Episode 13: Ascension Trial (8)

"Cough..." As the smoke and dust cleared in the area, a young man could be seen coughing, his back leaning against the worn-out pillar. "That was close..."

"W-What was that...?!" Landon cried out, his eyes soon peeking out of the pillar, taking notice that nearly everything before the golem boss monster had been destroyed. There was nothing left in its path. "A nuke???"

"Its last stand maybe," Jace reasoned, his eyes locking on the stone construct looking for the two hunters in the distance. "I don't know how much damage you did to its core, but it's on high alert now."

"Initiating protocol: Destruction," the golem monotonously uttered. "Commencing search for targets..."

"I only shot at it a few times..." Landon furrowed his brows. "If it's on high alert now, how do we even get close to it?"