Chapter 20: Void Primus [I]

Author's Note: The plot that you have been dutifully waiting starts from now. For those already put off, I can only say that I am now aware of my blunder.(a newbie mistake on my part).

Our MC will integrate with the world and your Kaiju-Jaeger wars will be a norm.(I have decided to surprise you lot with various things in the future chapters)

Anyway, enjoy the double chapters that I've posted!

And if interested, visit my Patreon and support me by reading 15+ advanced chapters (


"Not wanting to be trampled upon, there are two ways. One is to become strong, strong until no one dares to step on you, Another is to turn into dog shit, something that no one would want to step on."

-Fang Yuan

Word Count 1336


The original Pym Particles were only able to shrink the size and mass of matter but Hank Pym as the allegedly 'Scientist Supreme' came up with a formula to tap into the Macroversal dimension and enable gigantification of matter.

The Kal Particles didn't have such capabilities. They were quite similar to the Original Pym Particles discovery. As long as I had the ability to alter the distance between atoms and molecules effectively, all my previous worries about relocation and building my bases down from scratch were thrown down the gutter. The more I defy the square-cube laws, the more the merrier.

Also the only exception that would make me build temporary bases at specific places around the world, would be when I finally delve into Spatial Shift technology to facilitate teleportation over long distances.

"Sir, I have already hacked into the Pan Pacific Corps network and accessed all of their databases."

"The co-ordinates of the inter-dimensional portal called 'The Breach' have been locked on."

Yelena interrupted me from my reverie.

"Good," I said nonchalantly while dropping the 5 tons Barbell behind my head.

Yeah, I had been bench pressing, you know. Didn't want to those muscles to atrophy.(As if they could)

How could a body made from the sinews of the gods experience such mortal problems?

Yelena was as helpful as always. No matter how tight and unbreakable the security system walls of the PPDC were, she could easily bypass them.

It was good that I didn't create a sentient drama queen instead.

There had been a good story that I had read in my past life that showed the betrayal of the AI towards its master after it was corrupted by the malevolence of an evil entity.

I hoped that I wouldn't encounter such a thing. But leaving everything to hope and fate was a flaw in itself. It was better to fuck up fate and take control of your own life by growing stronger and powerful until you become the ultimate one punch man.

Why fight against the heavens, when you could surpass it and usurp its authority by making it your slave?!

"I have detected unusual readings coming off the breach."

"Huge amounts of radiation and toxicity toward the surrounding underwater life forms."

I smiled knowingly. "That should be the pitiful trickster - Knifehead."

"Category III Kaiju."

Yelena continued. "It's heading toward the coastline of Alaska."

"And so it begins." I rushed out of the gym room and took the elevator to the deeper level of my base where I had my Jaegers lined up.

If we were going to talk about their levels, well, I had no say in it.

They were not your standard models.

They were beasts. War Machines meant to terrorize the battlefield.

I looked at the modified Gypsy Avenger that looked unlike the original version.

Standing at 120 meters, she looked dangerous and intimidating like the alpha apex among apex predators.

She was one heavily weaponized Jaeger that could take on anything.

Her outer covering and all of its mechanics were covered by a layer of Vibranium. Pretty extravagant, right? I had put my all in this one. Extremely invested my time to create an overpowered Jaeger and I named her - Void Primus.

A gigantic Mecha capable of nullifying and countering any Jaeger. A battlefield dominator.

I had randomly given her that name while thinking of Transformers.

Now, let's get back to the Vibranium part. I had coated Void Primus with Vibranium and you might be wondering what could have been the reason for such extravagant measures?

We all know about the special attribute of Vibranium. It has the capabilities of absorbing kinetic energy from an attack and then storing it before then releasing it as a kinetic impulse kind of attack.

It also carried unmatched strength and durability thus granting speed and agility to the Jaeger. Of course, I hadn't used all my Vibranium 'mine'. 10 Kilotons worth of Vibranium was too much and valuable to waste like that.

Another interesting information that I had about Vibranium was its multi-purposes. In Marvel, if it was used in conjunction with magic and science, it would enable someone to wield a virtually infinite energy flow. Just ask God Emperor Doom himself and he would explain to you all the minute details. Its magical conductivity was slightly bested by the Asgardian metal, Uru.

And also since I didn't have the antithetical version of the Vibranium, the Anti-metal, then I would just have to convert the selected amount of Vibranium into Anti-metal. The allure of a metal, that is capable of producing its own vibrations that could easily destabilize the atomic and molecular bonds in other metals, was so strong to ignore. The Anti-metal was so good to the extent of proving capable of melting a nigh-indestructible True Adamantium present in the Wolverine.

Anyway, the core part of the conversion laid in the weapon that could easily overturn the isotopes of the Vibranium metal subsequently into Anti-metal.

And for that, I would have to engage in extensive research at another favorable time. I was definitely not procrastinating anything.

So back to Void Primus...

Another problem that Jaegers had with flight was easily resolved in this battle mecha. The Jaegers weren't capable of flying but Void Primus was. I had incorporated anti-gravity systems to offset her weight when in flight and on her base area, I had installed thrusters same as the one in Iron Man for propulsion.

For her deadly weaponry, on her right arm was a retractable Ion Blaster Cannon. When designing this weapon, I took subtle inspiration from Warhammer 40K Ion tech and Optimus Prime's model. The Ion Blaster Cannon wasn't your typical weapon. It was a long range weapon capable of shooting high-energy streams of ionized subatomic particles, vaporizing flesh and metal with equal ease. The centralized ion beam was further amplified by an electromagnetic field.

Another wonder was a pair of retractable wrist-mounted plasma daggers. I had taken the concept from Halo Tech's energy daggers.

I knew the Kaijus weren't super stupid so it was better to carry the element of surprise with me when engaging in battle. Unpredictability was also a war tactic. Of course, it didn't have to be from Sun Tzu's Art of War.

And for the turbine-like structure Arc Reactor on the chest, well apart from its function as a power source, it was capable of shooting a supercharged plasma blast/Uni-beam. That was meant as a finisher or even a last resort option. It was nullity personified. Completely obliterating anything in its path.

On the shoulders, were a pair of mounted shoulder Cannons on each side, capable of shooting concentrated solar beams empowered by the Solar Gem, with temperatures almost rivaling the core of the sun. Their external appearance looked like the ones on the Predator in Alien Vs Predator Movie.

Not yet enough. There were additional retractable cannons set up on the shoulders - The Absolute Zero Cryo Cannon. They could freeze everything to zero degrees kelvin. Now I had the perfect balance between Yin and Yang. Hot and Cold.

And finally, she had a Laser Energy Sword powered by plasma energy. Of course, it was also retractable like the one used in Gypsy Danger. That one took inspiration from Big Hero 6.

So basically, it could cut through almost any material with the exception of a few.

I am truly nerdy, I thought while levitating to the Conn Pod by use of a platform, high on gravitons.

"This is going to be your first real drift with me, Void Primus," I said gently while touching a random exterior part of the Conn Pod.

It was time to drift and kick some Kaiju ass!
