Episode 9: Visionary Dreams (5)

Right as the two men stepped foot into the barren part of the forest — the boss room, their eyes were greeted by the sight of a giant tree trunk with no leaves sitting in the middle of the area. Surrounding it were patches of dead grass that had long been left unattended.

"Oh? This is..." As Jace met eyes with the dead tree before him, his footsteps stopped in place. "The boss this time is a Treant."

"Huh?" Landon blinked, staring straight at the unmoving entity in the distance. "That thing is a Treant?"

"Yep." The young man nodded his head, soon pointing his pistol at the tree in the next moment. "It's a pretty tanky boss... But, it's the perfect one for us."

"It's the perfect boss for us...?" he tilted his head in question.