Episode 13: Ascension Trial (5)

"Phew... That's over with..." As the final hobgoblin before the two hunters turned into grey ash, Jace sighed with relief. "That took a lot in me to purposefully miss my shots..."

"Ugh. I know my accuracy can be abysmal, but to miss my shots on purpose is..." Landon scratched his head helplessly, taking a look at the dual pistols in his hands. "Ahhh! What kind of Marksman am I?!"

"Hmm, well... To be honest, your title's trait doesn't really help with your case either," the young man stated. "It rewards you for missing your attacks rather than for accuracy. I feel that it's to the point that it's better to miss often instead of accurately hitting your target each time."

"Man... I know my title's damage increase is pretty good, but..." he sighed. "Aren't Marksmen supposed to be all about accuracy? Why is my title so different from the others?! How come it's all about missing my attacks???"

"...you question that now?" Jace blinked.