Episode 16: Rainfall (3)

"Take this! Take that!" Making their way through the cracked streets of Aurelis, a black-haired girl could be seen constantly throwing out a bunch of saplings at the monsters ahead of her. "Grow and grow!"

Then, almost as soon as the saplings touched the ground, they grew into various plants, completely destroying all the enemies in the area.

"There's so much damage..." From behind her, a group of four could be noted, helplessly following after the S-ranker. "Does she not care...?"

"I don't know and I don't want to ask," Jace answered Malory.

"..." Ray could only pinch the bridge of his nose, not saying a single word.

"Eeep... I'm scared...!" The civilian next to the brown-haired woman cried out. "What is this monster?! Why am I here?!"

Ever since Jane had dragged the three reluctant people with her as an audience, they have witnessed the massacre of all the goblins and wolves that approached the party.