Chapter 5

In motion events are, unchanged. They shall remain.

The Rah'grask"nae isn't a major tribes based on their strength or name. By those qualities they may as well be called a minor tribe.

What brings them above all those minor tribes is their numbers. They breed like there is no consequence, no price to pay.

Their litters fill the ground like the rubbles by which we clean occasionally. A single life is but another whom will bring more.

Their numbers however allows them to control a huge swath of territory. Mainly those uncontested plus, they do have their own elite troops whom could not only match those of the bigger clans.

But also outnumber them. They are viewed with less respect than they believe they deserve. They are also sure that their clan would be used as the shield by which the others attack with.

In simple terms, they take the most losses if they join this they won't. They backed out of the war, secretly contacting the metal beings their fellow Rah'ak"nae planned to fight.

It was a chance, a chance to rule and they siezed it. An allaince would not only secure their place but also allow them the respect denied to them.


It's been a few months since the war started, tales of General Grevious leading the droid army has begun to spread as well as his....disdain of the Jedi.

It's also about time I begin unraveling my decade long plans. Whilst the idea of functional immortality was quite inviting and as well as unaging, I'd still prefer my fleshy self.

First of my plans is establishing a fortress in the mid-rim. A single planet is all I need, with this I could spread the war and make or ever more bloodier.

Which would buy time for me to initiate my other plans. My current only solution for now would be getting out of this universe....which means large ships.

But I need better tech which would be available in the Imperial era....or that damned secret society whatever.

So I've got 3 ways to do this, with the deactivation codes Imbeded into every single battle droid....I simply must make mine.

But there's no way the Empire would let me do that...but there's also no way they would risk causing themselves too much losses so it's quite simply.

Build a fortress system, about 4 or so quadrillion battle droids were created during the way a few hundred million would be noticed.

Over the past ten years, I've contructed a droid storage unit capable of storing million of battle droids and ships. It's all ridiculous really but after much thinking and searching a found a more isolated system with over 9 planets in it.

How ever, only about 2 of those were Inhabitable to clones but am a droid. No for that, So I choose that to be the system of my choice and I plan to have Grevious commandeer it.

I've already redirected 3 lucrehulk ships towards there, the planets I've taken were rebuilt solely for resources extraction and production.

I'm not so stupid as too force that only, no no. I built of the planets and then built my factories thereby securing larger returns for my self.

Part of those are then transported to the luckrehulk battleships which then transport it all towards the system.

I specifically designed a new Line of droids tasked with the maintenance and construction of these system. From off loading the resources to making use of them or using them, I designed and produced droids for them all.

You should see it, so damn cool. Plus I also direct certain amounts of droids from certain factories more isolated than others towards that place.

With the amount of droids I plan to store them, the empire would triple think before it dares to attack it. As for the secret society, I already sent Commando droids in search for it.

Their ability to blend in is most useful and sort of scary coupled with the fact that I established a station to recieve life data from them just in case they were destroyed thus allowing me to respond to said problem.

Then there that thing I need, even if not useful for getting my flesh back....I could male it the core the planet ship I plan for similar to Star- killer base except for droids.

For now, I'll be stream rolling the republi-


" Report!" I said aloud looking out into the ever dark empty space. Except it wasn't so empty as there were ships and debris flying about as well as exchanging fire.

" Ship 3 of formation 24-06 was rammed by the enemy. A collision cost us 2 more, their fronts are exposed Sir. " A droids reported to me.

" Pull back now!" I gave the order.

" All units, retreat back toward friendly territory."A b1 announced over the comms.

" Jumping into hyperspace in 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1" Another began the countdown.

I had encountered an organized resistance here, at first it seemed easy handling them but I soon realized there was a damn pirate war going on.

Coupled with the fact that they opened up a second front for me, using another system to attack me from behind.

I needed to take this system as it was a road connecting several other systems to it. Blockading here would help warn me of republic reinforcements whilst I clean up my back.

Yet they just won't give in, already sustained losses I didn't project to sustain this early in the war. I almost feeling like blaming the Jedi, hahaha!.