Chapter 8

" Uh, Sir. We've got reports of large pirates bands leaving their base. They seemed to be headed towards sector 06." A droid reported to me.

" Hmm, contact battalion commanders 8 and 5. Order the execution of formation preplanned Valley. Point of focus is sector 06." I said to it.

" Roger. Roger " It replied before moving out.

" Begin bombing the targets I have pointed out. " I said to another B1 as it nodded in response and open a comlink to out bombers.

" The orders have been given, release your pay load. " It said over the coms channel to another B1 that was in charge of the bombers.

Initially I planned to have battalion 8 and 5 encircle the city, whilst I moved up more battalions to reinforce them.

The only problem was that, the tank forces of battalion 8 were sent to reinforce the extraction point of the other droid forces.

Which also included them as they were badly in need of replenishment. So those two battalions only have less than a battalions equivalent for tank forces.

Which is 24 originally but less now, the idea was simply to bomb them out and keep shelling them until I have gathered enough droids to simply walk in and wipe them out.

Now though, I have better opportunity to save some ammunition and finish this much quickly.

Somewhere, sometime after the pirates began amassing upon their vehicles. Some not even waiting and going ahead, keen on reaching that field first.

Sometime after most of the pirates had left and the personal ship of the pirate leader began to take off. The were silence and then darkness.

Up above were fleets of bombers heading towards the fortress. Due to the outgoing pirates and need to escape through air.

The plenary defense shield installed was brought down. They moved like a shadow engulfing the ground, then the payload release began.

Small little objects flew through the sky. A pirate looked up curious as too whether the sun was already coming down, and if so...why so quickly.

He froze at the sight of the bombers, holding the ground. Soon many more looked upon the sky, the gift organized just for them and soon....there was just fire.

Red Flames, heightening it temperature and producing colors like blue. Buildings feel apart as objects turned to dust. The absence of the planetary shield allowed for the payloads to truly do their work.

The series of bombing flights planned were all scrapped as the target was taken out in this single flight. The pirates whom had escaped far enough looked back.

Many cackling with laughter but few with brains began seeing...realizing. There was no place to retreat to....of course many tried to rationalize and convince themselves that they made the right choice.

But soon they began taking fire from their sights, droid forces began closing up at them. Some pirates broke off trying to score some kills, couldn't even reach the droid lines.

They were riddles with blaster marks, the unfortunate ones simply getting hit in places not fatal enough to kill them as they helplessly watched the steel feets approaching them.

Loyalty to one another was foreign to pirates, of course...unless your powerful. Of which none of those unfortunate ones they crawled and screamed for someone to grab them.

Watching as the vehicles simply streamed past them, not one broke off to help. Some tanks stolen from the droid army and manned by pirates created holes in the incoming B1's.

At last they too weren't really keen on falling behind the rest. No prisoners was the primary orders for the droids on any surviving pirates found.

Their path, the one outside the constant fire from the droids led into the narrow valley causing the pirates to....fall in line.

Relatively peaceful apart from the screaming and shouts from the pirates, not too long of a journey as the way out was soon sighted by those on the front.

The first biker approaching increased his speed as his companion wielded his blaster with a smile fully expecting to see a battle in the pirates favor got kissed by a red light.

[ BOOM! ]

The bike exploded as their spot had left a simply ashy mark, pieces fell all around those that made it out.

Then another explosion, this one hitting the wall of the mountain in towering at the sides of the valley. The next one hitting the ground blowing away two others.

Many pushed on but soon were greater by the red beams of hundreds of droids. Slowly advancing at a walking pace, as tanks fired ahead of them into the closely packed pirates.

STAP's streamed across the air manned by B1's raining fire and heat upon the ever confusing band of pirates. Chaos ensued as several tried to back out causing crashes and even infighting all whilst the droid army began sandwiching them in the kill zone.

They.....some tried to put of a fight or some organized retreat, the lack of a centralized leadership cause confusing and contradicting orders or simply queries about whom made whom leader.

The war was finished as the last of them were gunned down to the man with no survivors left. This planet was under the seperatist control and this campaign was official over.

With the report sent back to the trade federation. I begun the clean up and some...things.

I love droids and programs, I mean. If you ever don't want to repeat a mundane task already done but know your going to do it several times.

Just program a droid. Best solution and quite manageable. Anyways, I've got things to sell on the black market now...time to earn some credits.