Episode 13: Ascension Trial (2)

[ Ascension Trial I: Of the Oracle's Soul Keep, Whiff and Shoot! ]

Difficulty: C+

Location: Mindscape Realm

"The souls of the chosen beckon the blessed."

"A whiff more deadlier than a bullseye."

The essence that forms a connection lies in the testament of one's being. The weight of the soul is tested, through the eyes of the seer or by the string of fate that intertwines another.

Target and shoot — a missed attack is never the end. One whiff, two whiffs, three whiffs.

In the end, one shot is all it takes.

THEY welcome you. THEY will watch and THEY shall judge.

The Ascension Trial I is now before the two of you.


- "Landon Von Davies": Trigger the title's trait: "Goldworks, Sheriff's Whiff" fifteen times in total. You must reach the maximum cap of 200% for it to trigger once (0/15). You cannot overcap.

- "Jace Young": Clear the 3rd stage and defeat the boss monster. You cannot rank 1st in any raids.