Chapter 9

Over the years, I have established my base plans as well as their direction. Much of it being taken years to manifest.

The clone wars was a time where people got rich, specifically the top dogs of the seperatist. Personally I have no qualms with leeching off others as long as it's manageable to me.

Anyways, the black market offered a great place to make cash from the spoils of war. Think about it, half damaged droids...probably still repairable. Guns, machines or even parts.

Worth a lot, now come this merchant I just happened to come across. Starter in that area really, not too ambitious but ambitious enough to want a name for herself.

So I took a gamble and it's been paying off. Her constant hand in the influx of contraband and stuff created a name for her. She's popular now, got her very own ship now...that says something.

I'd say she's smart...mostly. Likes sticking her nose in my business a lot of times. My best bet is she also wants to form a sort of intelligence network though I've not noticed any sign of that.

" Lirsten, you've brought me more goodies I see?" She said to me, smiling and showing her goddammit intact teeths. How she keeps them, I wonder.

" Yes, this would be the last one for some weeks. But it's huge, should bring some nice pay. " I replied to her.

" The usual? " She said.

" Yes, though more pirates stuff and less...intact ones too. I'll also send you the coordinates. Should bring some nice credits, just for you my dear. "

" Lovely, I'll get right to that...say.

Pirates hmm, did you go hunting perhaps?"

" That's none of your concern really. "

" C'mon Lirsten, won't hurt you to share that. Just curious. " She began.

" Ever heard of the saying, curiosity kills that cat?" I asked her.

" Yes, yes. Whatever, this doesn't even seem that important to threaten my life. "

" One day, it might."

" Yeah, one day. Not today, besides what are you doing that far in the outer rim?. "

"....How do you know that.?"

" Well, from my guess. It was quite the large group of pirates you were hunting. Also heard a certain warlord suddenly began losing territories. "

" After he began biting off more than he could chew. Word moves fast in the underworld Lirsten, wouldn't take a smart one to guess how far you are. Plus your reaction too. " She finished, still smiling at me. Hands crossed against her chest as a more thinking position was taken by her figure.

" Careful Listern, your just a merchant-"

" One with ties to a somewhat Sentient droid with whom I gain thousands of credits through selling goods it provided me. For no cost other than what it sells for. " She said cutting me off, voice filled with a hint of suspicion and doubt.

" Come take your goods, I've got better things to do. " I said to her.

" Yes, yes. The usual. Bye Lirsten. " She said as I then cut the coms and sighed deeply. I was done with what I needed anyway and departed from the planet.

My next contact would be with a personal organization I had founded. They are a more...ideology based group. Believing droids to be superior oddly enough.

But perfect for my needs and plans, so I established a base for them on some planet somewhere....just anywhere actually.

I've found out to my utter delight on how advance in tech this universe truly is. I mean, nano bots exist now...that, know what that means.

Of course, these are all to thank for by the special group of mad men and women trying to replicate the dark side powers with tech but who am I to talk.

I'll just use it anyhow I want as soon as I begin finding exactly where these specific tech is...are, quite good at hiding they are but again, black market.

Research, experimentation and discovery is their base goals. I'm just gonna retrieve their data reports before heading back.

] A Droid Or A Being [

Traitors, betrayers....cowards. All of them!. I will see them dead, traitors....death...cowards. Pain, anger....orders. Good Soldiers follow orders...I..I, they are....follow orders....Submit!.

" BROTHER !" A voice screamed as I jolted up, eyes pried upon as my eyes scanned the whole room.

" Bad dreams?" He asked as he got up. He along with another of my brother stood there waiting for me.

"'s, it's nothing really. " I replied as I shook my head, trying to recall the dream...wasn't the first time it happened.

" Well, get up. We've got some things to do so up you go brother. " He said to me, mostly shrugging what I said. We all have the same least for the most part.

I shrugged off the memory, the dream and walked off. Last to leave the room between us three, next we went to the training hall and armoured up.


A voice over the Intercoms announced, it belonged to a Kaminoan. The only thing we could see was the door decorated with red lights.

Every where else around us was pitch black, I couldn't even see my own armour talk less of my brothers beside me.


A loud sound beeped through as the door opened, quickly we moved out with me taking point. 01 was to the left and 03 was to the right.

" I see nothing" 01 said.

" Clear here " 03 reported.

" Clear here " I announced next.

" On me, move!" I ordered as we begun moving.

" What's our objectives? " 03 asked.

" Not sure, never received them. You?" I replied whilst also sending out another question.

" Nope, nothing her-...wait, wait a seeing this? " 01 said to us.

In front of our visor were a set of orders, retrieve a cube located North of our position and then extraction awaits in the west.

A picture of the cube was shown before the orders ceased to show, with an objective in mind. We quickened our pace, using the trees for cover.

" Here, " I said as we stopped behind a Boulder. We crouched and kneeled, searching around us for a minute before we began speaking again.

" This white armour sticks out like a dim light source in darkness " 01 commented with a chuckle.

" See anything 02?" I was asked as I peeked out. Zooming in with my visor, I search for even the tiniest of movements.

" Yeah, I do. Not too far from us, can't spot how many however " I replied to 03.

" Are we moving separate or together. " 03 asked.

" Let's make this quick and not bloody. " I replied to him.

" We move in together, 02. You take point, once we've cleared out the are. You and I would hold our position, cause some distraction. " 01 began.

" 03, you find the package. Get into their system if you have too. 5 minutes should do. Questions? " He said as he finished, telling us his plan.

" Yes, plan 2 and 3?" 03 asked.

" If either me or 02 dies, we'll rendezvous with you and proceed to secure the object. Depending on the intensity, one of us will have to stall for the other. " He began.

" If 03 does not provide an update in 5 minutes, we'll assume his death and proceed with just we too. "