite off the wood on her arm and leg. Once it did that, a blue tendril appeared, and proceeded to pat her head over and over again.

For some reason, Artin felt safe when she felt the head pats. But when the head pats stopped, she felt a bit disappointed. The blue tendril that was patting her, wrapped around her body and placed her on the orange beast's back.

Once the beast has placed Artin on its back. It turned back to the dead elf prince and touched it with a blue tendril. Once the tendril touched the dead prince, the body disappeared, leaving nothing but bloody grass.

Once the body was gone, the beast started to walk in a random direction. Artin had no clue where they would end up as the direction they were currently taking wouldn't take them to the Elf Kingdom or Sapore Academy. She can only trust this beast to keep her safe.


Somewhere in the Royal castle

"Sir, We still haven't found the second prince yet. Even after searching for 2 days with the help of the guilds and Sapore Academy. We found nothing other than his blood." A shadowy being whispers this to a man with a golden crown, a bright red robe with gold edges, silky skin, golden hair and eyes, and currently donning an angry face.

This man was the King of Elves, Ailas Faymore Yindan. Ailas ruled over the Kingdom of Flora, with Several huge Cities, fortresses, Towns, academies, Nobles, Ports, and many more all under his rule, except for Sapore Academy. Which always angered him greatly when he heard mentions of it.

He feels that everything in the Flora territory should all be under his rule and they should all bow to him. But NO, their influence is strong enough to be on par with the Kingdom.

But it's only time that's keeping Sapore Academy safe, soon enough, the Kingdom of Flora will rule them. As that was what the shadow man said to him.

[But enough of that] He thought to himself as a more worrying matter came up. His second son, his 'favorite' son, disappeared. It's been 15 days since he last saw him, his second son told him he would go to Sapore Academy for the entrance exam and to train himself, yet he disappeared and left only a pool of blood.

His first son, the crown prince, was happy knowing that his second brother was gone, and even hoped that he was dead.

His first son, Aien Faymore Treestern was born from his first wife, the Queen, Daughter of a Duke. She was poisoned the day before Aien tenth birthday and was found two days later buried in her garden with her mana core missing. The perpetrator was never found.

Though he, Aien, and the Duke knew who killed the Queen. Aien or the Duke can't do anything since he and another Duke are protecting the killer.

The King just sighed to himself and gave an order to the shadowy being, "Call back the search and summon my third son." Once he gave that order, he thought about his next move. [I will make my third son into my pawn since my other one disappeared.]

"Also, What are the conditions of the oracles and what did they see?" The king asks one final question to the shadowy being. The shadowy being paused for a bit, not sure what to say as all of the oracles and artifacts were saying different things.

"My king, All oracles, artifacts, and those that can see the future see different outcomes for the future. One of the oracles, Nym yelled out 'Blood for the Blood god and Skulls for the Skull throne'. The oracle then proceeded to try to stab everyone around him, but we were able to eliminate him but, 2 died with 4 others injured." The shadowy being took a breath and told his king the rest.

The Elf King stayed silent, hearing what his shadow guard reported on what the oracles and artifacts saw. Giant monsters the size of mountains, creatures never seen before, Powerful beings, magic and technology never seen before. There were many more things that the oracles saw, but there was one thing that was the same as everyone's prediction, a symbol that marked the creatures and beings.

The symbol came in many different colors and sizes, but each person saw something different. The symbols would sometimes be a crystal with 12 angelic wings surrounding it with a halo on top, some sort of plague doctor mask with roses, a sword and shield, or even a simple book. 

The King just stayed silent after hearing the rest of the report and about the symbol. "Send a letter to all of the kingdoms and academies about our oracles' findings and send a royal decree on the capture of anyone who bears these symbols."

The shadow guard nodded his head and disappeared, leaving the King with a headache to think about what to do next as more and more problems were coming.

The King decided to think about the prediction later and focus on more pressing matters, a possible coup and rebellion.


The Crown Prince's room

"Did my Father's shadow guards find anything about my second 'brother'." The crown asked, staring out of a window that looked over his soon-to-be kingdom. Even though no one else appeared to be in the room, a voice came from the crown prince's shadow. "Nothing but a pool of his blood. We were able to find large tracks but when we tried to follow them, they disappeared. We detect a bit of Fairy magic being used."

"Fairy magic... Does anyone else know of this" The crown prince knew he needed to act quickly to keep the finding of Fairy magic a secret from everyone, especially from his father.


Yo thanks for reading, comment on any mistakes or changes I should make.