Episode 13: Ascension Trial (9)

As the ray of doom jutted forward to the blonde-haired man, Landon gritted his teeth, his arms crossed as he braced for impact. There was no escaping this attack. It was impossible. He could only now hope for the best that he wouldn't die in one go.

However, such a thought was whimsical. He indeed was going to be obliterated if he were to be caught by the laser beam.

Would the trial prematurely come to an end like this?


At that moment, a bullet shot rang out, accurately hitting the exposed golem core of the boss monster.

"...?!" Right as Landon prepared himself for his downfall, he saw that the trajectory of the attack had been slightly altered, just barely missing his entire body by a few meters. "What the...?"

"Landon, now's your chance!" Jace cried out. "Seal the deal!"