
Talk - " "

Think + abilities/passives names - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


"RAAAAAAA" I roar out, trying to scare away these ugly bastards.

A massive group of short green creatures surround me and Artin. Creatures that I instantly identified to be goblins, were yelling with their terrible voices. It sounded like gibberish whenever they spoke.

[These goblins fit my expectations whenever I read about them in novels. The goblins were short, scrawny, looked very weak, ugly as fuck, bloated stomachs, and wearing either rags or leaves to cover their privates.] Alex thought to himself as saw the ugly green bastards.

A bit earlier, Alex found a small cave to rest in as they had been traveling for two days without stopping and it was becoming dark again but as he was about to enter, several goblins came out of the cave, with many more following. Alex turned away to run as there were too many goblins to keep Artin safe but realized that he was surrounded.

There were at least 30 goblins that he could see and he was sure that more were coming from the cave. Alex was lost on what to do, as the 30 goblins were becoming 40 goblins, and then 50 goblins. Luckily for Alex, they stopped coming but Alex was not sure if there was anything deeper in the cave.

Some of the goblins had crudely made weapons such as a spear that was only made of wood, and small knives that were actually just sharp rocks. They even had pieces of wood that act as shields.

Alex looked around trying to find a weak spot in the encirclement and found one. He immediately charged at 2 goblins as that was the weakest spot but all of a sudden, the ground below him started to crumble. Both Alex and Artin fell into a pitfall. There were small wooden spikes at the bottom but they were easily crushed under Alex's weight, with his thick skin also making sure the spikes couldn't hurt him.

The pitfall was around 10 feet deep, so Alex and Artin were ok but Alex had to move Artin off of him and move her below him as the goblins started to throw their spears and knives at them, seeing that the spikes did nothing to the orange beast.

The weapons did nothing as the Armor on Alex's back proved to be too tough for their chit weapons. The weapons themselves only bounce off of Alex's back.

Alex moved towards one of the dirt walls while making sure Artin was under him. Once that was done, he used [Mana Tendril] to move the dirt under him, pushing the dirt to cover his bottom half as there is no armor covering him there and to protect Artin if any goblins try to jump down to get her. 

The goblins did not know what to do as their weapons just bounced off the beast and there was nowhere else to attack as dirt was covering the unarmored part of the beast. They would have to call the shamans for help and hope the shamans could kill the beast with their magic.

As one of the goblins was about to leave, it saw two blue tendrils start to form a green crescent. The goblins were trying to think what the orange beast was doing but their brains shot out blanks, so they just watched as they like to watch bright and shiny things. Except for the bright light in the sky. Too many of their brothers lost their vision because of the bright light in the sky.

Barely 12 seconds passed before the goblins saw several of their brothers get split in half by the green light. They were slow to understand what just happened as they didn't fully understand how they died but they knew they needed to tell the shamans about this orange beast.

The goblins quickly backed away from the hole and ran towards the cave as they understood the beast could use magic.

While Alex was trying to think of ways to escape, he felt the ground below him start to shake. He at first thought that it was some sort of earthquake but got rid of that thought when he started to rise.

As they were rising, Alex heard whispers below him and saw a brownish light. He knew it was Artin's doing. Once Artin was done with her chant, Alex was high enough to climb out of the hole. Once Alex got out, he saw that there were no goblins except for several dead goblins that were cut in half.

Seeing that the goblins ran away, Alex quickly grabbed Artin with the [Mana Tendrils], placed her on his back, and ran as fast as he could, though he would come back tomorrow as something he had would respawn.


Sorry for the short chapter

Comment on any mistakes or changes I should make.