Chapter 7

A decade later

" Sir, our engagement with the pirates have resulted in victory. " A voice announced, a droid. Slim, manufactured with materials and a process designed to low cost production.

" Expected, recall battalion 2, 4 and 10. Move battalion 3 towards section 06, divert the armoured forces of battalion 8 - 10 towards their extraction point. " I said to it, before me was a table which I used for planning and execution of them.

Currently we were battling some pirates out in the outer-rim, they cause some problems for the trade federation and had to be dealt with.

Plus, they were free experience and a manageable chance for some experiments I was conducting. Mainly on ways to better battle against the upcoming forces of the republic.

" Sir, battalion 3 is reporting heavy losses. Should we withdraw them?" It asked me, looking my way as it turned it's slick b1 head upwards.

" No, push them in, have battalion 1 reinforce their position. " I answered, my main focus now was on the after math of this battle.

Months of fighting out here without replenishment was....difficult to say the least. Droids are expensive....they say, they've got thousands stored away.

Yet can't even reinforce the fleet the sent to handle the pirate problem of theirs that keep attacking their ships and products.

Anyways, I've already cleared up all the other gangs and hold outs of them. Pushing them all the way back to their homebase.

The sky and space is mine to command, 80% of the planet is controlled by my forces with the remaining 20% soon to follow with the new bombing targets I'm planning to target.

Have you ever seen the way ants kill larger prey?. Their large numbers chip away at that prey, slowly the surrounding it as more and more arrive.

If it managed to kill one, there's simply another ready...vying to take it's place. You'd he lucky if a second one somehow didn't manage to fit into the space only one was in originally.

Then they bring it back to their nest or home ground before devouring it. Point is, I based a tactic around this. I tried my best in transferring my body or kind to somewhere better.

The after effects was simply another being or program simply being there and me still stuck in my B1 cheap body. I've tried hundreds of times, each a very painful reminder of just how damned I am.

My plans require me to be present. To engage, so I thought and thought then looked back upon the constant words in my head.

Which gave me an idea, if I am too weak to fight on the front but need to fight on the front....why not just duplicate myself.

Thinking back on the battle of Naboo, the way every droid was control by a single droid brain gave me this brilliant idea.

Of course I also may or may not have tried to actually duplicate my kind into another droid...they never even made it past the transferring stage intact.

Using this, I simply managed to increase my chances of survival on the battlefield. Doesn't necessarily allow me to actually survive being killed.


" Boss, we've lost contact with Broing and his boys. What'd we do, those metal droids are pushing in" Someone said, voice eking fear and doubt.

" Boss!, Boss!" A pirate shouted bursting into the room. He was running, sweats dripping down as he collapsed unto the floor.

" What?" The one they called boss replied, his face already saying much about his mood.

" It's,'s Pragu boss. He led his men against those droids, all of em...I l..I tried to warn em, he weren't listening. " He reported, he had fallen on his knees as he chest heaved forwards and inwards trying to calm his beating heart.

" He what??!" The boss screamed, grading upon the handles of his chair tightly.

" Yes, he led his boys out but..but, see the thing won. Fought em like mad boys, a lot of em got killed....but they didn't stop. " He continued as a smile found his way to his mouth.

It looked idiotic coupled with his meshed together attire. A half braided hair with face paint all over his face.

" Wait, how isn'the already dead?....we've been trying to do that for a long time. How'd he do that. " The boss quickly question, the ears of his men perked up as all eyes were on him.

The droid forces they had been fighting never really ever broke, simply advancing and moving no matter how many they shot down.

When ever it seemed they were winning, bombs and tanks would rain fire upon them causing a retreat and devastating losses.

" Yeah. He ain't getting pushed back, in fact. I heard the droids were losing numbers yeah. I say we join him boss, we can't chicken out now. " he replied without really answering the questioned.

The boss looked around the room, looked at the faces of the men waiting for his word. He grimaced, before standing up.

" Well, what are ya waiting for. Let's claim this planet once more!!" He screamed as every pirate stood up and screamed in return.

Several all ready rushing out into their bikes and vehicles. Others unto transport and fighters kept in their base.

Once most had left the room, the pirate whom seemed to guard the boss reached for him and whispered in a very low voice as his eyes scanned the room for any trying to listen in.

" why'd you do that boss?, at least we could have organized them or something." He asked.

" I can't control em anymore, we're pirates....not soldiers. Staying cooped up here and knowing he may die would makes them even more restless and begin developing....ideas. " the boss replied to him.

" We've lost here, prep my ship and take as much valuables as we can.....I should have tried building a mercenary band after. " The boss finished as he sat back down.

Weeks of fighting fresh in his head as he looked at the excited fools falling for the same tactic that was used on them just three weeks ago.

" There's always more to take their place, their just too blind to see the bigger picture. " The boss said to himself before closing his eyes accepting his reality as it was.

" I can always rebuild."