Episode 11: Let's Trio! (6)



Making their way forward through the lush green garden, the party of nine could be spotted fighting off against the various monsters in the dungeon. The progression of it went smoothly after the short break that they had taken.

"..." Off to the side of the battlefield, Jace could be seen in deep thought, still observing the surrounding area.

"Lazy Eyes..." As his eyes locked onto the wilting leaves and flowers, a man's voice echoed into his ears. "Lazy Eyes! Hello, earth to Lazy Eyes!"

"...!" At that second, the young man was taken aback, soon turning his head over towards the direction of the shout. "L-Landon...? Is there something you need?" There, he took notice of the sight of the blonde-haired man standing before him.

"You've been having a staring contest with that plant for ages!" he pouted. "You good? The battle already ended at this point..."