Chapter 6

To defy fate is to bring suffering.

" Uh, sir. The hyperdrive is malfunction. " A B1 reported to me, I turned to it dumbfounded at it's words.....we were currently still in hyperspace.

" What do you mean it's malfunctioning." I asked it sitting up from the sudden uncomfortable chair.

" Our calculations are being messed with....I don't know where we are exiting hyperspace from. " It responded like it didn't just tell me we were essentially dead.

" ....exit now!" I said in a low voice not even waiting to think about it.

" Hwat did you say sir?" It asked, still as ever free going as when it started speaking.

" Drop out of hyperspace Now!" I screamed at it.

" Sir, I must advice. Existing hyperspace before reaching the precalculated destination can be dangerous. " It began giving me a lecture.

Without even waiting, I grabbed the blaster from a droid beside me and shot the B1, causing it to shut down. Falling powerless upon the floor with an audible bang upon the well done floor of the ship.

" Someone get us out of hyperspace, Now!" I screamed at the B1 crew, quickly they erupted into chaos. Roger, Roger flying flying everywhere in the air.

Suddenly 1 specific droid same as all the rest came into my view and pulled the lever causing out to come to a sudden halt.

First a saw light, bright as the sun and blinding to the human eyes. In less than a second, the bridge of the ship became so enlightened.

" A star" A droid said as it looked at it.

" So beautiful " Another said as they all admired it.

Then it was pitch black, no voices or thoughts. Just the last few seconds replaying over and over in my head. The sound of the explosion wrecking through the ship.

The complete stupidness and annoyance I felt at that moment, no time to do evasive maneuvers....I died.

I told you not to mess with the timeline, the results must remain the same.

A voice sounded through....well, here. I turned...wait...I couldn't feel anything. With a single look down, I saw only black...I couldn't feel my limbs but oddly enough....I knew they were there.

I tried moving, it worked. But it also didn't, I think I moved at least. It was just a feeling, the thought of moving.


It said, voice feeling so heavy that I fell on my knees. It felt hard to breathe, couldn't think straight.....but, since when could I do those.

" How the heck are you doin-"

Do not speak when not allowed too!

It said once more, I frowned feeling the crease form upon my forehead as my brows reacted accordingly. Again, suprised at this feeling but quickly I re-focused and tried to speak.

The mere thought of thinking I was good to speak brought down pressure on me. As well as fear, deep dark and vast...ever consuming and hungry. It threatened to swallow me whole, without kill me not only materially but also spiritually, mentally and so many other ways.

I could not describe in words, then it was gone....along with the thought of uttering any such words against the being.

Still I wondered, who was this being...and what does it want with me?.

I do not have the time to redo this all so I shall simply show you....everything.

You will feel the pain of flesh and crave the cold steel by which you are placed.

You will understand and you will obey. You will obey and you will follow. Follow and we shall survive. Survival brings way for chance which in turn breeds ambition.

It said once more, and before I knew began. At first, the sense of limbs tearing apart from me, one at a time whilst whole worlds shoved into my head.

I experienced the lives of a thousand beings all at the same time, the gnaw of memories not mine weaved itself to the very being of myself.

You would think one would at least last some minutes, I....I did not. I broke before I even managed to blink. It was not to be disobeyed, not to be betrayed...I must run...must flee.

Give in...give up...I did give up. I was weak and hurt, tired and scarred. I was open, unguarded and so full of....thoughts.

Words are the key, they transmit information. Observe and remember mine. They will be the last thing you remember.

You are not 1 but 2, not special but one of the many leaks. There is a line to tread, to break from it is too seek the attention of it.

Be wise but not a fool, seek but not the light, patience is but a suggestion. A trial was but a peek, mind the force but not it's power.

Words visualized and made, words of which in some way unknown to me stuck into my mind amidst the memories of a thousand.

Then it was black, dark and empty. A voice or two maybe a dozen. Montone and empty of life, then ones with life....a deal and a past.

Time is ever moving, decisions have consequences. A redo was another chance I got, I was back to when I started. I had no recollection of the even I was so sure had happened.

The only think I had to work with, was the words ringing and dragging. Echoing and repeating, gnawing and reaching all inside the puny little brain of a B1 droid.

" Now, let's do something fun. "