Episode 12: Prism Revolt (4)

As the blonde-haired man announced his arrival, the attention of the two people in the room turned towards him. There, they saw that he was holding onto a basket of fruits in his hand.

"Oh, it seems that you've got another visitor," Selene chuckled, soon returning his phone to Jace. "Then, I'll be taking my leave now. Jinfei will be coming in later today to check up on you."

"I see. Thanks, I guess..." Jace sighed, now holding onto his phone. Then, with a glance at his phone screen, he took notice that there was a new name on his contacts list: [ Selene ]. "..."

As the blue-haired woman began making her way over towards the hospital's room exit, her eyes met with Landon. With a smile, she nodded her head at him.

"S-S-Selene...?!" Landon cried out, dumbstruck by the sight of Selene leaving the room. "What's the guild leader of Prism Revolt doing here?!"

"The usual visits," the young man shrugged. "What are you doing here?"