Episode 13: Ascension Trial (7)

"...?!" Upon taking notice of the incoming attack, the two men hurriedly scattered, scrambling to dodge the laser beam.


As the beam collided against the ground where Jace and Landon had originally stood, the two men saw that there was now a giant crater in place.

"U-Ugh... Why do we keep getting ambushed?!" The blonde-haired man cried out.

"Tch... A guardian...?" Turning his attention over towards the front of him, Jace noted the sight of a stone construct in the distance, its body much larger than the last two golems that he and Landon had faced. "No... That's..."

Without a second to lose, the young man activated [ Soui Seer's Eyes ] on it.

[ Monster Profile ]

Name: Mindscape Mirage Golem: Destroyer

Level: 25

Race: Golem

[ Soul Compatibility ]: 0%.

*Soul Linkage cannot be used on this monster.

[ Stats ]

STR: A | INT: E-

AGI: C- | MND: E-


[ Abilities ]